Friday, May 9, 2008 

Article Marketing Tip - Announcing The Very Best Article Marketing Tip Ever

Okay, it's no secret that article marketing is one of the best way to get thousands of dollars in free advertising for your internet business. It's also know that article marketing is becoming more and more popular amongst internet marketers which means that the competition is at an all time high.

So how in the world can a newbie to article marketing get in on some the action and actually benefit from writing and submitting articles as a way of getting free traffic and advertising?

Well, here is the best article marketing tip ever given and if you use it, you are guaranteed to explode your traffic, sales, and efforts. The tip is this: Use each and every article that you write and submit as way to build your opt in list.

That's it. The best article marketing tip you will ever get. If you use your articles as a way to collect the name and email address of a percentage of the readers, you will be in control of your own financial future.

There are many other article marketers that would argue this tip, especially those who are using bum marketing to bring in sales for affiliate products. You know what bum marketing is don't you? That's where you write and submit a batch of articles centered around a particular product.

Then at the end of the article, you send them readers to the product web site. If they buy, you make money if they don't, you lose. This is where many people in my opinion are making the biggest mistake ever.

Why spend your time and energy on the hope of the one time sale when you drive that same reader to your simple opt in squeeze page, offer them a great free ebook or report, get their name and email address, then follow up with them forever.

If you use article marketing to build your build a large responsive opt in list, you will profit from it for as long as you want. Give it a try and see the results for yourself.

Do you want to know how I build my internet business and make thousands of dollars per month from home?

===> Download my Free Report that'll show you:

"How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"

Gary has been a successful, full time internet marketer for over 11 years. He has created list building campaigns that have earned as much as $22,000 in a single day. If you want to know how to build a hyper responsive list and squeeze it for every penny you can, then listen to what Gary says.


SEO Article Writing - How to Write an SEO Article Every Day to Generate Increased ROI

Most people assume that they cannot possibly write an article that would sufficiently represent their intentions concerning their websites. It is not true! As a matter of fact, it really is far away from the truth. Most people are fairly smart. They see a lot and they have a lot to say. Are you one of those who have a lot to say? Let's keep this simple: If you have a lot to say, then you can write successful articles for submission on the Internet.

Here's what you don't have to have:

You don't have to have a lot of talent for writing. Everyone has something to say. Everyone has expertise in one area or another. All you have to do is pretend that you are speaking to someone in person - where there is no stress - and then write that down.

Write naturally, like you would speak - literally word for word. If you practice enough, you will be able to type your thoughts out almost as fast as you can live them out in your mind.

Put yourself in the position of a teacher. You don't want to scare your pupils away; you want to make them understand and grow in their knowledge. Be gentle, but don't be afraid to instruct. People are reading your articles because they want to learn things that they do not presently know. Instruct your pupils!

Do not try to write about that which you do not know without a lot of research. Every article that you put your name on becomes a part of Internet history. These are permanent records that we speak of. You are going to want to establish and maintain a GREAT internet reputation. If you are going to write about a subject and then publish that work, please do the world a favor and give it your all. Writers are well-disciplined. They do not put out trash with intention.

Write with the intent to educate. Some of the greatest knowledge comes from those with no "formal" education. Have confidence in what you know to be true and share it with the world. Know this: The internet will always provide a new audience that craves just the kind of information that you alone can provide. It's true!

You don't have to have a lot of time:

Here's a fact: This article has taken only thirteen minutes to create to this point. You see, when you write about something that you know well, then it will come easily for you. Can you see that it will take less than an hour to produce an effective article and even to submit it to a great submission site like ezine?

If you can write one article about a given topic, then you can write a million articles about the same topic. There are unlimited ways to describe the same concept. Each of these ways will be more impactful to certain individuals than to others. Express your expertise in various ways to maximize your global net exposure on the same topic. Become a leader in your field. Write articles and publish them on the internet for public review/criticism/praise.

Stop being afraid. Believe in yourself. Express your expertise to a knowledge-starved world! Article writing and submission is one powerful technique to generate loads of HOT, targeted traffic to your website. Your visitors will show up ready to part with their CASH because your articles pre-sold them sufficiently. Do it today! Do it now! Write an article and grow RICH!

Alan M Roberts is a full time freelance writer and web developer. He is always available for consultation through his web site at Visit him there often and find reasons to live!

