Friday, May 23, 2008 

9 (+1) Tips For Writing User-Friendly Content

The content of your website is your #1 sales tool. Pictures, tools, and other fun stuff can be important in making your site visibly and functionally appealing, but it is the content that sells. Well written and user focused content allows your visitors to "find out" more about your products and services, as well as how your company will be able to meet their needs.

Content weighs heavily both in terms of how users interact with your website as well as how visitors (both human and search spiders) are able to determine what you offer and what each page of your website is about. While solidly optimized content is important for search engine rankings, considering the usability of your content is of paramount importance for attaining good conversion rates.

Voice: The content of your website should be written in consistent voice from page to page. This voice needs to be one that is relatively consistent with your industry and resonates with your target audience.

Active words: Active words help the user engage with the content making them a participant rather than just a passive reader. The site's content should be full of active verbs that inspire visitors to take action.

Typographical errors: Website should be free of all typographical errors. Both spelling and grammatical errors can be an indicator that you lack professionalism. They must be eliminated to maintain overall trustability.

Skimmable & scannable: Visitors skim through and scan content to find what interests them before they actually read each word. As much as possible, use short paragraphs, headings, bullets and stick to a basic reading level.

Customer focus: Present your content in a way that speaks to your visitor's overall wants and needs. Focus on them, not on you or your company.

Personality needs: Content should use language that speaks to individual personalities of your visitors. Providing information that certain personalities "need" helps speak to those visitors more directly and move them through the conversion process.

Benefits vs. features: Present the benefits your visitors will receive. Don't write exclusively in terms of what your product or service does, but what benefits your visitors will get from your product or service.

Spammy text: Content should always read naturally and should never feel "stuffed" with keywords. Never hide content on the page, but us it effectively as a sales tool.

Calls to action: Each page should contain a close and one or more calls to action. Once you have effectively provided the necessary information, compel the visitor to take a desired action.

Bonus Tip:

Linking out: Whenever possible and only where relevant, link your text out to other areas of the website as they are mentioned within the body copy. Selectively link out to external sources that reinforce the information you are providing. All too often site owners want to sideline the content. They feel that pictures, tools and products are the only things that visitors want. Yes, these are an important part of the sales process, but so is the text. Properly developed text informs and persuades. It entices and encourages. It draws and drives. More than anything else, text sells.

Stoney deGeyter founded Pole Position Marketing in 1998 working from a home office and has since turned it into a leading search engine marketing business with a small team of seasoned Reno SEO and marketing experts. Stoney pioneered the concept of Destination Search Engine Marketing which is the driving philosophy on how Pole Position marketing helps their clients expand their online presence and improve online conversion rates.

Stoney is a moderator at the Small Business Ideas Forum, a regular contributor to the Search Engine Guide blog and has a monthly column on Search Engine Land. He posts his SEO and business insights at the E-Marketing Performance blog where you can also find his e-books: E-Marketing Performance: Effective Strategies for Building, Optimizing and Marketing your Website Online and Keyword Research and Selection: The Defin


Guidelines in Creating Crawlable SEO Copy

In creating crawlable SEO copy, yes, keywords are very important. But what SEO enthusiasts fail to see is that competent content is what also matters. It may seem tedious and over rated but creating crawlable SEO copy is just the tip of the iceberg to actually ranking inside the search engines.

Believe it or not, there are guidelines in creating SEO copy. Of course keywords and long tail phrases are important as well, but without good copy, the potential of getting readers interested in your website is close to zero.

Based on experience, I have observed that effective placement of keywords on the web page should be at the top. This is because robots crawl the first one hundred words or so, and this is for a fact!

What has also worked for me is writing the keyword or keyword phrase within the first two opening sentences of the copy.

As this technique has done wonders for my career, I was able to come by basic copy guidelines so that it would make writing much more convenient (all you had to was make sure that each step contained a keyword or keyword phrase).

Step 1: Paragraph
Step 2: Call-to-action
Step 3: Intro-bullet list
Step 4: Paragraph
Step 5: Paragraph
Step 6: Call-to-action
Step 7: Closing

Some people prefer to write between 400 to 600 words and sometimes even longer! But what holds true to the engines is that the more pages you have, the more crawlable they are. Robots tend to crawl and index light weight pages better.

With this said, Yahoo doesn't index over 200KB whereas Google finds 500 to 550 as preferable in terms f page weight. My advice is to create more small-sized pages but do remember that competent and good content is the challenge here, filling them with keywords and phrases are the easy parts.

Maria Paula Tolentino

Maria Paula Tolentino
SEO / SEM Specialist


Getting Ahead of the Competition With Competitor Analysis

The competitor analysis I refer to here is not to be confused with the Competitive Analysis applied to a business to determine a unique selling proposition or a Competitive Advantage.

The competitor analysis to which I refer is that which when applied to a web site makes it possible to determine what improvements are necessary to a web page and web site in order to compete with competitors holding a place in the Top 10 Search Engine Results.

Anyone who has a web site quickly discovers that unless they have a listing on the first page of search results for a particular search term, they stand little chance of getting any significant free traffic from a search engine.

Competitor Analysis when applied to a web page means that you can establish how much to optimize a page in order to compete against the top 10 competitors for the keywords that have been targeted.

It also means not wasting time overly optimizing pages that don't need to be and avoiding an over optimization penalty that can be applied by a search engine, resulting in a worsening, not an improvement in ranking.

Competitor analysis compares a web page against each of the 10 competitors pages in the top search engine rankings for many 10s of important ranking factors. It can advise what the page doesnt have, what it has too much of and suggests what can be changed to improve ranking.

