Saturday, May 17, 2008 

Article Marketing - The Ugly Truth About Getting Thousands Of Visitors To Your Website!

Are you just starting your online marketing adventure? If yes, you are going to discover the best way to write killer articles that earn you a nice and steady income all during the year.

Do you want to find out a simple and effective method to build a list of thousands of subscribers, drive hordes of traffic to your website and make sales in the front and backend?

It's easy, just write short articles and give them away. That's it.

Writing articles and giving them away for free is the best thing you can do for your business. It's a short and long term strategy.

1. Short term strategy

Whenever you submit your articles to the top directories such as ezine articles, article dashboard and buzzle, you will get instant traffic. Once your articles are approved, you will receive visitors and many of them will click on the link that you put in your bio box.

What is a bio box?

It's the "about the author" byline. If you have a website about forex, you could write a bio box like this:

"John Doe is the owner of the powerful Forex trading software. To discover how you can earn thousands of dollars trading currency exchange, download his free report - How to generate 180 pips every single day on complete autopilot - today!"

Anyone reading your article and interested in the forex market will want to click to learn more.

2. Long term strategy

After a while, your article will only get a few visitors a month from the directory itself, but here come the good news. Your traffic will come from the search engines like Google, Yahoo and msn.

Plus the publishers who added your articles to their web pages will also drive traffic to your site for years to come.

Do you see how powerful it is? And even better, this traffic generation method is ultra cheap. You don't even need to pay a cent.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:


Internet Marketing Expert Matt Bacak's Easy 3 Step Action Plan for Internet Success

Internet Marketing Expert, Matt Bacak earned his first million online as an affiliate. In a recent interview with fellow Internet Marketing expert, Armand Morin, challenged Matt Bacak and asked him what he would do if lost everything and had to start all over again to make money online. So here's Matt Bacak's three step action plan for those starting an online business and selling a info-product with very little start-up cash.

Step 1: Set Up Your Website
Set up your web site with a compelling sales letter. If you hate copywriting then you can hire someone to write the sales copy for you from sites such as Elance, Rentacoder or Guru. Alternatively, there are some excellent sales letter software programs that you can choose from. In addition, you can also use these sites to find website builders as well.

Once you've written your sales letter you also should consider having an opt-in page so that you can start capturing the names of visitors to your website.

Step 2: Set Up Your Autoresponder Series
An autoresponder allows you to automate your communications with your customers and potential customers. You can re-purpose the copy for your sales letter by breaking it down into small components that focus on the benefits of your product.

Using this autoresponder series you can continue to promote your digital product to those who opt-in to your list but do not immediately purchase your product.

You can choose services such as Aweber or GetResponse to set up your autoresponders.

Step 3: Generate Traffic
Matt Bacak advises writing ten articles as quickly as you can and submitting them to key article directories. You can use your resource box to drive people back to your opt-in page.

Obviously, the more consistently you write the better your results from this traffic generation method. Here are three key advantages of using articles as a traffic generation strategy:

1. It's can be done for free unless you choose to use a ghost writer.
2. Even if you choose to use a ghost writer costs can be quite low.
3. Article writing can have immediate, short-term and long-term benefits as, once published your articles are permanently in cyberspace and their reach can be far and wide.

Initially, you may want to just start out by submitting articles to a few strategic sites but to achieve a wider distribution you can use an Article Submission service such as Article Marketer which offer a low-cost, yet efficient service to distribute your articles to thousands of sites. They even offer a free service to 29 sites.

In addition to the website already mentioned sources of ghost writers or freelance writers include iFreelance and GetAFreelancer.

If you want to write your own articles but hate writing try speaking your articles. Some individuals find it much easier to talk into a microphone and this can be a relatively quick way to create articles. You simply get your audio recording transcribed and after, hopefully, minor editing you have a written article.

An advantage of this method is that you have both written and oral content and using both on your website or blog will increase access to your material. Just as you may not like writing; some people don't like reading and prefer to use their hearing modality.

For more FREE expert advice on how to develop every key angle of your online business please visit Expert Internet Marketing Solutions. For a tried and tested system that you can use to sell services as well as info-products online please visit Proven Online Solutions. You'll be absolutely amazed!


The Article Marketing Guideline

Many internet marketers try to fight just to get onto the first page of Google to totally dominate their keyword. There is a marketing strategy that can get you onto the first page. That is article marketing.

How do you do it? It's simple. Just start writing articles about whatever it is you want to market. But you have to write many articles. You have to completely flood the market with your articles if you want to get onto the first page of Google. So to help you out on your article marketing success, here is a simple guideline that you should follow.

1. Your articles must contain quality information! Your articles need to have valuable information for the reader. When you give away valuable information, that is where people are going to be linking your articles, and that is how your going to get onto Google's first page.

2. Use your resource box to your advantage. Don't waste this valuable tool. Use your resource box is the gateway where people are going to go to to find out more about your product or your website. Your resource should have a catch and a link. Get your readers hooked by your resource by giving them a call to action. Have your resource box look professional. Don't fill it with a bunch of links. This looks childish and no one will go to any of them.