Check out my perfectly-rated Guru profile here:

Check out my perfectly-rated Elance profile here:


Internet Marketing Articles - Secrets of Writing Great Headlines

Hundreds of online marketing wizards agree - One of the critical elements to successful online marketing is through writing and distributing articles.

Since you understand you need to ride the success wave of online marketing using articles, you have to focus on writing articles to please three, enormously different readers with the same article.

Three consumers of article marketing

Here are the three consumers of article marketing and how to write good headlines for each:

  1. Readers - In the end, these are the folks who will make up their mind that they are curious about what you do sufficiently to read your message. You have to write a headline that will attract your audience to actually read your article in the first place. You need to attract the reader to dig further into your article and actually absorb your words.

    80% of readers will read your headline, but only 20% will read your article. How well your headline is written will determine the readers next step.

    Readers can find your article headline on social networking sites like Digg and, as links in an email from a school chum, and in their search engine results. If your headline does not make them want to read your article, you just wont get audience, even if you have the best message or service on the planet. You could have discovered the cure for cancer, but with a bad headline no one will find out about it.

  2. Search Engines - Google and the like think that the web page title is the most important on-page indicator of the content of the page. Coming in second place is the use of the H1 heading tag. When your article is published, publishers have a tendency to make either or both the title and H1 tag the same as your article title. As a result, having words in your article title which are important to those searching for information increase your chances of showing up in search engine results.

    You must have your keywords in the headline and as near the start as reasonable to still appease the other two audiences.

  3. Publishers - One of the keys to article marketing is the viral mass-publication process. This is the big reason article marketing is so powerful. One well-written article can get published on 10,000 places around the world in only a few weeks.

    These are the folks who determine whether or not your article will end up on their site, newsletter, blog, etc. They are a tough hybrid of both readers and Yahoo and company. They like to believe your article will get them search engine clicks and also please their readers. But, if they cant find your article since the the misworded headline doesnt come up in their search results, or the headline doesnt attract them in to take a look at your article you miss out.

    One could say that publishers can make or break an articles success and by pleasing the other two audiences you can make them happy as well.

Writing Headlines for All Three

This article's title was written particularly to serve as an example of meeting the needs these three audiences. As you can see, the first three words of the article headline are search engine fodder - they are a combination of two highly sought phrases, and those words are the very first in the headline.

The first words also tell you what you will learn when you read the article. The last part hypnotizes you and draws you further in. It introduces something of interest that will give you what youre hoping to gain or learn about. It makes you ask yourself, "Im curious what lesson I can take away from this article" and so you read on, just as you did.

Take this lesson with you and write good article headlines that get noticed, get published, and get visitors coming to your site. Get out there, get writing, and cash in.

Daiv Russell is a web marketing copywriter with Envision Software. Visit our site to learn how to apply the 4C formula for web marketing success


Article Marketing - Latest 5 No-Brainer Methods to Make Money Through Article Marketing

Article marketing's popularity cannot be ignored these days. People from all parts of the globe are amazed with its effectiveness and simplicity of use. That is why, it is no wonder why most webmasters are using this method as their primary marketing arm.

1. Be desperate for attention. By this, I mean knowing all the elements that can potentially entice online users to read your articles. One of the best ways to do so is by using attention-grabbing titles that appeal to your target market. Learn how to trigger their emotions, pique their curiosity, or even apply exaggeration to get them to click on your articles.

2. Deliver quality, complete information. Nothing can make an article more impressive than filling it with relevant, detailed content because after all, online users are reading articles just to be informed. Carefully select all the information that play crucial roles in your topic and present them in a logical manner to promote better understanding.

3. Write more. In article marketing, the more articles you write and submit, the more quality inbound links you can obtain for your website. Strive to multiply the number of your articles by either writing content that you are very familiar with or writing short articles.

4. Use simple words. Remember, you are not writing for encyclopedias or running towards getting a Pulitzer award. In writing your articles, it is better that you focus your energy on making your readers understand your ideas than trying to impress them with the use of big words.

5. Your ideas should be related to your main topic. Avoid discussing ideas that are not related on your topic to avoid annoying your readers.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


Article Marketing or How to Get More Backlinks

Well, what is article marketing? It is one of the simplest ways of promotion on Internet. The principle is so: you are writing a good article, publishing it in one of the big article directories with the link to your blog, and then others copy it on their sites. Thus, if article is good, youll receive a big quantity of backlinks on your blog.

