Tuesday, May 6, 2008 

Judging Expert Status in Online Article Writing

Is there a sure fire way to judge the expert status of an online article writer by the way they write their articles? Is there a way to pick out the authorities in the field, domain or industry, by their words? How can we find the experts who are only semi-good writers from the good writers who are posing as experts? Is there a way to take the number of times an article was emailed to friends, published or viewed and use that as part of the criteria, letting the readers and publishers judge?

This might perhaps be one way to secure a list of expert writers. And yet I have watched my statistics on one online article submission site and I have seen that some people pull a 100 articles in a row from my article list. If they pull them in a row and put them on various websites, then are they looking for quality or just need bulk content?

Still the website owner is choosing right? Often, I see in the middle of the night someone will pull down all the articles in a specific category only. I have 156,000 ezine article pulls now on 11,111 articles so that is quite a few.

Perhaps such statistics are a potential way to judge if expert status in online article writing has been obtained, yet, as the top online article writer on the Internet I am still somewhat skeptical of a system that might judge the expert status of a writer. After all some experts are lousy writer, but their concepts are brilliant and some great writers are not experts at all, they can simply write well enough to pose as an authority and fool the reader.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington


How to Effectively Market Your Business With Internet Articles

If you have an internet business, you are probably constantly learning new twists and turns within the market, as it is changing daily. That is part of being a great businessperson, and most have become accustomed to learning the tactics and methods of internet marketing and business marketing. This article will discuss the different ways in which you can utilize internet articles to help you market your business.

Content Articles

Great articles can be used on your website for several purposes. One of the great things that articles do for your website is provide credibility for you and establish you as an expert in your niche. Customers would much rather purchase products or services from people they consider experts. This is just a simple fact. Think about it. Would you rather purchase something from someone who didn't know much about the product and was just selling it, or from someone who has studied the product for years and brings it to you with confidence?

Another thing that internet articles on your site can do is help your site become listed higher in the search engine display pages. With the proper use of SEO and keywords, your site can benefit from articles that contain your site's main and secondary keywords. This is extremely helpful. Did you know that most people never leave the first page of Google, Yahoo, or MSN search results? This is why it is so essential that you show up on the first page every time. Proper SEO internet articles can do just this.

Article Marketing

Article marketing is fast becoming one of the best ways to establish credibility for you within your niche and to get your name and information out there to the public. It is also one of the best ways to generate traffic to your website. You will submit quality, original, and search-engine-optimized articles to article directories. They will be programmed with keywords so that when someone searches on a particular keyword, your article should be displayed within the search results. As customers read your articles, they will see a byline with your author information as well as a link back to your website. This is a great way to get new customers, sales, etc.

Internet articles are a great way to market your business, and with the help of a qualified and talented ghostwriter or freelance writer, this can be accomplished easily! You can find ghostwriters or freelance writers from several places on the internet, including by doing a Google or Yahoo search. Many writers have their own sites. You can also visit a great writing site where freelance or ghostwriters are waiting to write custom content unique to your needs. Of course, you should be sure to check samples from these writers to be sure they have a good grasp of the desired language, as well as knowledge of how SEO and keywords work. Above all, you should be sure that their articles are desirable for customers to read, and draw the customer in rather than boring them to death. Good luck in your marketing ventures.

Are you a freelance writer who is tired of others profiting from your hard work and effort? Do you want to maximize your online income and secure financial freedom for you and your family? Now you can! Combine your writing talents with the power of Internet Marketing and watch your income soar! Visit http://www.internetmarketingwriter.com and join the new revolution of financially secure and joyous freelance writers.


Article Marketing vs Social Networking - Why Stumbleupon Traffic Makes Me Feel Unloved

Most affiliate marketers have experience it at least once. You go to check your site stats and notice that your site has gotten more than 5 times the amount of traffic you usually see in a month and all that brand new traffic has arrived TODAY. Your heart slams in your chest a little as you check the source and notice that it is StumbleUpon and all those crazed stumblers that have made your traffic go through the roof.

The problem is, and youll discover this the moment you start checking other stats, those Stumblers arent sticking around. The bounce rate nearly matches the incoming traffic and your Adsense account isnt exactly feeling the StumbleUpon love either. No one seems to be clicking on those juicy Adsense boxes at all. So you check your affiliate accounts. Affiliate earnings are better than Adsense money any day, right? Darn it! Those Stumblers arent buying anything either! What is wrong with these people?