Competitor Analysis On-Page Factors
A typical competitor analysis looks at Keyword Quantity, Keyword Density, Keyword Prominence and the Number of Words & Characters in each of the following areas:

Page Title, Meta Keywords, Meta Description, Body Text Overall, Body Text - First Sentence, Page URL, H1 & H2 Headline Texts, On Page Link Texts, Outbound Link Texts, On Page URLs, Outbound Link URLs, Image ALT Tags and HTML Comment Tags.

Competitor analysis is also not constrained to just factors on a web page, but can also be used to assess off-page factors.

Competitor Analysis Off-Page Factors
Links to a site are now more important that ever in determining whether a top 10 search engine ranking can be achieved. A typical off-page competitor analysis will therefore consider each of the following:

Total Incoming Page Links
Keywords in link URL's
Keywords in Link Texts
Other terms used in links
.edu links
.gov links
DMOZ links
Yahoo Directory Listings
Deep Link Ratio
Site Age

From all this analysis it is possible to establish what factors are likely to have placed the analysed web pages in the Top 10 search results and what is required in order to compete with them and gain a top 10 ranking.

The analysis may also include an assessment of the keywords used by a competitor determined from the page content. Keywords in the keyword meta tags are not used because they are unreliable for determining what keywords a competitor is actually using.

Competitive analysis provides a lot of data with which to make a decision on what is required to compete with competitor web pages holding a top 10 ranking.

However, what should not be overlooked is whether the time, resources and knowledge is available to compete with those sites already holding a top 10 ranking.

It may be more cost effective in terms of time, effort and resources to compete initially for a keyword phrase that has less competition and against web sites not so well entrenched in the Top 10 search results.

Andy Theekson is the SEO specialist at the providing advice and services to small and medium sized web businesses on web design and search engine marketing. Further details on applying Competitor Analysis and example reports can be found in Competitor Analysis - Beating the Competition.


Tasting the Prowess of SEO Dynamic Content

SEO dynamic content is fast becoming the order over web, because what is dynamic is fresh as well. And who doesn't like fresh things. Not only this, search engine spiders out there want to feast with such type of posts, and any time they find one you are the ideal gainer. By such text, I don't mean that your website will be showing animated content to grab the attention of online visitors! Well, if you've thought that way then stop here immediately. You need an instant dose about the role of content.

As compared to static content, dynamism keeps you always in the business. SEO dynamic content changes with every page load at the time interval as set by webmaster. The time frame of the text over the web is decided on various factors such as number of hits registered against the article; link popularity and information contained in it.

This fresh text piece can be placed on portals or websites in variety of forms viz, RSS feeds, pages/scripts, guest comment boxes, blog posts/comments and much more. The best part of SEO dynamic content is that you can easily create multiple static pages from one dynamic page and post them at your own free will

SEO experts follow the strategy to bring the Rank at good level, which helps them in boosting the sales of their online business. This is really done with the help of placing SEO dynamic content, which keeps changing on and off. The text, rich in keywords and content titles, is written on any title after comprehensive research and combinations. But guys wait! Remember that you don't over burden your portal or website with such text, rapidly changing. Give some time for the readers to get the real feel of your content. For making this to happen, you create static pages, which gives ample of time and space for the visitors to your site.

This technique works innovatively and smartly for you and gives your website a reputable Page Rank. SEO dynamic content is written by content writers with a primal objective lurking in mind-to be a successful online marketer.

Visit Content Writer and get seo content writer and seo copy writing in $4.


What is Search Engine Optimization and How It Can Help You

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the practice of optimizing a given web site in order that more traffic will find its way to the site. The more traffic that makes its way to a site, the more products and services can be purchased. This is important for any successful web site entrepreneur.

It is important to bear in mind that most of the web traffic is supported by way of MSN, Google and Yahoo. If a search engine cannot gain access to the content on your web site then you are not likely to rise up in the ranks of the databases and this does not bode well for your business. You will miss out on a great deal of beneficial opportunities to move ahead. Search engines provide an effective navigation system for web sites that offer products, services, content or information.

When a web surfer types in a search query at a site such as Google or Yahoo, the terms that are used are of significant value. Studies looking into the validity of search engine optimization have found they play a significant role in the performance of a site.

Taking the time to learn about how to optimize your web site will prove to be invaluable for the continuing progress of your online business. Those visitors who find their way to a site due to this reason can bring many advantages to a site such as exposure, word of mouth referrals, sales and publicity.

To optimize your web site you need to know to learn the proper combination of successful ingredients, which includes design, content, and user friendliness. It is important to understand what each of these items is composed of.

Design involves headers, links, alternative image text, content text and alternative frame text. The web crawler is also a part of design. A web crawler plays a role in content and it looks at the page title, keywords, file name and page description. A site that is well optimized is one that includes a page title, a description tag, and keyword tags. Keyword tags are essential because they are able to extract key terms and keywords from content. Web crawlers are not concerned with any flashy colors or fancy fonts so avoid going overboard with these things.

In terms of user friendliness, follow this rule - every piece of information that web seekers are trying to find should be no more than two or three clicks away. The spot on the web site that shows contact information should be even closer - think one click away. The web crawler you use is only able to view the pages on your web site that are linked appropriately so make sure that you have plenty of links for text as well as graphical links that are composed of java script or flash.

Search engine optimization is an important aspect of an Internet business, no matter what that business is. Always do what you must to optimize your web site and you will drive up the numbers. The more traffic you receive the more prosperous your site will become.

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This Article Marketing Website Traffic Generation Formula Can Make You Rich

Article marketing is one of the most powerful website traffic generation strategy available today. The reason behind this is its capability to drive thousands of visitors to your website instantly as well as on a permanent basis.