Many people dont use this way to promote and vainly! Using this method with a good links anchor text could increase your link popularity in times and the main - absolutely free. For example, if youre writing about digital cameras, post what is better to choose in this area and what advantages does it have and at the end of the article put the link to your blog with needed anchor text. Such link will be appreciated by search engines as no one other.

Im using this method for about 2 months and get a huge quantity of backlinks and visitors thanks to it. Where is it better to submit your articles? Ill try to show you.

The leader is - EzineArticles. This is the best and most trafficable article directory with excellent support and fast approvement. After posting of 10 articles youll be given platinum status and if your articles are correspond to their terms, you will be appropriate the status of the expert. EzineArticles give me from 2 to 10 unique visitors per day.

The second place in my list is ArticleDashBoard. It also has fast improvement of articles, Page Rank 6, but it gives small quantity of visitors on my blog. Though some of my articles are popular on this portal and many people copy them with my link.

The third is GoArticles. Page Rank 5, Alexa rank 6362 (incomparably with Ezines-608). Convenient and clear but no more than. Anyway it is useful to submit there for good link ranging.

For attraction of readers to your articles you will need to know some tips to use. Here is what I recommend:

* Keywords is your way to popularity. Try to choose small quantity inquires, instead of Digital Camera use Digital Camera Market Review.

* Good title will attract readers to click on it. Think out a clinging title, but dont try to deceive.

* Submit your articles in different categories. Your link should be everywhere.

* Change the description of the source. Use as much keywords as possible in it, but dont go too far.

Of course good article will attract more readers, but many of them will even not read it to copy to their blog. Everything depends on description and title.

I think that article marketing has a big future. Do not neglect of this way, the way of good increasing of your popularity. It will be returned a hundredfold.

Artem Belinskiy. I'm living in Ukraine. My main job is Internet. I make money online and want to tell how you could do this too.


Article Marketing Success - How To Write Articles That Compels Your Reader To Buy From You?

Did you know that one article can bring you as much as 100 highly targeted visitors? It takes you less than thirty minutes to write a well written and informative article. If you deliver the good, the reader is going to click on your resource box and see what you have to offer.

Some of my most best articles have more than one hundreds click and hundreds of views. But these statistics don't include all the publishers who downloaded my articles.

And what if an ezine publisher with thousands of subscribers like your article and send it to his list with your well crafted resource box?

I am sure this could bring your sales your way.

But if you wrote an article that doesn't make sense, nobody is going to send it to his list. And what do you think about readers who stumble about your article?

This poor surfer was searching for information. He was searching for a real expert he can rely on, and instead, he found a couple of "bizarre" sentences that didn't give him a single benefit.

Do you think he is going to click on your link in the resource box? He won't! Because he knows that this article wasn't written by an expert. Why should he bother?

The reader needs help, he want to solve a problem or relive a pain. If you give him even more troubles and make him lose his valuable time, he is never going to make business with you after that... unless he is forced to do so because there is no competitors.

But this is not the case today, so take your time and write a good article.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:


Affiliate Marketing Without A System Is Like Playing Golf Without The Clubs

Its never been a better time to be an affiliate marketer, with the combination of millions of new people coming online every year and the new found trust in purchasing online, the opportunities are limitless! Yes, there's competition, but all you need to be, is a little better than the next affiliate marketer and 90% of affiliates don't make anything.

Affiliate internet marketing is creating new millionaires every year! How would you like to be an online millionaire working from home in your pj's? Affiliate marketing is one of the cheapest and fastest ways to make huge cash online, for several reasons.

1. Easy and fast start up, with little or NO cost.

2. You do no need your own product

3. You do not need to be a super geek!

4. You don't need an office, just use your bedroom, you're also allowed to wear your PJ's while at the office!

5. No employees

6. No overheads

7. The products you promote will all have their own sales system, built to sell, sell, sell, all you need to do is drive traffic to the offer.

8. No dealing with customers (you may have the best product in the world, but there will still be unhappy customers)

9. The product owner deals with refunds so you can just get on with the job of promoting the product.

10. Eventually you will have product owners begging you to promote their products and offering you unbelievable commissions to do so.

An affiliate marketing system is essential, once you have your system, repeat, repeat and repeat, most affiliates fail because they start promoting with a system, get no sales in the first week, then quit, Doh! Relentless determination is what you need, put that ingredient with a great system and success is guaranteed.