3. DO NOT make your articles too long. Long articles are boring and no one will want to read them. Give them information fast. That's what people want. They want information fast and to the point. Get in, and get out. Don't beat around the bush. If your article HAS to be long, than put in bullets and paragraphs so people can have access to the main points of the article.

4. You must write a lot of articles if you wish to get onto the first page of Google. This is the best way to get onto the first page of Google and stay there. Flood the marketing with your articles and just keep writing. You have to write more than 100 articles. Don't worry, it'll be easy.

5. Follow the guidelines. Don't break the rules. You don't want to get your valuable article marketing account deleted. You'll get taken off of Google!

Use this guide to article marketing, and soon you'll be getting the traffic that you've always wanted.


Want to learn how to make some serious online income? Sign up for my FR-EE online money making ecourse by Clicking Here Now, and I'll teach you how to do it step by step!


How To Do Ezine Marketing

Ezine marketing does not require any money to get started. It is not complicated, but it does require work. The basic process is:

  1. Find a product that has an affiliate program
  2. Do a "long tail" keyword search.
  3. Write an article, using the keywords, to be put in an Ezine.
  4. Put links in the article that link to the product you are affiliated with. (Be sure to follow the website guide lines for submission.)
  5. Submit the article to article web sites.
  6. Repeat.

Do not let the simplicity fool you. There are many people making a full time income doing this process. It does take time and persistence. You will need submit many articles and keep submitting them to keep the income flowing.

Additional steps are to put up your own website and start collecting opt-ins. You can populate your website with the articles you have already written and/or create eBooks to sell.

Utilize your op ins, emailing them AT LEAST two times a week. You don't send them a pitch every time. You write to them about their problems and how you can help. Give them links to Youtube videos, articles and resources that they can enjoy and use.

Ezine marketing is the basis from which you can build into other profit making ventures. You can then do the one time offers, the large back-end offers, producing your own products if you wish, joint ventures, thank you pages, video etc. Any one of those can greatly increase your profits.

You will know from the success of the articles, which niches are most profitable. Now that you have hard solid numbers to work with, you can do those other things you have been hearing about. You will be able to do PPC, Banners, Joint ventures, etc. All of these HINGE on having a profitable model in the first place. Ezine marketing will give you the foundation to be a success at these other ventures.

Paul Steuart is a computer professional and internet marketer. Want find a help with internet marketing? See Make Make Money Online


4 Atrocious Ideas for SEO Marketing (and 5 Brilliant Ones)

Are you a marketing manager who wants to make the most out of your investment in search engine optimization? Then pin this essential list of do's and don't's on your cork board:


1. Target your SEO marketing geographically. By focusing on niche or local markets, you can actually beat the "big dogs" - even on popular keywords

2. Link build with relevant sites and blogs. Two ways to speed up this process: 1) create info-rich content and an easy interface to attract traffic naturally. 2) Garner "reciprocal links" by reaching out to other great sites in your niche community.

3. Update your SEO content regularly. The search engines LOVE fresh, relevant copy.

4. Test your online marketing search engine optimization ideas early and often. Be brutal. Find the flaws before you "go public."

5. Use web analytics to track how users respond to your site and how/when leads convert. The more data you have, the more finely-tooled your SEO marketing strategy can be.


1. Duplicate website copy to "fool" search engines like Google and Yahoo into thinking you have more relevant information on your site than you actually do. Search engine spiders use powerful algorithms to "sniff out" bogus or duplicated content, and they will actually punish you by lowering your rankings.

2. Choose your keywords willy-nilly. If you aim too broadly with your keywords, you will burn money unnecessarily by going up against irrelevant competitors, and you'll reduce the percentage of leads to your website who are likely to convert. If you aim too narrowly, you will overlook segments of your consumer base, and you'll yield a bad ratio of dollars-spent to visitors-attracted.

3. Switch domains frequently. Search engines typically reward sites for longevity by giving them a ranking boost.

4. "Borrow" copyrighted materials or content from other sites without permission. The search engines and/or the pillaged sites will find out, and your reputation (online and offline) could suffer.

If you'd like instant feedback on your SEO keyword strategy, get a free keyword ranking report through , the Bay Area's leading provider of online marketing solutions since 2001.

Debbie Everson is CEO of, The Search Engine Optimization & Marketing company. Our services include organic and paid search, reporting & tracking, blog postings, link building, sitemaps, SEO copywriting, landing page design, and website audits. SearchMar was founded in 2001, and is headquartered in San Francisco, California with 10 US based employees. Some recent clients are: Trumpf, Inc., Electronic Clearing House, Inc, CatchWord Branding and Amcom Software Inc. Call us at 1-866-885-6263 for more information.


How to Get High Listing for Your Website in Search Engines


Welcome to the world of Internet Marketing. Now you can use the knowledge you gain in this Special Report to market your products and services using the web, and reap rich rewards.


Google has changed our world forever. We no longer ask people for recommendations; we no longer call our friends for long chats. We no longer idle our time at the coffee machine…

We are mostly busy at our Notebooks or PCs, finding something or the other on the Internet, using search engines like Google or Yahoo. There is so much happening in the world, and internet is becoming the key medium to stay in touch with everything – electronic greeting cards, MSN messenger, GMail, Net2Phone, grocery shopping, Amazon, eBay, Internet Radio & TV… you name it, and it is available on the Internet. So why would you or your customers leave home at all.