Nothings wrong with them actually. Its just a different mindset and its common to all the social networks. Social networkers arent generally in a shopping mood when they are surfing Digg or Stumbleupon or Reddit. Theyre in the mood to be entertained and they want to be entertained quickly. So they move on from one site to the next, barely stopping to read what you have to say as they kill time looking for a fix to their boredom.

This is a whole lot different than what youll see when your article links are clicked. Your articles are usually found during a search at one of the big search engines. The reader is looking for something specific and theyve just found your article. If your article has managed to capture their interest and they actually click a link in your resource box, they are that much more likely to be interested in anything you might suggest for them to buy. Theyll also spend more time reading about the benefits and advantages of what you are selling so the bounce rate for article traffic is significantly lower than that social network traffic.

Sure, it often takes longer to see significant traffic from article marketing, but since that traffic also converts to paying customers at much higher rates than social network traffic, you need much less of it to fatten your wallet.

So stick to article marketing and leave the social network link baiting to the Flickrites and Youtubers. If you want to make money, slow and steady article writing wins the race.

Emma Martin loves to Stumble, but prefers writing articles to bring home the bacon. Article marketing is a brilliant traffic producer and method of pre-selling your buyers. For more tips on how to generate traffic and sales, visit her Article Marketing page to download a free copy of 77 Ways to Get Traffic. No email required.


Making Online Article Marketing Work for an Insurance Agency

You have a successful insurance business with a large client base and a regular flow of prospects. So why would you write articles for the internet? There are a number of good reasons to use internet articles as part of your marketing mix.

First, it's effective it's easy and it's no cost. And once even one article is out there it's available for people all over the world to read anytime, any day. And if you are licensed to sell in other locales there is no reason to not do business in those areas.

Second, articles position you as an expert in your field. This may not seem terribly important to you, but people like to know that they're buying from the best, no matter what they are buying. The easiest way to position yourself or your business as an expert is to be published. And published is published whether it is on paper or on the internet.

Third, articles help you build an email mailing list that you can then use to do email promotions in all the areas where you are licensed. Once people have opted-in on a list like this, they are more predisposed to buy what you sell than people on a list acquired any other way.

You're probably already communicating with your prospect base with a newsletter. If you have created the content within your company (articles on the internet must be original content) that same kind of information is fine fodder for an internet article campaign.

To illustrate what an article writing campaign might look like for an insurance business, let's look at some of the article ideas a variety of insurance businesses might used to drive people to their websites, and we've barely scratched the surface.

•Employee Health Insurance: Seven Qualities to Look for in Health Insurance for Employee Benefits:

•The Role that Benefits Play in Employee Retention

•Employee Benefits: The Benefits A Small Business Can Offer to Get and Keep Good Employees

•7 Critical Issues to Consider When Evaluating Life Insurance.

•Pros and Cons of Term and Full Life Insurance

•How Much Would It Take to Replace Everything After a Fire? How to Evaluate Your Homeowners Insurance.

•Home Owners Insurance - what Isn't Covered.

If you would like to learn more about internet marketing tactics to use for your brick and mortar business, I invite you to look at http://www.BusinessOnTarget.com

From Jane Trevaskis and Success-Catalyst.com.


Christmas Gift Articles - Write Marketing Concepts that Market Christmas Gifts

You know how to get traffic, but you'd like to have more seasonal traffic. So, what's up with that? Can't you think of anything to write?

Almost anything you write about Christmas can be a marketing article. You just have to use keywords (pssst, the keyword for Christmas is... you guessed it, Christmas!) and post them frequently throughout your article. Tell everyone about your topic and put in some information they may not ever have known before.

My favorite article so far is one I wrote about Christmas Gifts. I simply titled it Christmas Gifts and then added in numerous references to gifts I'd purchase for different family members, friends, and others on my Christmas list. How hard can that be?

The best part is, I got to advertise and market information about products I sold. That's what Article Marketing is all about. And when you're writing Christmas Articles for the purpose of capturing attention and drawing traffic to your website, you get all manners of attention by choosing the right keywords.

Are you ready to capture some attention and draw traffic to your website with Articles you write about Christmas, or some other topic?

You can learn the secret of Article Marketing and fine tune your best writing tools with a few Article Templates that bring your written concepts into focus. Article Marketing dynamics for holiday marketing are not much different than any other time of year. You simply use a basic template like the two free templates you get at

http://advertizeyourbusiness.com and fill them up with keywords that relate to your topic, then post them to EzineArticles.com with a power packed resource box.