People attempt affiliate marketing and at the same time try and reinvent the wheel! You really don't need to. There are super affiliate marketers who have made all the mistakes and have systems in place that work. Once you have a system that works, you are set for a very exciting time online.

There are people making millions in affiliate marketing commissions, with niche affiliate marketing. The two things they have in common are determination and an incredible affiliate marketing system.

Once you have a successful system, you can start repeating the process again and again, pretty soon you will find product owners searching you out and offering you obscene amounts of cash to promote and sell their products.

The next stage from here is when you create your own product and you move on from the super affiliate status to the super affiliate guru status! A super affiliate guru is someone who all affiliate marketers turn to for advice and guidance. The reasons are many, but the main one being, the super affiliate guru will have an amazing affiliate marketing system.

If you are considering affiliate marketing or are already marketing as an affiliate, you're in the right business. Good luck.

Linden Huckle is the owner of Let Linden show you how to launch 6 automated affiliate income streams, that all provide monthly residual income:


Internet Marketing Articles - What Can We Learn From Penny at Playboy - Cubic Zirconia, or Real?

I have decided to read all the articles in the article marketing category and create a top 10 list. One thing that really stands out, as I read through the articles, profiles, and click the links, is how much we can learn about the author by his or her profile and the articles that they write. Even their links tell us a little about them.

I came across a website today that I found from an article, and it was for a site that sold cubic zirconia jewelry. The host on the site said that she use to be under the employ of Play Boy. I thought it was funny how her looks, her previous experience, and her current business venture seem to follow a common theme.

After reading a few more articles, a few more profiles, and clicking on a few more links, I realized that many of the packages put together in this process, paint an interesting picture of the different authors. Of course that opens up the question, what does your profile, articles, and links tell about you?

I know for me, it is a work in progress. I am sure for all of us it is to some degree. I would have to say that finding just the right formula for the three parts has been a lot harder than I thought. I have observed from my reading, that is it easier for some, and harder for others.

I will say that it is usually pretty easy to identify who the pretenders are and who the real professionals are. If you are still looking for the right combination for your business, don't give up.

I have found that writing articles is the best way for me to keep polishing my stone. Every once in a while, I see an increase in my number of views, or in my click thoughts, and I think, that's progress, I just need to keep learning and writing.

Just so you know it is normal when you start to get visitors in the tens. As you progress, you will start to get them in the 100's. One day you will start to get visitors in the thousands. This is where the game begins. Not only will you start to make some money, but you are one step away from big things.

I don't like the fact that people seldom share real numbers. This makes it hard for beginners because they don't know when what they are doing is good and what is great. I hope you find this information helpful.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.


Using The Art Of Pre-Selling To Increase Conversions

Many websites make the mistake of attempting the hard sell from the very first page that visitors reach. While sales pages do work under certain circumstances, the concept of pre-selling is one that can be used to generate greater conversions and improve bottom line profit.

When visitors first arrive on the pages of your website, they don't know you or anything about you. This makes them unlikely to purchase from you, without some ground work. Pre-selling persuades your visitors that they can trust you and that they can complete a secure, safe, and advantageous transaction on your page.

Be Perceived As An Expert

The most effective method of pre-selling is to be perceived as an expert on the topic of your site. In order to this effectively you first need to get to know your visitors and understand what they are looking for. The majority of visitors are more likely to be looking for information than an immediate source of a product.

Providing information to your visitors puts them in the frame of mind that means they are ready to purchase from you. They begin to trust you and believe what you say - in short, they perceive you as being an expert. Once you have identified yourself as an expert in a field, you are able to make suggestions and your visitors will be more perceptive to those suggestions.

Start The Sale

Once you've provided a reasonable amount of information and have come across as being an expert, then you can begin to offer related services or products. Ensure that those products or services you do offer are related to the information you have provided.

It's important to differentiate between hard selling and pre-selling. If you have an e-commerce store then you should have a good idea of the pages that are visited by people looking to buy and people looking for information. Consider the keywords they used when searching (for organic and paid listings) because these will give a god indication of whether to sell or pre-sell.

Match Your Voice To Your Visitors

The art of pre-selling doesn't have to be difficult. If you're dealing with individuals then consider using an informal and friendly tone. For businesses and organizations, a formal and informative mannerism will serve you well. Above all else, experiment with different techniques and methods - stick with those that work (although there's usually room for some improvement and optimization) and improve on those that don't.