Small Businesses Need a Jumpstart on the Internet

With all this happening at warp speed, the small business owner has to think of ways to get their product or service in front of eager buyers. And where do you find such eager buyers? After all they may not visit your shop or office. Hint: Find them on the Internet.

Two Ways to Get New Customers

There are only two ways to get customers - either you find them, or they find you.

Push Method – You find your Customers

Competing in a global marketplace, you will have increasingly less time to find customers yourself. And the more you chase customers, the more they run away from you.

Pull Method – Your Customers Find You

A pull method, where the prospects eagerly seeking your products or services find you works the best. Because they seek you - “the expert”, you have a much higher perceived value, and consequently, you have to do much less of selling… (They are already sold when they found the expert in you).

Make it Easier to Find You

If you (meaning your website) is easy to find, more prospects will not have to hunt you down. Today, they may search high and low on the search engines finding your products and services.

If your website is listed high on the search engines (Hint: in the first page or two), you have a high chance of getting their attention. If you are among the remaining 432 million pages, you stand no chance.

Not everyone can be in the top pages of search engine results. But you can, if you follow certain principles, some guidelines, and show persistence and perseverance.

The art of optimizing your web pages, so that Search engine think they are highly relevant to what people are searching for, is called Search Engine Optimization, or SEO in short.

Search Engine Optimization Explained

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is making your each page on your website work like a magnet to attract eager prospects. It starts will identifying those keywords that people are most likely to search your product or service for in search engines.

Keyword Identification

For example, if you sell rare second hand watches on the web, you want those people who search for “second hand Rolex”, or “used Patek Philippe” or “rare branded watches” to come to your website.

Optimizing your Web Page for these Keywords

So you optimize the pages with such keywords. You use these so called “keywords” in your web copy (body or text written on your webpage). There are many ways to get these words on the page.

For example – your page title could be “How to Select a Rare Branded Watch”. Then the various paragraphs on this page could have sub heading like – “Finding the Rare Branded Watch”, “How to identify a Fake Branded Watch”, “Negotiating Price for a Rare Branded Watch”, “Huge Collection of Second Hand Rolex Watches” etc.

Search Engines Find Your Goldmine

You might have noticed that the keyword “rare branded watch” has already appeared multiple times in the title, body, and description. The Search Engines think that you have a great content for the word “rare branded watch”, and move your listing much higher in the search engine results.

If you consistently and correctly do this, you have a much better chance of hitting the top pages for your keywords.

Don’t Over Do it, or you will get banned

This is just one of the techniques. Of course you can’t over do it, or else Google could punish your site and not show it at all if they think you have purposely “stuffed” your keywords in the body of your webpage, and the sentences do not make much sense. So do it carefully, and benefit from this technique, but don’t go overboard.

Other Ways to Get a High Search Engine Listing

SEO requires you to tweak so many aspects of your website – you could continue to do it for the next few months easily. And this is a key point too… continue to make changes to your site regularly. This show that your site is current, up-to-date, and not something that was setup in 1998. Of course, a current site is rewarded with a higher rank than an old site that is never updated.

Some of the other basic SEO Techniques are:

a. Optimizing your Page Title,

b. Using appropriate Meta Tags for Keywords, Description

c. Using Descriptive Headings

d. Having a Site Map on your website

e. Making your Site Rich with Content

f. Making Navigation to inner pages easier

g. Building Inbound Links from other Directories, & Authority Sites

Each of these techniques takes time, and you must do it carefully, correctly, and make sure you keep the site updated for continuous good support from search engines.

More information is given below for each of these SEO techniques. Use it to your advantage.

Optimizing Page Title

A page title is what is displayed in top of your browser’s window. Most websites don’t even have a page title. Others have the company name as the page title. Ideally, each page of your website should have a unique page title. It should be short, yet clearly summarize what the page is all about. Keep it within 60 to 100 characters. The Windows Title bar can’t show any longer than that anyway.

Using appropriate Meta Tags for Keywords, Description

If you have never heard of Meta Tags, do not be alarmed. These Meta tags are not meant for humans. It is more meant for search engines, so that they can assess what the site is all about. To check if your webpage has Meta tags setup, visit any page on your website, and do a View Source from your browser’s menu.

You will notice that just below the < HEAD > & < TITLE > are tags like meta name="keywords" content="Branded Watches, Second hand watches” meta name="description" content="Branded Watches Unlimited – Second hand branded Watch Store”

Many search engines use these Meta tags to show the description below your website in the search engine listings pages. The biggest Search engine who uses this kind of listing is Yahoo. Even Google uses the keywords to some extent.

Using Descriptive Headings

If you know basic HTML, using Header tags (starting from H1, H2 to H6), for your headings, sub headings gets these keywords a higher weightage in search engine rankings.

You can edit the HTML for your website using editors like Microsoft FrontPage or Dream weaver. Then add a H1 tag to your most important heading line. For sub headings, use H2, and so on.