Jan Verhoeff is an article marketer who believes it's still possible! If you'd like to know what she believes, visit her website at http://janverhoeff.com and sign up for her ezine. You'll find out a whole lot about marketing online, and why she still believes.


Can You Promote Your Site By Submitting Articles?

One of the biggest challenge for a webmaster is probably the promotion of websites. In fact, one of the proved ways of doing that is article marketing. You will write articles on the products you are promoting.

When you are preparing the articles, you may have questions on how you should write them. In fact, you would have numerous choices regarding the styles and contents of them. However, most webmasters will write informative articles, or articles which are useful to the readers. You will need to submit the articles to various article directory after you have written them. You will need to apply for an account in each article directory and submit to them manually.

Alternatively, you can also use the distribution services to distribute your articles. The number one advantage of using such services is that you can distribute your articles without spending a lot of time. There are also submission software you can use. The basic idea of this kind of software is to semi-automate the submission process. It will help you to login to the directories automatically and you can save some time on the submission.

Of course, you will not need to spend any money if you submit the articles manually. However, you may probably be able to sense that it will take you some time to do so. Are you prepared to spend 6 hours a day to submit articles? If not, you may probably want to go for the submission software or distribution services. You will need to pay for a monthly fee in this case. You are in fact buying the time in this case.

So, how can the articles help to promote your site? First of all, since you will put some links in the articles and the links will lead to your website. When a reader feels interested in the subject or topic you are writing about, they may probably follow the links and visit your website. Thus you will get some traffic from the articles.

Secondly, you will have a chance to build up your image as an expert in your industry. You will probably write about the latest trend and news in your industry. When you write a lot about that, the readers will have the impression that you are an expert in the field. They will trust what you say and this will make you sell the products a lot easier.

John Lung is an affiliate Marketing Coach. You can learn more about Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing from his website. He also runs a Online Money Making and SEO Blog. Be sure to check Website Data Analysis Tools.


Article Writing And Marketing - Do You Make These Bum Marketing Method Mistakes?

I really think that article writing and marketing is one of the best form of advertising on the Internet. The web is made from content like we were created from dust. Hundreds of people all over the web tried the bum marketing method.

The wide success of article marketing has a viral effect. Every beginners who try to make money online heard about the bum marketing method.

What is the bum marketing method?

Bum marketing is just another name for article promotion. Travis Sago invented this name to brand himself and I must say that it works very well for him. All over the web, people are trying this method to earn money on the Internet and many of them are successful.

However, the large majority of bum marketers fail miserably to earn more than $100 a month.

What are they doing wrong?

Bum marketing mistake #1:

Typically, a bum marketer will submit his content to hundreds of directories with links pointing directly to their affiliate programs.

What they don't understand is that many of the best directories are moderated and don't accept affiliate links.

Bum marketing mistake #2:

This lead us to the second blunder made by beginners. Most of them just submit one or two articles a week and expect to get great results.

To get the most of your promotion, you should at lease submit every single day, that's seven articles a week.

Bum marketing mistake #3:

Poor quality content. Most of the time, they don't take the time to learn how to write a compelling article and a bio box that make the reader click to visit their site.

They don't have conversion, and for this reason, they think that the method doesn't work.

Bum marketing mistake #3:

Wrong keyword research. No need to say that if you don't know how to carry out a keyword research, it will be very hard for people to read your articles and visit your website.

This method of advertising works, but you need to invest in your education first. Do your homework, and you should see pretty good results in the long run.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/


How To Make Money Online Fast And Easy Selling To "Boring" People

It seems every day I get a call from someone looking for advice on how to make money on the Internet.

They have goals, great goals, but they are lost. They can't figure out what to sell.

They ask things like, "what can I sell? What's a good thing to sell? What's hot?"

And every single time I tell them the same thing:

You're doing it backwards. Instead of messing around trying to find a product to sell, you need to first find a market to sell to. Once you've done that, getting the product is easy. Once you know what a market already wants, then it is a simple matter of getting it to them.

Only problem is, once they do those steps, they many times fall where they want to sell to markets that are already saturated. Like the weight loss market, or the Internet marketing market (seems everyone has an ebook on how to make money online).

But I always suggest doing the opposite.

I always urge people to find a...well..."unsexy" market. A boring marketing. A market that is huge and flush with cash, but isn't all that exciting.

For example, the parenting market. Thats a pretty good market. I mean everyone has a hard time with their kids. Another one that is huge, and even desperate for answers, is the growing number of people looking for care for their aging parents.