It can do this all for free. Then why do people fail using this powerful traffic generation strategy. You can see people hunting for quick traffic generation softwares, instant traffic solutions and a number of ways that can get them instant traffic to their website.

Doing all this they are sure to fail. But why aren't they using this powerful article marketing strategy to its fullest extent? The reason is simple, they are not aware or frightened to perform the exact steps that is required to create and distribute traffic pulling articles.

In this article you will learn the exact steps to create a quality article and distribute it over the net to get permanent incoming links to your website and quality targeted traffic.

People are frightened of doing research. You need quality content to create an article. The first step to create a quality article is to do a thorough research on the topic of your website.

You can easily do this by visiting search engine like and article directories like

These sources have the power to give you hundreds if not thousands of pages of information on the topic of your website. Just read few articles out there, generate ideas and from these ideas create your own unique article of around 500 to 600 words.

Arrange your article in point format, create headline, header and footer and attention pulling resource box with a link to your website.

This will make sure to get you a unique piece of article created within an hour.

The next problem writers face is that it is extremely time-consuming to submit articles and spread them on hundreds of websites. The solution is simple.

If you have lots of time but no money then you can research around hundred article directories and submit your articles manually. Once you have researched these directories it should not take you more than a few hours to submit your articles to all these directories.

If you are lacking time but have some money to spend then you can use article submission service and they will make sure to submit your articles to hundreds of article directories on the net.

This will make sure that your article gets maximum exposure and gets you traffic beyond your wildest dreams. Write and submit around five to ten articles every day using the tactics I have shown you above.

If you do this on consistent basis, I am sure you will never ever worry about getting hundreds of targeted visitors to your website on a daily basis purchasing your products and services. Make sure you get started today. You can thank me later.

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Learn how to start an internet business and check out your step-by-step FREE Article Marketing and Website Promotion Course.


Article Marketing Secrets - Learn How To Generate A Stampede Of Targeted Visitors

Article marketing is one of my favourite methods of traffic generation. The reasons for this are that it is free and generates leads 10 times the quality of many other sources. If you have been struggling to make a profit from PPC you should definitely try this. When I was looking for an alternative method of traffic generation the main requirements that I had was that this must be low cost and be very easy to implement.

With the Google slap PPC is no longer easy. You may also end up wasting thousands of dollars before you get it right. In this article I would like to go over the main advantages of article marketing. Using this method you will write lots of articles focusing on your niche market for example this could be how to solve specific problems. You need to ensure that you help your reader because if you do this then they they are more likely to subscribe to your newsletter and purchase your products.

Now this is the part of doing this that is very rewarding and profitable for your business. You will submit your completed articles to all the major directories. This means that you will get unlimited search engine traffic for a long time as these directories have a high page rank and the search engines love them. These articles will also become viral as other publishers pick them up and publish them on their websites.

With most of the other advertising methods out there you need to spend money to advertise. As soon as you stop your advertising campaign your traffic will stop. With article marketing all it takes is some of your time to write and once you have finished you will generate long term targeted traffic that never stops to your website.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.


Direct Mail Postcards Marketing Strategies - Win Your Share of the Market

How do you approach clients when sending out direct mail postcards? How does this contribute to your overall marketing plan?

Direct mail postcards are one among the many amazing print materials you can ably use for your marketing and promotional campaigns. This is especially true if you want to gain a foothold on your market and edge out the competitive.

Direct mail postcards can aptly and ably help you breakaway from the rest of the competition. Position yourself and think up of effective strategies that would help you achieve this goal.

Let us then define the means on just how you can achieve your goals. Positioning. Breakaway and direct mail postcards are all powerful ideas and ways you can utilize to win your share of the market.


Positioning is not just about carving out your product to a particular demographic. Positioning is not just about selling your product to a particular age, group, economic status, and the like.

Positioning is how you build up the value of your brand or product. A brand has an image that is perceived by your clients or customers and competitors among others.

With positioning, you combine a variety of elements. You integrate the brand identity, value, profile and everything else to work with strengths and uniqueness of your products, according to your clients point of view.

This is the perspective that you want to build on. This is what you should communicate in your direct mail postcards when speaking to your potential buyers and target market.

Achieve this better by concentrating on your competitive advantage or strengths.

Direct Mail Postcards

Direct mail postcards can duly serve as your tool to help you connect better with your target market. Through this medium, you can weave your message into your desired package and according to your plans.

Here are some ways on how you can transform your direct mail into a strong marketing and communication device. Follow these tips and see how you can turn your text and design around.

1. Understatement

Know the value of subtlety. Remember, positioning is not about being hard-pressed to win over your clients. Be in the shoes of your clients and see you how you could align your message according to the values they have attached to your products and build on that.

2. Do not patronize your clients.

Consumers may be finicky but they know what or which products to trust. Give out useful information that your clients need to know.

3. Present your postcards with the Ideal Vector

The ideal vector is the combined attributes which your target market looks for in your company or products image, so you need to research on this. These desirable attributes may be your products reliability, fast-acting solutions, practical-everyday use and so on.

4. Always print in high-quality.

Always communicate a message that would demonstrate the quality of your products or services. This of course is done through quality printing. It never hurts to create an impression that you do not settle for anything less, so acquire the services of a professional printing company. In return, your own clients would expect nothing less of you.

Let direct mail postcards serve as your vehicle in accomplishing your strategies, your goals and objectives. Make this popular medium an effective tool for your positioning and marketing and win your market over.

More topics on direct mailing postcards can be found at Postcard Printing Full Color - My Postcard printing


Profitable Article Marketing - Discover 4 Outstanding Secrets to Impact Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is considered the ultimate marketing tool as it is proven effective in augmenting traffic, pulling up search engine ranking, improving sales potentials and profits, and positioning yourself as an expert on your chosen niche. What makes it even more popular is that it is easy to do and anyone can do it for free.