Having a Site Map on your website

A site map is a virtual map of your website. It shows how the different pages are linked to each other. With this kind of map, it becomes much easier for the search engines to reach all pages of your site, and spider them.

There are many free tools available from the search engines that can help you make a Sitemap. Even Google offers its own Google Sitemap tool.

Making your Site Rich with Content

If you regularly add Product News, Happenings, Company News, Articles of interest, then your site becomes more lively, more interesting, and a place where your prospects may find much of the information they are looking for.

A deep, content rich site is a boon to you, which will help to get higher search engine listings with ease.

Making Navigation to inner pages easier Most sites use a Breadcrumb trail kind of navigation to aid the browser in finding information, and retracting to other branches as and when needed.

A breadcrumb trail looks like this

Home > Books > Marketing Books > Magnetic Marketing

This way, a user can navigate to any level. From “magnetic marketing” back to “Books” or Home in a single click.

Search engines love a site which makes navigation easy. You prove to them that you are thinking about your browsers, your customers, and not only yourself.

Building Inbound Links from other Directories, & Authority Sites

One of the most important aspect that can make or break your journey into the top pages of search engines is Inbound Links.

Inbound links means links to your website, coming from other websites, directories and authority sites. It is no longer about content alone. Today, there are millions of great sites that are rich with content. To compete with them, you can also build great content. But that is not sufficient.

Search engines like Google and Yahoo look at who links to you. If you have great content, an authority site, then a lot of websites, blogs must be linking to that content. If no one links to you, then Google does not give you a higher rank.


Hope you enjoyed learning about Search Engine Optimization, and how you can get your website to get High search engine rankings. We will continue to update you with latest SEO news from time to time.

Do let me know how you feel. We like to hear from you to improve this special report and make it more useful for you. All bouquets and brick-bats are welcome. Your feedback is important to us and helps us in improving this article and other workshops that we hold regularly.

Vinai Prakash, CEO of BrandRich Marketing, is a SEO & Internet Marketing Expert. Many of his articles are published in Books and magazines around the world. You can learn more about SEO by subscribing to his newsletter. Simply send an email to You can visit his site at

His recent article on E-Commerce has been published in the Small Business Book of Lists, which is available at Amazon.


Are Articles Enough? A Few Words About Web Content

So it seems that content is still king, and that RSS article feed does a nice job of streaming in fresh, keyword-loaded content that gets your site indexed fast AND brings Adsense Revenue. That's great, but if you think that articles replace traditional web copy, you're dead wrong.

Look at any top corporation's website structure to see that the traditional website model still takes first prize. Even if you've unearthed the absolute best articles on the web from leading experts, an article feed is still no way to greet a customer who's just landed on your homepage.

Think about this. How did you feel the last time you clicked and landed and sat there blinking at an article that you weren't planning on reading? If the article managed to suck you in, were you tempted after perusing it, to explore other parts of that website? Or did you just go, "Ahh, good one" and continue on your merry ADD-like web-surfing way?

My guess is, you clicked away. So if you're looking to launch a new site or considering making improvements on your existing site, how about putting that RSS feed back where it belongs - on the article page.

Remember your visitor. Now that he's there, how can you keep him interested in sticking around? The guests who arrive on your homepage are no different than the guests who come to your home. You work hard to create a home that reflects who you are - your unique style, your hobbies, habits, culture and beliefs. When someone comes into YOUR house, you don't push someone else's stuff on them. Why would you do that on your website?

Give your website guests the opportunity to get to know your company and what you stand for. That means including lively, inspiring and sales-driven copy that explains your product and service offerings. That means a company philosophy and a personal bio that tells the story of who you are and builds a case for your trustworthiness and expertise. That means copy that addresses your customers' emotional mindset and sucks them into wanting and even needing what you sell. And let's not forget the hallmarks of a real business - the privacy policy, user agreement, payment policies and "customer-satisfaction guarantee" as each pertains to your profession.

Nobody should ever be confused by what they see on your website. Nobody should ever be "lost" on your website. Give your website a "test run" - click from a few different outside links and see where you end up. You MUST have a logo--on every page. Your company name must be clearly labeled on every page, even the "deep content" pages. Your contact information should be easily accessible and at the very least include an email address or comment submission form. Give your customer every opportunity to reach out and get in touch with you.

Finally - your website should be strategically linked from page to page, keyword to relevant keyword, with the ultimate purchase end in sight. Sure, it's fun to create websites for the heck of it, but if you're interested in having a real business that reflects true professionalism, then YES you need legitimate, one-of-a-kind web content that tells the story of you and what you do. And above all, it should expertly lead the customer to buy!

Hire an experienced designer who knows about Search Engine Optimization. Hire a copywriter who can create sizzling content on all the pages that will remain stationary and even those that will require regular updating. Take care in creating a website that's a marketer's dream come true. Invest in the future of your business.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

Liked this article? Have more of the same emailed to your inbox each month. Sign up for the Copywriting and Marketing Ezine from Dina at and learn to write search engine friendly web copy and market your web based business for free.