When someone gets a debilitating disease and can't fend for themselves, they will do anything or pay anything just to get some help and keep their dignity.

Those are just a couple examples.

Theres so many different markets. Theres just millions of them.

Youve got to come up with one thats hungry with a real need and where theres money to spend.

Just remember, the market you sell to doesn't have to be sexy and it doesn't have to be exciting. It just has to be big, passionate and filled with people who aren't afraid to spend money.

And if you go for the "boring" ones, you will find less competition and an environment where it is easier to make money.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. He is also an expert on showing people how to create their own high ticket information products from scratch using just your telephone. For a 100% FREE REPORT that reveals how you can take your own ordinary book, e-book or even a concept and turn it into a information product you can sell for up to $3,900 or more go to: http://hardtofindseminars.com/Audio_Marketing_Service.htm


Internet Marketing And Advertising Company - How To Identify The Perfect Company In 3 Steps

Do You Believe In Running A Campaign Almost Effortlessly?

I've decided to pop this question to you because I want you to think about it. You might even think that even if there is an Internet marketing and advertising company which has this service it has to be pretty expensive.

Times have changed and with the recent advancement of technology and economic movement of different shoppers online you can definitely find a few gems. Your only way to attain these gems about good value advertising packages can be easily done in 3 easy steps:

Step 1: Create A Plan Centered Around Your End Results

This could sound like a tall order you but its really easy. Just pull out a piece of paper and write down the end results you want to achieve. After that scribble out how much you are willing to spend to achieve that.

Of course, you will need to factor in some work hours involved to carrying out the tasks needed such as the sourcing of the company and others. We will discuss more details later but just do this first step.

Step 2: Fill In The Blanks In Your Plan

If you are still a little stuck on putting out a few details in your plan don't worry. I'll break it down for you:

  • Identify your budget in terms of money on your advertising spots

  • Think about what you want to advertising in terms of ezine, banner ads, pay per click or so

  • Focus on no more than 2 ad strategies and ensure that you allot some hours on each item

  • Justify your work hours by putting in the 'mini tasks' needed to accomplish the strategies

  • Nothing is ever too trivial in a plan to be left out of your written tasks. Be as detailed as you can get!

    Step 3: Choosing Your Perfect Company

    There are a few sources you can really count on these days with the flood of information available. However, you can always do it right by ensuring that you want to have a reliable company.

    When you make a search about advertising online on Google take note on the advertising packages they provide. If its within your advertising budget then its a good sign. Next is to check the credibility of the company by observing the testimonials.

    In closing, if you follow the 3 steps outlined above for sure you will find a good Internet marketing and advertising company for yourself. They may even do everything from your marketing message right to the delivery of the broadcast for you. All the best!

    About The Author:

    This article is the property of http://www.Simple-Riches.com - you may freely publish it on a website as long as it is not modified in any way. It must include the author bylines; all hyperlinks and URLs must be made or remain active.

    Vern How has been earning online since 2006. He is an Internet marketer who believes in giving back by helping others.

    Get the detailed advertising musings blog post at Internet marketing and advertising company secrets

    For more information on your proven secret to profiting massively on the Internet, check out how to Earn Money Online Instantly!


    Submitting Your Article For Maximum Income

    You finished writing that million dollar article. You puzzled for hours to come up with the perfect title that will compel viewers to read it. Now what? Some marketing experts suggest that you submit it to the top five or ten submission sites. I disagree. I've been marketing articles to generate income for some time now and my experience tells me a different story.

    I like to make money with every article I write. Each one is designed for that purpose alone. I laser target my articles to compliment the products Im promoting. For each product, I develop five to seven articles. In addition, I fashion a slightly different resource box for each product. Each resource box will contain several links. One will direct readers to the product Im promoting and the other will point to my sign-in page.

    I will time the articles I submit so that come out three or four days apart. I do this because many sites publish a list of their most recent articles submitted. By timing them in this fashion, my articles are given front-page coverage for quite some time.

    As I said, many marketing people say that you only need to submit to the top five or ten sites. I say hogwash!! I submit each article to hundreds (and hundreds) of sites. My attitude is, the more sites you submit to, the more page views you get. The more page views generated, the higher your potential income. And personally, I like to maximize my income. In fairness, I will admit that the top ten sites to which I submit represent 30% - 40% of my readers. But why would I leave 60% of my potential business on the table?