Here are the 4 outstanding secrets to impact your article marketing:

1. Potential readers. You need to keep your target market in mind every time you write your articles. You have to make sure that the information you present, your writing style, and your choice of words are all targeted to their needs, wants, and preferences. This is an effective way to please your readers as they are the ones who can ultimately make your marketing strategy a success.

2. Search engines. If you want to drive quality traffic to your website, you need to know how to please the search engines so they will connect you to your potential readers by showing your articles on relevant searches. Make it a habit to use targeted keywords on your content and follow the recommended keyword density to make your articles search engine-friendly.

3. Article submission sites. To increase the chances of your articles being accepted by popular publishing sites, you need to learn and follow their rules by heart. Keep your articles content-rich, informative, keyword-rich, timely, and accurate. Also, eliminate sales pitches or blatant advertisements, inappropriate content, and hyperlinks on your articles. These are the common reasons why articles are rejected online.

4. Your business. Remember, you are writing your articles to promote your business and your products to ultimately augment your sales potential. As such, you need to be careful in choosing your topics and you must stick with those that are relevant to your target niche and potential clients so you can drive targeted traffic to your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


Opt-In Lists for Events

Opt-in lists for events are similar to the signing up for a newsletter. You ask people if they want to be notified when a special event or sale is happening. Although some may look at this as a permission to send junk mail, you can let them know that you are not selling your list to anyone and you will use it only for the stated purpose. Then do not abuse the privilege of having them sign up. Do not overwhelm them with sales and event noticesmake sure that you schedule the notices and let them know when to expect them. As with a newsletter, you can tell them whether it will be daily, weekly, monthly, or otherwise. You should also inform them of the day to expect it.

I know that you do not commonly see much scheduling happening on the Web in general, but you will find that your clients appreciate your scheduling. It gives them a heads up when to expect the information so they are more likely to read it. You want them to read it and take action from what you send. In order to make this happen, schedule your mailings and make them exciting and enticing.

If people opt in, they will also want to have the option of opting out. Let them know at any time they can do so and give them a link so they can follow through. I have opted out of some lists with ease and others only with great difficulty. As you can imagine, I feel respect for the companies that make it easy and lose all patience for those that do not. Consider, too, that people change addresses, and they must have an easy way to opt out of the old address and opt in with the new one!

Bette Daoust, Ph.D. has been networking with others since leaving high school years ago. Realizing that no one really cared about what she did in life unless she had someone to tell and excite. She decided to find the best ways to get peoples attention, be creative in how she presented herself and products, getting people to know who she was, and being visible all the time. Her friends and colleagues have often dubbed her the Networking Queen. Blueprints for Success - Networking: 150 ways to promote yourself is the first in this series. Blueprints for Success Branding Yourself: Another 150 ways to promote yourself is planned for release in 2006. For more information visit


Marketing Strategy - Waves of Quality Targeted Traffic From Article Marketing

There is a marketing strategy that allows you to get quality targeted traffic to your website and it is easy. You can use this marketing strategy to make money with Google adsense ads, affiliate products, or your own product. The best part is that it is easy and free. Read on to discover more about this great marketing strategy.

If you want quality targeted traffic, then you need to start article marketing. Article marketing is one of the free staples to website traffic that is always going to be targeted. There are some internet marketers that make their entire living from article marketing. Imagine waking up in the morning, or afternoon if you prefer, writing 5 to 10 articles, submitting them to top article directories, and when you are done, doing whatever you want with the rest of your day.

This is a reality for some people and these people are the ones that are using article marketing to get their targeted traffic. Read on to find out the basics of article marketing.

Basically you will need to have a subject in mind and a few affiliate product websites or Google AdSense websites to promote with your articles. Then, you need to brainstorm a list of possible article titles. The longer the list is the better because you will have more choices to write about. Last, you need to research and start writing your articles. Submit them one by one to the top article directories, then take one out of every ten or so and submit them all over the web to as many free article directories as you can find.

Article marketing is easy and is one of the top free marketing strategies. You can use article marketing to create a flood of quality targeted traffic to your website, blog, Google AdSense sites, or affiliate product sites.

Start turning a profit today with article marketing. Discover all the secrets of this top marketing strategy and create waves of quality targeted traffic to your website. Get the Secrets to article marketing here:


Fast Article Marketing - Latest 4 Targeted Methods to Make Money Through Article Marketing

If you have the knack for writing, you don't need to look very far for a great traffic-generation method that you can use to build quality traffic for your website. You can simply write and submit articles to publishing sites to improve your page ranking, obtain numerous inbound links, and increase the number of your page views.

1. Plan ahead. Devise a workable plan where you can schedule all the smaller tasks that are associated with article marketing. Set your writing time and schedule your submission. Allot at least one day every week for your performance check and for improving articles that are not receiving impressive click throughs.

2. Match your goals with the amount of time and effort that you are willing to invest on this technique. If you aim to get additional 100,000 page views every day, you must be willing to multiply the number of articles that you submit on a regular basis or devise a better plan on how you can reach your goals. Some marketers hire ghostwriters or articles submitter so they can post more articles to get improved traffic.

3. Be patient. Some article marketers quit when they don't see noticeable improvement in their page views after a couple of submissions. Article marketing doesn't offer immediate results and based on researches, you need at least 100 quality articles before you will feel the improvement. So, be patient, keep writing and submitting articles and you'll surely reap great rewards in the long run.