11 Steps to Search Engine Optimization Success

Search Engine Optimization can award you with higher rankings, better visibility, more visitors and wealth. You can accomplish this if you are dedicated and are willing to put some effort into learning SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. If you have the desire then there's no stopping you.

You want to gain some knowledge about SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION so that you will know how to put these tools to work for you.

Start off by learning what it is that you want to rank well for in the search engines. What will your visitors be searching for? Once you know what these phrases are then you can begin to incorporate them into your web pages.

If you are not sure what these phrases are then you need to do some keyword and key phrase research.

1. Keyword Research: Keyword research is finding out what your visitors are searching for and figuring which phrases will work out the best for you. You may be able to find several phrases that you can use.

2. Title Tag: This is where you definitely want to include your main key phrase for the web page in question.

3. Formatting: Include your key phrases in the H1 tag as well as in bolded text, anchor text, and bullets.

4. Key Phrases: You can use the key phrase in filenames, folders and domain names.

5. Meta Tags: Include your key phrases into the Meta tags such as the keyword and description tags.

6. Alt Tags: Your image's alt tag should include your key phrase when appropriate.

7. Site Map: Include a site map for your web site

8. Navigation: Your navigation should include your key phrase.

9. CSS: Use CSS to condense your html code as well as SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION

10. Content: Add fresh good content regularly.

11. Off Site SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION: Include off site SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION techniques to further push your rankings up.

These are some of the steps you should do to rank well above your competitors. If you start applying these techniques to your web pages then you will be well awarded in return.

This article can't go into great detail, but it does summarize the steps needed to succeed. It's up to you to investigate further and become SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION efficient.

For example off site SEO includes blogging, article writing, directory submitting, forum posting, Yahoo Answers and much more.

There are many places online that will give you the education required to succeed with SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION. Just search on Google or your favorite search engine. Find a good e-Book on SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION that goes into greater detail and really explains the steps fully.

If you would like to learn all eleven of these steps in detail than visit: Search Engine Optimization Success or Lambert Klein


Tips For Your Article Marketing

Some online marketers look for content through various article directories to attract traffic to their site.This is usually because people who begin working as an affiliate usually have a small budget in the beginning yet they must build niche sites to attract visitors to their site.

Although this can sometimes be the only option for those who are running on a non-existent budget, it is not a way that will effectively build your website or revenue. There are a few potential reasons why this may be detrimental to your business building efforts.

Problem #1 - Search Engines

Search engines will only look down upon your site if it has the exact same duplicated content than other sites. The more sites that share your content, the less it will help you achieve good search engine rankings.

It is important to establish good search engine rankings for your sites because more traffic equals more leads and ultimately sales and partnerships. If you cannot even get visitors, then will never make an revenue. Working on the search engine optimization of your site so that you will eventually be high enough in the results to get customers, should be priority one.

Problem #2 - Getting visitors to click

Although getting your site high on search engine result pages and acquiring site visitors is hard work, unfortunately this is only half of the battle. It is also important to get to go to your affiliate links. If your visitors see the same content they have seen on a multitude of other sites, they will be least likely to click on your links. This is because most people want to buy things that are recommended by people that they trust or whom they feel like are an expert on the subject.

If you just randomly copy stuff from other sites you will be viewed as uninformative and your product or service would not likely looked at favorably. This will decrease the amount of traffic you get.

Problem #3 - Author Bylines

Most free content is only given to you if you agree to place the authors byline under the article (you can get into trouble if you try to use it without following the stipulated rules). This poses a problem because most author bylines include links. When a reader gets done reading a really intriguing article, there is a strong possibility that they will click on the author's byline link rather than your affiliate links. This is the entire reason why these authors offer free content to begin with, so that they may get their name and links out there to the public. Using this type of content may mean shooting yourself in the foot and losing possible profitable website visitors.

Once you put these three problems together, you are looking at a serious decline in revenue simply because you used free website content from article directories. Although it may be the only option for some, if you have the funds to buy your own original content, then you should go this route.

Copyright (c) 2007 Aurelio Aranda

Are you tired of making countless phone calls to build your business , only to get hung up on or taken for a ride by those who say they are interested in your business? What would you do if you could only harness the power of the internet to attract to you prospects who are foaming at the mouth to join you in business? Find out in my FREE report :


Breakthrough Article Marketing Secrets That Will Create A Frenzy Of Buyers

There are many different ways that you can drive traffic to your site. For me one of the very best ways that you can do this is using article marketing.

Especially if you are a newbie this is a lot easier than ppc where the competition is extremely fierce. Also what I really like about this method is that it is completely free.

In this article I would like to share some insights with you that will help to get the most out of this method.

1) Write in a conversational style

One of the things that I learnt very early on is that formal language does not work very well using this method. You need to keep your articles short about 250 to 350 words in length. If you make it longer than this then the reader will get lost and not make it to your resource box. Also write in a conversational and friendly style.

2) Use your 30 second elevator pitch

Once you have your reader's attention by sharing a slice of your expertise you need to get them to visit your site. You need to have a killer resource box which will consist of your 30 second elevator pitch that will make them want to visit your site.