    In order to achieve the high numbers of submissions that I make, it is absolutely necessary to use an automatic submission program. To do it manually, would take weeks. Even using the submission program, it takes me an entire day to complete the job. But, for the additional income and page views I generate, it is well worth the extra effort.

    There are many good article submission programs out there. Some of them are free, and others charge a fee for the program. I find the free ones usually have 50 to 100 sites pre-loaded into them. Typically, the programs for sale contain five hundred to nine hundred sites pre-loaded. Of course, there are a number of other differences, but the quantity of submissions is the most important factor to me.

    Download our FREE REPORT at: http://www.milliondollararticle.com and get access to tons of free articles, reports, and downloads relating to article marketing.

    Jo Mark is an Internet marketing expert specializing in the generation of income through the writing and placement of articles. Our successful ebooks have helped countless individuals to generate income by writing articles.


    Article Marketing vs Social Networking - Why Stumbleupon Traffic Makes Me Feel Unloved

    Most affiliate marketers have experience it at least once. You go to check your site stats and notice that your site has gotten more than 5 times the amount of traffic you usually see in a month and all that brand new traffic has arrived TODAY. Your heart slams in your chest a little as you check the source and notice that it is StumbleUpon and all those crazed stumblers that have made your traffic go through the roof.

    The problem is, and youll discover this the moment you start checking other stats, those Stumblers arent sticking around. The bounce rate nearly matches the incoming traffic and your Adsense account isnt exactly feeling the StumbleUpon love either. No one seems to be clicking on those juicy Adsense boxes at all. So you check your affiliate accounts. Affiliate earnings are better than Adsense money any day, right? Darn it! Those Stumblers arent buying anything either! What is wrong with these people?

    Nothings wrong with them actually. Its just a different mindset and its common to all the social networks. Social networkers arent generally in a shopping mood when they are surfing Digg or Stumbleupon or Reddit. Theyre in the mood to be entertained and they want to be entertained quickly. So they move on from one site to the next, barely stopping to read what you have to say as they kill time looking for a fix to their boredom.

    This is a whole lot different than what youll see when your article links are clicked. Your articles are usually found during a search at one of the big search engines. The reader is looking for something specific and theyve just found your article. If your article has managed to capture their interest and they actually click a link in your resource box, they are that much more likely to be interested in anything you might suggest for them to buy. Theyll also spend more time reading about the benefits and advantages of what you are selling so the bounce rate for article traffic is significantly lower than that social network traffic.

    Sure, it often takes longer to see significant traffic from article marketing, but since that traffic also converts to paying customers at much higher rates than social network traffic, you need much less of it to fatten your wallet.

    So stick to article marketing and leave the social network link baiting to the Flickrites and Youtubers. If you want to make money, slow and steady article writing wins the race.

    Emma Martin loves to Stumble, but prefers writing articles to bring home the bacon. Article marketing is a brilliant traffic producer and method of pre-selling your buyers. For more tips on how to generate traffic and sales, visit her Article Marketing page to download a free copy of 77 Ways to Get Traffic. No email required.


    Powerful Article Marketing - 4 Effective Methods to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

    Article marketing, as millions of webmasters would agree, is currently the best website promotional tool that aims to drive huge, quality traffic to your website without the need to spend a single dime. As this marketing tool is easy to use and proven to deliver great results, it is currently the most used traffic-generating and advertising tool in the internet today.

    Here are the 4 effective methods to accelerate your article marketing:

    1. Quality. This is the most important element in your article marketing campaign. You have to make sure that all your articles are of high quality and well-written to increase your clickthrough rate and convince more people to widely distribute your articles online. As you know, the more people publishing your articles, the more inbound links you will be able to obtain for your website.

    2. Title. Most new marketers ignore this element as they think that the quality of their articles is enough to stir attention online. This is but plain wrong and could be deadly for your marketing strategy. You need to understand that even before online users can check on your content, they would consider your titles first. If they are not intriguing and attention-grabbing, there is no way that your articles will be opened and read.

    3. Optimize. Make your articles search engine-friendly so they will become highly searchable online. Download a reliable keyword suggestion tool to figure out which keywords are usually searched within you target niche and sprinkle them all throughout your content. Don't forget to include your main keyword on your titles too.

    4. Publishing sites. Consider the page ranking and quality of traffic of article submission sites before you post your articles. Do not waste your time on sites that are not even indexed by Google as these cannot help you realize your article marketing goals.

    To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

    Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


    Article Marketing - Your Marketing Power!