4. Submit only to the best publishing sites. Some article submission sites are not even indexed by Google. Don't waste your time on these sites as they do not have steady readership that can potentially pick up and distribute your articles.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


Unlock The Secrets To Building Your List With Short Articles

Article marketing is one of the very best ways ways to build very responsive opt in lists. The main reason for this is that the leads are up to ten times more responsive than leads from other sources. When somebody subscribes to your newsletter there is a very good chance that they have already read several of your articles. So by the time that they actually do subscribe they will already like, know and trust you.

However, when you write your article it is very important to decide whether you are writing it to build recognition as an expert in your specific field or are you writing to build your opt in list.

This is a very important distinction that you need to make. If you would like more of your articles to be published in ezines and on other websites then a longer article with a lot of expert information will do this. Other webmasters will be eager to post your informative article on their web sites.

However, since the article will be very long it will be very unlikely that they will actually click on the link to your web site in your bio. A shorter and more concise article of two hundred and fifty to three hundred words will be more appropriate. Since it is more concise your bio will be much easier to access. Just make sure that it is not buried too much. Have a link to your squeeze page and you will easily build a highly responsive list using this method.

It some times can be difficult to write shorter articles. If you find that you need to write a thousand word article you can break it up into three articles. of roughly about three hundred words.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.


Atomic Blogging System Review - Making Money Blogging Online Scam?

Do you wish to learn more about the Atomic Blogging system made by Alvin Phang, and how you can start making money blogging online? There are many ways to make money from a blog, but without a step by step process, you will very likely get lost while trying. This article will discuss the steps outlined by Atomic Blogging to help you start making money online.

1. Overview of the Steps Needed To Make Money from Blogging

Firstly, you must decide which topic you want to blog about. This might sound simple, but if you are interested in making money, you must find a market which you can potentially sell to. Once that is done, choose your blogging platform to host your blog. The best platform so far seems to be Wordpress.

When your blogs are set up, you need to find sources of traffic to drive potential buyers to them. There are many ways to do this, and the Atomic Blogging system describes simple ways to help you generate a ton of back links fast. Once you have setup the entire system, you can potentially make money from your blogs forever.

2. What Is Alvin Phang's Atomic Blogging System About?

I would say that even though there are many guides to help you make money from blogging, Atomic Blogging is very unique and different from others. Newbies may get very confused at its website at first glance (I knew I was when I did not know anything about making money from blogs), with terms described like web 2.0, traffic generation and back links etc.

Over the past months, this guide and the entire website have been updated.

3. What Is Different About Atomic Blogging?

This guide outlines the most basic of steps to the most advanced ones in making money from blogging. If you already have some experience in profiting from blogs, you will find some of the plugins included to be very useful. They have helped me save a lot of time with social bookmarking sites, which allows you to post to all the big bookmarking websites immediately at the click of a button.

4. Conclusion

This guide is very comprehensive when teaching you every aspect of making money from blogs online. I would say that the most valuable tools are the plugins and templates because these tools are being sold separately online for high prices. To get everything included in one package is a great deal and would help any blogger save time and money.

Does Atomic Blogging really work? Visit to learn the author's results from using Atomic Blogging, and Click Here to Download Atomic Blogging System!


Internet Marketing: The Rule of 5

If you want better results from your marketing, you need a marketing plan. Once you've decided how you plan to market your business online, then you need to execute the steps.

When writing your marketing plan, you start with your long term marketing strategies. Long term marketing strategies include search engine optimization, affiliate programs, and linking. Next, begin using shorter term marketing strategies like writing articles and press releases.

Short term strategies include joint ventures and classified advertising.

Regardless of which internet marketing techniques you choose to use, you need to implement these in the right order.

Some parts of your marketing plan, like search engine optimization and submission can be done one time. Now that many search engines use crawlers to crawl websites, your site will automatically spidered by the search engines.

If your site isn't getting completely spidered and all of your pages indexed, you may need a sitemap. Once you create your sitemap, you'll only need to update as necessary.

Other tasks, like writing articles and press releases will be an ongoing task.

To get the most from your marketing plan though, you need to be consistent. Jack Canfield writes about The Rule of 5 in his book, "The Success Principles". This is the technique he and Mark Victor Hansen used to promote their "Chicken Soup for the Soul" books.

Basically, the idea is to do five things every day to promote your products or services. This will be five marketing tasks.

You can select these from your marketing plan, or you can create new tasks to do. The idea is to market consistently.

For example, one day you could post your site to five new directories. The next day you could write an article, write one or two forum posts, and post to a couple of new directories.

The point is be consistent about your marketing efforts. Real success in marketing comes from doing it regularly.

If you track and test your efforts, you'll see success more quickly. You'll know how successful any internet marketing technique you use is by the results you get.

Some methods are easier to track than others. With articles, you can find out what sites offer your articles by doing a search in Google for the title of your article. By reading your server logs, you can see where your traffic is coming from. This will tell you the success of each article.

Don't forget to factor in the money you are making into the equation. This may not be clear, especially if you are using articles because articles are a viral marketing technique and can't always be easily measured.

Build a foundation by starting with long term internet marketing techniques. Add other marketing techniques so you are continually increasing your exposure. The more you increase your exposure, the more traffic and sales you will get.

Jinger Jarrett wants to give you free publicity for your internet marketing business. You can submit your articles, press releases, links, and ads for free when you visit her site at Visit her internet marketing bookstore at


What Is Article Marketing And How I Got Started With This Business Model - Part 2

I submitted forty articles to four directories and got enrolled in this wonderful coaching program. I didn't really know the exact reason why I submitted those articles, but I did it anyway.

After I got accepted, the coach told us to write articles and distribute to various directories (again). We had to find the websites ourselves (we were 70 at the beginning). I typed article directories and other keywords in Google to find those.