3) Drive all your traffic to a squeeze page

One of the most important things that you need to do is build a list by sending all your traffic to a squeeze page. This will improve your conversions. If you are not doing this it will be like going door to door selling. You also get to maximize your marketing efforts by selling over and over again to your loyal subscribers.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.


Opt-In Lists for Events

Opt-in lists for events are similar to the signing up for a newsletter. You ask people if they want to be notified when a special event or sale is happening. Although some may look at this as a permission to send junk mail, you can let them know that you are not selling your list to anyone and you will use it only for the stated purpose. Then do not abuse the privilege of having them sign up. Do not overwhelm them with sales and event noticesmake sure that you schedule the notices and let them know when to expect them. As with a newsletter, you can tell them whether it will be daily, weekly, monthly, or otherwise. You should also inform them of the day to expect it.

I know that you do not commonly see much scheduling happening on the Web in general, but you will find that your clients appreciate your scheduling. It gives them a heads up when to expect the information so they are more likely to read it. You want them to read it and take action from what you send. In order to make this happen, schedule your mailings and make them exciting and enticing.

If people opt in, they will also want to have the option of opting out. Let them know at any time they can do so and give them a link so they can follow through. I have opted out of some lists with ease and others only with great difficulty. As you can imagine, I feel respect for the companies that make it easy and lose all patience for those that do not. Consider, too, that people change addresses, and they must have an easy way to opt out of the old address and opt in with the new one!

Bette Daoust, Ph.D. has been networking with others since leaving high school years ago. Realizing that no one really cared about what she did in life unless she had someone to tell and excite. She decided to find the best ways to get peoples attention, be creative in how she presented herself and products, getting people to know who she was, and being visible all the time. Her friends and colleagues have often dubbed her the Networking Queen. Blueprints for Success - Networking: 150 ways to promote yourself is the first in this series. Blueprints for Success Branding Yourself: Another 150 ways to promote yourself is planned for release in 2006. For more information visit


How to Increase Traffic and Generate Income With a Good Resource Box

If you read a lot of articles, youve probably noticed a box that includes a number of links at the end of each article. This is called the authors biography, bio, or resource box. The links located in the resource box are the authors payment for writing the article.

Different authors put different types of information in their resource boxes, depending on their goals. Some writers add their biographical information into this section. These authors are trying to build up their reputation in a particular field.

Many authors write articles to increase traffic to their website. In this case, they will add a link to their websites sign-in (squeeze) page. Others write articles to generate income. These writers add links to their own products or to affiliate products that they are recommending. Some submission sites will allow an author to include up to three links in a resource box, and others will allow just one or two. Take full advantage of the resource box and place the maximum number of links that the site will allow.

With my articles, I always place the first link to my sign-in page. To be successful in the Internet marketing business, you need a large list of subscribers. By adding a link to my sign-in page in each of my articles, I am always increasing the size of my list. As the size of my list increases, so does my income.

My second link will usually be for one of my own products. To be successful in this business, you need your own product. You will make much more money selling your own product than selling someone elses. If you dont have your own product yet, you should definitely work toward that goal. All of the really successful Internet marketing people have their own products.

My third link will point toward another one of my products or an affiliate product that is related to the content of the article. If you can recommend a product that is related to your article, you will usually see a larger number of clicks from that link.

I never use html in my resource boxes, even if a site states that you can. The reason for this is simple. Some of the ezines that run your article from an RSS feed will publish in plain text only. In these cases, the hard work that you put into your resource box will look like a jumbled mess. For that reason, I use plain text in all of my resource boxes.

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Are You Checking Keyword Competition Research Properly?

Don't tell me you are one of those people who type in a keyword into software and just targets the keywords that yield the highest search counts? You wouldn't waste your time doing that now would you? If you have, don't worry, this article is written for you.

Why should you listen to me?

I have spent literally hundreds of hours reading e-books and other relevant sources for this information. I work professionally as an SEO and I have had huge success in some of the highest margin markets on the web. Over the length of this article I will be sharing with you a system I use to aid me through my efforts.

Before doing keyword research you need to ask yourself these two very important questions:

1. What is the demand for the keywords I am researching?

2. What is the supply?

Most SEO professionals use their common sense and often try to find the answer; they just do it the wrong way. If you own a site that sells Wireless Vacuum Cleaners it's easy to type your market into Overture's Keyword Selector Tool and get a list of hundreds of relevant keywords and their search counts. What you do with this information is what's important. Some people think an expensive WordTracker subscription using the Keyword Effectiveness Index is the answer: they are crazy.

WordTracker is an amazing tool for building huge keyword lists, but its competition-research data is riddled with holes (KEI should be used only marginally, its data should be used amongst a bevy of tools).

Myth: The number of competing pages that show up in bold when running a search on any search engine is an accurate indicator of the keywords competition.

Fact: This has got to be one of the most common misconceptions in online marketing. Whether a keyword yields 99,000,000 competing pages or 100,000 it doesn't matter.

To find out the true competition of a keyword you should KNOW the following for the keywords you are targeting in Google:

What is the total quantity of back-links pointing to the top 10 ranked sites?