WebWiseWords is a professional website content writer, helping to improve conversions and increase traffic through SEO copywriting and an extensive range of copywriting services. See how they can help increase conversions using the art of pre-selling on your website.


Article Marketing - The Cold, Ultimate Truth About Article Marketing

The myth of autopilot income from articles is truly a myth. I know I'm going to receive a ton of flak for this, but there's no such thing as truly automated income from article marketing. The reason for that is this: articles lose some of their traffic generation power after some time, you'll have to keep pumping them out to keep your profits coming in. Information is growing exponentially online; if you don't continuously release new content, your traffic will drop.

It's also not good enough to submit five to ten articles a month. Many article marketers simply submit a number of articles similar to that and stop. Totally. They don't see results and they give up! Five to ten articles will never create hundreds of visitors to your websites, you have to be pumping them out in the hundreds to see any "real" traffic.

Go to sites like Ezine Articles. The top writers churn out hundreds and thousands of articles and they are doing it for a reason. Because it works. It works in generating traffic, and it's also a great branding tool. Having hundreds of articles out there is a great credibility weapon.

I don't care if you are marketing affiliate products, an ecommerce store, an eBay store, or selling your own digital products. Article marketing works, but only if you work it. Most people give it a try and declare that it doesn't work. Maybe they are too lazy to write the articles. Well, if you have a bundle of extra cash, you can certainly outsource the articles. But if you don't, you'll just have to keep churning them out. The rewards will be totally amazing.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!


Quick Article Marketing- 6 Quick Steps to Article Marketing

If you have a website, nothing may be as important to you as attracting quality traffic. One of the best ways to do just that is to use quick article marketing. Article marketing means that you submit articles that are relevant to you website and distribute them online. The result is that people read your articles and then are directed to your website. If you wish to get started in article marketing, here are six quick steps.

1. Write for quality, not quantity. There is so article marketing on the Internet these days, and the vast majority of it is junk. The articles that attract the most attention and rise to the top of online tiers are ones that are well-written, original, informative and interesting. You could submit 100 junk articles that wouldnt do as much for your business as one high quality article that gets a lot of coverage.

2. Have a good headline. The article headline is 90% responsible for how much traffic and distribution the article will get. Keyword optimization always helps.

3. Make sure you include some active URLs at the bottom of your article with your companys name. This will help tremendously in generating traffic and links.

4. Be consistent. Just like any other kind of advertising, quick article marketing needs to be done on a consistent basis to keep generating results.

5. Submit articles to a small list of relevant publishers. This is much more effective than sending them to lots of irrelevant publishers.

6. Keep the articles reasonably short. You want the reader to get to the bottom of the page and see your website link.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Internet Article Marketing

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Want to learn more about driving traffic like I do? Download my free traffic guide here: Traffic Generation

Sean Ray is an accomplished internet article writer, and uses articles to drive online traffic.


Discover New Ways To Get More Customers

The best suggested method available to get more customers is through a direct marketing response system. This provides a way to track where the customer came from, which will give you the insight needed when it comes to deciding how and where to market.

The secret to gaining customers all comes down to such a simple idea: make your contact information known and be able to give a compelling reason to do business with you. This can be one of the major obstacles that prevents people from seeing the results that they want. Don't fall into the idea that people put time and effort into searching out a company to do business with. The majority of customers will only shop at places they already know about! This is the key idea to focus on. Remember, customers also need a good reason to bring their business your direction. So, it is vital to make sure people know where to find you.

There are a number of ways to get the word out about how to reach you. One way is through postcards. Send one that advertises a sale to everyone in your zip code. Then ask them to bring in the postcard to get the discount offered.

You might think about giving a speech at your local Chamber Of Commerce. Then you will have the opportunity to hand out problem solving brochures with your contact information. Also, include a special discount code. Consider the local radio station. Get them to interview you as an expert in your business field. During the broadcast, give out a special number for people to call to find out more information.

Another way to get the word out is to take out a yellow pages ad. It's another way to provide a discounted offer.

Lastly, make a press release available only at your place of business. The press release could contain recent information about the latest breakthrough regarding your industry. And, don't forget that special telephone number for people to call to get more information. Marketing efforts don't always have to be tiring. By using these suggested techniques, you can unlock the door to strategies that will prove to be profitable.

Jason Pearson is an online marketing expert who wants to share his secrets with the world. To find out more...

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