He told us that we needed to add a resource box at the end of the articles with an anchor link to his website because it was one of the best form of traffic on the web. After all, the web is just content and links.

Almost immediately after we submitted those articles (it became a weekly task after this), we were taught to create an opt-in box to capture our visitors emails and first name.

What is an opt-in box?

It is a form that you can get from your autoresponder software and add to your website to build your list of subscribers. You need to be aware that almost %90 of the visitors to your website are not going to buy from you. For this reason, you need to quickly qualify them to find out if they will do business with you in the future.

Think about it, if they don't trust you enough to give you their email and first name, they are not going to give you their credit card number... And to run your business, you need to be in profits. Once a surfer becomes a lead (he subscribed to your autoresponder message), you need to build a relationship with him. Now it will be easy for you because you already wrote a couple of quality articles.

All you need to do is to add those articles into your autoresponder series and your subscribers will receive them automatically.

Next, we will discover how to monetize these articles.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it:


Can You Promote Your Site By Submitting Articles?

One of the biggest challenge for a webmaster is probably the promotion of websites. In fact, one of the proved ways of doing that is article marketing. You will write articles on the products you are promoting.

When you are preparing the articles, you may have questions on how you should write them. In fact, you would have numerous choices regarding the styles and contents of them. However, most webmasters will write informative articles, or articles which are useful to the readers. You will need to submit the articles to various article directory after you have written them. You will need to apply for an account in each article directory and submit to them manually.

Alternatively, you can also use the distribution services to distribute your articles. The number one advantage of using such services is that you can distribute your articles without spending a lot of time. There are also submission software you can use. The basic idea of this kind of software is to semi-automate the submission process. It will help you to login to the directories automatically and you can save some time on the submission.

Of course, you will not need to spend any money if you submit the articles manually. However, you may probably be able to sense that it will take you some time to do so. Are you prepared to spend 6 hours a day to submit articles? If not, you may probably want to go for the submission software or distribution services. You will need to pay for a monthly fee in this case. You are in fact buying the time in this case.

So, how can the articles help to promote your site? First of all, since you will put some links in the articles and the links will lead to your website. When a reader feels interested in the subject or topic you are writing about, they may probably follow the links and visit your website. Thus you will get some traffic from the articles.

Secondly, you will have a chance to build up your image as an expert in your industry. You will probably write about the latest trend and news in your industry. When you write a lot about that, the readers will have the impression that you are an expert in the field. They will trust what you say and this will make you sell the products a lot easier.

John Lung is an affiliate Marketing Coach. You can learn more about Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing from his website. He also runs a Online Money Making and SEO Blog. Be sure to check Website Data Analysis Tools.


Agel Marketing Tips - Build Your Agel Business Fast, Even If You're On A Budget

When marketing your Agel business, it can get very expensive. Whether you're buying samples, leads, brochures, DVDs, or other marketing materials, at some point, you'll begin to spend more money than you're making. You'll spend hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars, and only bring in maybe one person. That's not how it's suppose to be. So, what I'm going to do is share with you how to build you're Agel business fast, even if you're on a tight budget.

Agel Marketing Tips #1: The internet, without question, is a powerful tool. It will take an average person sponsoring maybe 1 or 2 people a month and boom that to 13, maybe 14 people a week. Can this happen to you? You betcha! One way to achieve those type of results is through video marketing (Example: It's simple. And free to use. You can drive tons of traffic to your site. And even better, you can start adding people into your business, just as soon as you have your video up and running.

Let me break down how this works for you. Remember how it felt when you saw the "top dog" of your Agel business up on stage. He demonstrated leadership. And people put all of their trust in him. It seemed like he was attracting people to him. Well, this is how video marketing will work for you and your business. People will see your videos and automatically be drown in to you.

And from time to time, you'll be able to attract some "heavy hitters" into your Agel business. They will bring hundreds of people with them into your business. This will help build your Agel business fast, even if you're on a budget.

Agel Marketing Tips #2: Another free and cool way to build your Agel business fast, even if you're on a budget is to use blogs. You can pick up a blog for free at Blogs will definitely drive hundreds, maybe thousands of people to your site.

When you set up your blog, you should focus on a few things. First, you should include information that's beneficial to your ready. You could talk about how the benefits of your product will help them. Or you could focus on the business side of Agel. This will help people make a decision based on what they want. This will allow you to attract people who are serious about growing a business.

Agel Marketing Tips #3: If you've added at least 1 person into your Agel business, you know the struggle it takes to get your downline growing their Agel business. Well, with the tools I've showed you today, you can show your downline what to do and how to do it. This will eliminate the struggle it takes to grow your business. You can show your new distributors how to get started, and this will give them a chance to start adding people into their Agel business the very first week.

Use these tools and techniques to grow your Agel business fast, even if you're on a budget. These marketing tips will have you growing your Agel business, starting today.

For more information and other secrets on growing your Agel business on a budget, visit:


How To Get Rid Of SEO And Make More Money

So you started doing SEO, to get some keywords ranked at the top of the search engines and get lots of traffic.

First of all Google provides the best customers for your business. Simple because most people use Google since Google provides most accurate results. So focus on getting high rankings in Google. I simple never check where I rank in other search engines.

You need to know how to automate your business, so you don't keep doing all the search engine optimization strategies manually. Once your website is receiving traffic you start making money. That is your ultimate goal.

You can then outsource the tasks you do such as link building, article creation, article submission, forum posting and anything else.

Why you outsource?

If you want to expand your business further, you need to focus on product creation, other marketing methods, copywriting and other things. SEO is just one part of your business. On the other hand if you like to work everyday, and enjoy a four figure income you may want to keep doing what you are doing.