How many times is the 'keyword' used in the anchor text linking back to the top 10 ranked sites?

How many sites use that particular keyword in their title tag? (you can use the allintitle:'keyword' search for this data)

Do the top 10 sites all have the 'keyword' in their Meta description & keyword tags?

Do those top 10 sites all have the 'keyword' in a header tag somewhere on the body of their page?

Do the top 10 sites use the 'keyword' in the first and last 25 words of the page?

Do the top 10 competing sites bold, underline, or italicize the 'keyword' somewhere on the page?

Once you gather all of this data you'll know EXACTLY how much competition is involved for the keyword(s) you plan on targeting.

Why you need to know this information:

Regardless of how much time you put into your efforts, if the top sites all have 10,000+ back-links with properly optimized websites you might find it extremely difficult or impossible to ever sniff the first page of Google. With the popularity of SEO these days, it is a complete liability not to know this information before running a SEO campaign.

As you can imagine doing this manually is a detailed & time consuming process. Researching the sites ranked 1-10 for all of your keywords relevant to your market can be an exhausting task. I use a WordTracker subscription and love its tools for building large lists; KeywordDiscoveries software had some nice features as well. I've used free tools like GoodKeywords and Overture Keyword Selector Tool but none really gave me the raw data I needed to truly gauge my competition.

For a while, I simply had to research each individual keyword using the search engines and click through each individual site. It was a time consuming task but nonetheless it was effective and very profitable. I thankfully now have access to software that automates the whole process for me. It gives me the information I need before I choose what keywords to target. To read a controversial review, about this new industry standard software visit

When all is said and done, I hope I have instilled in you the importance of going the extra length to research the competition and not just aimlessly target keywords. You cannot overlook this step; it can be the difference between a successful campaign and an utter failure.

David C. Chase is giving away his new, quick and easy mini-course "The 7 Simple, yet Wildly Successful Strategies for SEO" to the first 250 signups absolutely free. Click here to subscribe today while memberships are available.


Keyword Elite - Keyword Research Software

Today I'm going to give you my opinion on Brad Callens Keyword Elite software. I was asked to express my judgmental opinion on it so others can feel either comfortable purchasing or simply frightened away. So let's begin.

Let's start out with a little introduction as to what exactly is Keyword Elite. KE is a keyword research tool that helps webmasters determine profitable keywords for whichever niche they intend to market or use an arbitrage method. Yeah I know there are a lot of you reading this post that are thinking to themselves well why would I buy something that I can get for free. And by free I'm referring to google's keyword sandbox, and overture's keyword selector. Stuff like that.

Well here's my conservative opinion. You can spend hours going through google sandbox and overture trying to find profitable niche markets and still not come up with anything that will produce a profit. I know this from experience.

I myself am an owner of KE since last year when I decided I was tired of killing myself. Yeah know like most of your reading this I was working a full-time job only to come home and work on my internet job. Yeah I got tired of the rat race also.

So KE works like this. You'll enter a broad term like "Money Online" and select some search criteria options like number of competitors, number of clicks a month, traffic volume, etc.. and it will produce a list of keywords anywhere from 1000 - infinite. It will even allow you to see what you're likely to pay for PPC campaigns for those keywords. Again you can limit your selection and filter it based on a number of operators.

After your list is generated you have endless possibilities of what you can do with it. You can take that and use it in your adwords campaign, narrow some keywords down for adsense profits, or research arbitrage keywords. The potential is left in your hands.

Every person that is successful online has their own keyword research software, it's simply the way to grow. I myself cannot do justice in a simple review that KE's video example can. Go check out the video for yourself.

Click here To Download Brad Callen's Free E-book on How to Use Adwords with KE
This article comes from


Optimizing Your Site Using Keywords

You have created a brand new, hot looking website that without a doubt will be placed ahead of your competitors in the search engines. Surely with all the work, time, and effort you expended creating your site, it will be up there in the ranks! Then you find out that you dont even have a page rank, and you cant find your site by doing a search. One of the reasons may be that you have not optimized your site using keywords. You wonder why and how this could be when you thought you used the best keywords possible, but what you thought was best were actually the most competitive keywords. In this case, no matter how great your site, you would never get ahead of your competitors.

One way to get ahead is by doing your keyword research with a keyword research tool that tells you a terms popularity. This is a step that simply cannot be missed when trying to optimize your site. When searching for keywords, you do not want to use highly competitive terms. What I mean by this is that you dont want the word to come up with several million hits, even if this initially sounds like it would be a good term to use. On my own website, home business brings up 4,100,000,000 hits, so I would not want use this term to try and drive traffic to my site! I want to start with the less popular terms until I have a good page rank, and then I can think about using the more competitive terms later on. Using our keyword tool, we would choose a less popular term, and then do a Google search to find out just how competitive that term is.

A little trick you can use to beat the competition is to notice what sites come up in your Google search for your particular, less popular keyword. If the sites URL contains a sub-page, such as, and that page ranks well in Google, then you can get ahead of that site by using the same keyword, only in your domain,, not on another page of your site as in the above example, /example.htm. You also want to check that top-ranking sites page rank using the Google page rank toolbar. If the site achieved a top ranking in the search engines, but only has a page rank of 3 out of 10, then you know it will be fairly easy to get the same page rank, or better.