    One of the most important marketing tools available online to promote your business cannot be purchased You can spend hours on end looking all over the internet for the best program or system to market your product or service but truth be told, the answer is right there where you are sitting. Yes! You are the answer to viral marketing.

    This marketing strategy costs only your time, your commitment and discipline to produce well written articles with information people are seeking. You are an expert. Share your expertise and build a following for your knowledge while creating a market for your offerings online!

    Honestly, it doesnt matter if you are on a music or parenting site. We all browse through websites for advice and articles that will solve our life problems, explain lifes mysteries, make our lives easier, less cluttered, and show us how to be more successful in relationships and business. We stumble across articles that help us, that answer our questions.

    Have you ever found an article that when you finish reading it, you have this sudden feeling of rightness? After experiencing a writers viewpoint, you understand something that baffled you. When a writer clicks with the reader, it is a reflex for the reader to want to know more about the author. Reader automatically searches for more writings by the author. Why? The author answered something for you!

    Articles truly are the most powerful marketing tool you can use to sell yourself as a business. Power? Yes! Marketing Power.

    Online articles allow you to market yourself as knowledgeable, helpful, and consistent and willing to take the time to share what you know to friends you havent met yet. This is power to develop relationships on-line. Through articles we can develop friendships, business contacts, customers, and online credibility. There is no need to sell yourself or your business within the article. Simply share your knowledge, your thoughts and ideas.

    Selling occurs outside the article in the resource box. A great deal has been written on how to sell within the resource box. What exactly does this little blurb of information about the author provide the reader? The resource box allows the reader to know the author on a more personal note. Being able to identify with the authors role as single mom or work from home dad is a powerful human connector!

    You create an image of the author but want to know if the image holds, so you click to visit their website or subscribe to receive their free e-mail course, maybe even download of their latest e-book. Each of these clicks brings you closer to the author. You feel connected and will remember them.

    A single encounter with an author online doesnt usually make an immediate impact but after the second or third time you read yet another of this same authors articles found on yet another website. You take notice. You realize this is a person to look up!

    Just think about this.

    Finding a great article that explains multi-level marketing, affiliate programs, baking home-made bread or how to potty train your resistance 3 year old can be a literal bright spot in your day! You open your mailbox and a friend has sent you a poem or story that had been forwarded to them. That in a nutshell is viral marketing.

    Over time you will notice websites, article banks and e-zines publishing articles by these same authors that have already helped you in some way. You mentally filed their name and maybe even their website to back of your mind as a positive. You find security in reading their latest article because you feel you already know that author on some level.

    So if you share great stories, articles, poems, writings with friends and customers online then you already know the power of words to influence and change lives. It can be a very overwhelming. The thought of writing for others to read can be scary. The joy comes in having someone send you an email or subscribe to your newsletter because you helped them with one of your articles. It is an important step in working from home. Developing a series of articles to help others to meet whatever challenges face them day to daythat is the goal and you will suddenly realize you are marketable.

    Just as a musician has to strum their first chord before they can play in a band. The first step is the hardest but with practice you will see the power in your skills to share information others need or want. Now start writing!


    Tammy Ames is owner of http://www.wahmconnections.com/and avid blogger. You are invited to come connect with Tammy on her business blog.


    Productive Article Marketing - Discover 5 Amazing New Ways to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

    Article marketing is being used by most webmasters to increase their profits by driving massive quality traffic to their site. If you want to belong to the pack of these successful online entrepreneurs, these 5 amazing ways will help you accelerate your article marketing campaign:

    1. Strengthen your writing skills. The success of your article marketing campaign will all boil down to the quality of your articles. So, it is of utmost importance that you ensure that all your articles are well-written because online users will judge your knowledge, expertise and professionalism based on your content.

    2. Visit freelancing sites. Why? If you don't have enough time to write your articles or you don't have the ability to create compelling copies, you can find great ghostwriters who are more than willing to write your articles for you for a small fee. And you can find these writers on various freelancing sites online.

    3. Use your articles to build a content site. Information is the hottest commodity today, and you can bring this to your client by building a website that is full of useful, interesting articles. When your readers see that you have so much information to share, they will most likely consider you as a great source of information and an expert on your chosen field.

    4. Make your articles look professional. They must be free from any grammar, spelling, and factual errors. They must also be easy to understand and well-written. Also, make sure that your sentences are coherent and flow well. This will give your readers great reading experience.

    5. Network with other webmasters and article marketers. These are great sources of information. There is no better way to learn the latest tricks and techniques in article marketing than getting them from the experts.

    Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

    Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

    Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.