But most people want to increase their income to make five and six figures online. To do that you need to outsource and use software instead of doing everything manually. Once you start making money, you have more cash to invest in these things.

Link builders or any other employer can be found on one of the freelancing websites.

Depends on your needs, you can hire people full time or part time. You save tremendous amounts of time doing this. That is why your business grows, because you work on other things with your available time.

You cannot outsource if you are totally new to seo. You cannot hire a link builder if you do not know what the job of a link builder is. You need to know properly what seo is all about, so you hire the right people and give them to right tasks. Many people put up a website and then hire a so called seo expert. They pay a ton of money and they get scammed, because there are many so called experts who are not experts at all.

So, learnings and experience is required before you can give the job to someone else. There are legitimate seo companies too, but only if you know SEO well, you understand if a company is a scam or genuine company. The price is expensive as well. So it is not an option for a beginner. But once you have money to invest and experience you can find that genuine company and test them out, see if they can bring results and if so you can keep on hiring them.

So seo is what you may need to get a ton of targeted traffic, however do not ignore all the other opportunities to grow your business once you start making some money. There is no need to keep doing seo until you retire.

Do you want to make automatic link exchanges or find and get them manually? If you want to automate all link building tasks get OutRankSmart today.


Incredible Article Marketing Case Study - Brain Picking Secrets That I Have Learned

Article marketing is one of my favourite methods of traffic generation. The reason for this is that it generates the highest quality lead possible.

I have just noticed that I have written over 580 articles. These have created 58,000 page views, 4510 url clicks to my squeeze page and been published 2,500 times. These are really amazing statistics and I have just gotten going with my article marketing efforts.

In this article I would like to go through the lessons that I have learned from this. When I first started out I was not so sure what to expect from article marketing.

The one most valuable lesson that I have learned from all of this is that it takes time to develop skill. I remember when I started out I really was terrible at writing. As I continually did this I gradually improved. Over time you get better and better. However, when you first start out it will seem like a very big hurdle that you need to climb.

The biggest disappoint about this method of promoting your website is that after 100 articles you may not see that fantastic results yet. However, keep on going the results will be worth it over time. As you continue your results will get better and better. This is a long term strategy and if you are looking for quick results I do not suggest that you attempt this at all because you will totally get frustrated.

Now the most important part of marketing this way is that your leads are a lot more responsive and more likely to buy from you. One of the biggest problems with building a list is actually getting people to buy from you. It is not as easy as what people say. People only buy from other people that they like, know and trust.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.


Why Article Marketing Produces Such High Quality Leads

Article marketing produces some of the highest quality leads in the marketplace today, and very few people know this. They might have heard it somewhere, but they dont really know it. How do I know this? Because there are only a handful of people who actually write articles and make a full time income from the leads generated from those articles.

I am one of those people. But enough about me.

Why does article marketing produce such high quality leads?

I believe it is because once someone has read your article, and perhaps several of your articles, if they click through to your web site, it is because the already like you. It is not because they were tricked by some PPC ad or some other hot line in an email. They didnt have to evaluate their decision to come to your site by some 3 line ad.

The read some of your articles. They have seen your style. They like your style enough to want to learn more. And so they click through.

I think this is the very strongest key to this phenomenon.

So the next question is, how do you keep up this rapport that is created when they come to your web site?

The way to do it is through your email campaign.

I send all of my incoming traffic to a squeeze page (you can sample one at the end of this article) and that gives people an opportunity to get something free from me, and in exchange for getting something free from me, they have to give me their email so I can send it to them. And if I have their email, I can build rapport with them. Of course, so can you.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.


List Building - Announcing 5 Proven Secrets to Grow Your List Building

Why is there a need to expand your email marketing list?

The number on your email list equates to the sales potential that you can obtain every time you send your promotional campaign to your target market. And since we all know that it takes over a hundred contacts before you create one sales lead, it is important that your list is huge enough to make a decent number of leads.

Here are the 5 proven secrets to grow your list building:

1. Build trust and establish your online credibility. Online users will not be willing to share their contact information without knowing if you are a legitimate online entrepreneur or just another spammer. One way to gain their trust is by establishing your credibility online. How? You can build a professional-looking website; communicate your expertise through article marketing or through ezine publishing. When you present online users with proofs that you really mean business and that you are a good source of information, you will not have a hard time convincing them to be part of your email marketing list.

2. Promote your list through banner ads. Identify the websites that are usually accessed by your target market and promote your list on these sites by posting your banner ads.

3. Make your subscription process hassle-free. As much as possible, ask your potential subscribers with few contact information. Their email address, name and field of interest should be enough.

4. Give online users reasons to subscribe. Throw in freebies, discounts, vouchers, free reports, or other valuable items. Since most online users love getting freebies, you will surely get subscriptions by utilizing this technique.

5. Let your subscribers know that they can choose to opt-out anytime they want. Online users might feel hesitant to give their contact information thinking that they will not be able to get out from it easily when they want to. Break that notion and communicate your terms upfront.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


Gaining Link Popularity Techniques

Link popularity is very important these days for all websites since most major search engines look at link popularity has a tool for ranking your site in there search results as well as the quality of your websites content keyword wise. Link popularity is a great way to gaining targeted visitors to your website. This article is going to show you easy and free and effective ways to increase your websites link popularity.

The purpose of having a website is to get visitors to your website to enable you to reach you websites goal that maybe to make a sale of your product or service.

here are a couple of free and effective ways to increase your websites link popularity and the best thing it is free.

1) Submit your website to directories - Directories are by far the most popular way to increase any websites link popularity since they are so many directories out there and they are usually free for any webmaster to add there website url. You need to find directories that pass Google page rank and that are search engine friendly you can find this out usually by looking at links that are on the directory that have direct links websites not a redirecting url. A example of such directory is mine Directory

Directories are also great for gaining highly targeted visitors to your website if you submit your site in the right category since people actually search directories to find relevant websites to what they are searching for.

2) Forum Signatures - This is another method you gaining link popularity this can be dine by link to your website from your signature in the forum. Make sure you hyperlink your website to the main keyword's that your website relates to e.g. Search Engine Directory

3) Link Exchanges - This is another popular way to increase any websites link popularity by exchanging website links with relevant websites to yours this is a hard way to gain link popularity but it has been made easy to exchange links with sites by link exchange sites such as or but you can also ask website owners to link with your site by just emailing the webmaster in most cases they will like to link with you if you have a there link already on your link exchange page and if they find your website useful to there viewers.

4) Writing Articles - writing articles that enable other website owners to publish them o there website is another way to gain link popularity like what I have done. This you will have a Authors biography or resource box on the bottom of your article that contains your websites link so when someone publishes your article on your website you will gain a nice one-way link to your website and also if your readers find your article interesting they are most likely going to checkout your website.

5) Link To Us - provide a page on your website for people that find your website interesting to add your website link to your website here is a example (Link To Us).

6) Just Ask - Ask anyone that owns a website you know just to add you link or add just add a couple of lines to your website such as: "Please help us by add our link to your site" Hyperlink it to your link to us page or link exchange page.

These are most probably most common ways for you to increase your website link popularity and gain more visitors from those links or from search engines. So start gaining links to your website and get the traffic that you deserve.

Good Luck

Martin has been making a living with affiliate revenue for the past couple of years you can by joining Martin's Webmasters Newsletter for free.

Add your website links for free to Directory and also Search Engine Directory


Lucrative Article Marketing - Discover 5 Reliable Ways to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you don't have the budget to cover the advertising cost but would still like to popularize your website and connect to your potential clients, article marketing could be your best friend. It can help you promote your products and services without spending your precious dime.

Here are the 5 reliable ways to energize your article marketing:

1. Write and submit quality articles. Quality is one element of article marketing that can either make or break your marketing strategies. If you can consistently present content-rich, informative, well-written, and easy to understand articles to your readers, you will easily gain their trust and you can quickly compel them to click on your resource box.

2. Consider the rules set by publishers. To increase the chances of your article being posted online, strive to follow all the rules of each publishing site. Most of them do not allow hyperlinks on the article body, inappropriate content, and blatant advertisement. They do favor articles that are well-written, keyword-rich, and those which are highly targeted to the needs and demands of your potential readers.

3. Keep your articles short. People generally do not like reading lengthy articles and they prefer to get the information they need quickly. Help them out and make your articles short, direct to the point, and concise.

4. Empathize. If you want to quickly build rapport with your readers, make them feel that you understand where they are coming from. Understand what they are going through and offer sound solutions to help them out.

5. Use automatic submission software. Manually submitting your articles to hundreds of publishing sites can be time consuming. To maximize your writing time, invest on software that can help you automatically submit your articles in just few clicks.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


How To Start Up The Easy Way

One of the biggest hassles for newbies when it comes to Internet marketing is having to learn about websites and all that is required to get things happening before the money begins to flow into the coffers.

For a person who has no knowledge of HTML and how it works, website building and management becomes a difficult feat. The easiest way then is to get somebody else to do the website building for you.

Getting somebody to build you a website is not as easy as you might think. If you do not know what you really want from a website then you in the same boat as not understanding HTML. You are at the mercy of the person building the website. This means your project is going to take longer. It also means you are going to be paying more for building your website.

One way around this is to find a service that provides you with a website that you do not have to worry about HTML. There are plenty of hosting services that provide website templates. The trouble with these templates is they often look mass produced and do not meet your individual taste. They are okay for those who merely want to have a cheap website but are not looking to make money from it.

If you are looking to make money from a website, maybe one like I have is what you are after. At, I have a website that is cheap and really only a temporary thing, but I will keep it because it only costs me $10.00 a year. This is just the cost of my domain name, really. The rest comes free.

Actually, if I did not have my main website, which cost $10,000, I would seriously look at using the same service I have my website with and upgrading the site to include the other features. This would look a much more professional site and would have a shopping cart. And the cost would still be very reasonable; around $20.00 a month. That's only $250 a year. Now compare that to the $10.000 it will have cost me to get my main website for "Happy Riches Club" up and running in the next few weeks.

It does not matter what you do, everything requires a learning curve until you are well versed in the terminology and procedures and skills required for proficiency. Even setting up the instant website that I have was not as quick as the advertising blurb suggested. It was only supposed to take minutes, but took me hours.

Some of the things I wanted to do, with the instant website were restricted because I do not understand HTML. I put various banners in there but they would not work for some reason. If I had an understanding of HTML, I would have been able to make the appropriate adjustments to rectify the problems. The one banner that I have working on the site is because the guy who created it really knows what he is doing.

This brings me to another way you can get a website without having a knowledge of anything. If you can find someone who can provide you with websites and opt-in pages (as I have), there is really no need for you to build a website if you are interested in making money from Internet marketing. All you do is jump into the program like I have and add it to your money-making ways. Just as there is more than one way to skin a cat, there are multiple streams of money to be made from using the resources that are available on the Internet. So why go to the cost of creating your website when you can make use of existing programs as an affiliate.

Happy Riches knows how to show you how. Happy Riches can be found at

Happy Riches also runs an educational membership club which has a focus on people becoming healthy, wealthy and wise. You can find out more at