Next, you want to look at that top-ranking sites HTML code by clicking View/Source in your browser. Even if you dont know much about HTML, it pays to learn a little bit, and it is not as hard as it looks. If you compare an actual web page to the source code for that page, you will start to see patterns that make sense to you. Start by studying your own source code, and then the source code of other sites will look familiar to you. The things to watch out for when looking at other peoples source code is to notice whether or not they use H1, header tags. Some sites do not, and if your top-ranking site does not use a header tag, then you can one-up them by using a header tag on your site containing the right keywords, and make sure the keywords appear at both the start and end of your copy. Also notice if the site uses a title tag with the keywords within the title tag. If they do use title tags, they will be ranked higher in the search engines for that keyword. If they dont use title tags, then you should use title tags to get ahead. If the other site has bolded, italicized, or underlined keywords, they will rank higher. If not, you could get ahead by doing that on your site. You want to check to see if they use certain images on their site based on keywords. If they dont, you should be using images and call the file the name of the specific keyword you want to use.

Its a good idea to get into the habit of doing keyword research and creating a keyword file that you can add to on a regular basis. This file should consist of popular, but less searched keywords that can outrank your competitors. The bigger the list, the better off you are. This will help you get traffic to your site using keywords that your competitors have not thought of using yet. As troublesome as it may sound to do keyword research, and view the HTML code of your competitors, your sites position in the search engines will definitely improve quickly if you follow the steps above!

Liane Bate owns a Plugin Profit Site web business, is a member of Success University, and the IAHBE. Visit:


What Is The Purpose Of SEO?

There are many purposes for SEO which stands for Search Engine Optimization. SEO is a tactic to help webmasters increase traffic by ranking in the top 10 natural search listings of each major search engine.

Natural search engine listings are located at the left hand side of your screen when you visit sites such as Google or MSN. Traffic is free if you get ranked high within the natural search listings. That is the appeal of SEO.

There are literally millions of people using the major search engines to find information and to buy products and services. Therefore, if your website is positioned at the top of each major search engine for popular keywords then you could potentially have thousands of people visiting your online business for pennies on the dollar (in other words free).

Webmasters use Search Engine Optimization for many reasons including the following,

- Generating business leads
- Selling Products or services
- Branding
- Reduce cost of doing business (customer service)

SEO is a form of website promotion. Webmasters use SEO to optimize each important page of their website for particular keywords that their target market would use to find their products & services within the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo & MSN.

For example if I have website where I am selling laptop batteries then I would want each page that could potentially lead to a sale to be ranked within the top 10 search queries of engines such as Google, Yahoo & MSN.

For example someone going to Google and searching for "laptop batteries", ideally I would want to be ranked #1 for that search.

Large corporations are jumping on the Search Engine Optimization bandwagon because they are realizing how large their ROI (Return on Investment) can potentially be.

For example, business who focus on SEO to drive traffic to their online business can see returns of 4 : 1 which means for each dollar spent 4 is returned. Compare that to traditional ways of advertising such as TV, Magazines etc, where returns if you're lucky are 2: 1 or break even.

In conclusion SEO search engine optimization is used as a means to drive thousands or even millions of people to your website for pennies on the dollar. It is a cost effective way for businesses to advertise online. If you are interested in performing SEO on your business or personal website then I recommend you seek out a reputable SEO firm to work with.

For special tips and tricks on Search Engine Optimization, link building and increasing traffic to your website visit


Marketing Strategies For Consultants - "Consultant Marketing 2008"

Consultants, it's 2008. And with another new year comes new goals, fresh resolve and the revision of your marketing strategies.

Beyond the proliferation of the same old marketing jargon on the web, consultants truly need a brand of marketing all their own to stay competitive. By observing s few key strategies (and perhaps undergoing a very important paradigm shift) consultants can grow their businesses in ways unprecedented in 2008.

Jumping right in...

First and foremost, shift the paradigm. Successful consultants are entrepreneurial by nature. The difference between a consultant and service provider is often that the former is in the business of marketing their consulting services and the latter focuses solely on service provision. So if you're still under the impression that providing your consulting services is your main area of focus, it's time for a paradigm shift. Successful consultants focus first and foremost on marketing their consulting services.

Here a few ways to rev up your marketing as an independent consultant:

Consultant Marketing Strategy 01 - Get hip to online marketing A business living off referrals is like an employee living check to check. And investing in an aggressive, long term internet marketing strategy is like investing in apple stock. (Read: "long money.") Understand that your website is no longer just your brochure. It's a lead generation tool. It's your brand's 'home base', and it's the crux of what's about to become the highest returning investment you've made this far.

So if you haven't already...

  • Learn the basics of search engine optimization.
  • Identify the phrases your target audience is using in the search engines to find consulting services in your area of expertise.
  • Build quality content around these phrases, and name your page titles and headings appropriately.
  • Start acquiring links to these pages.

Tip - Read the SEOmoz blog. Great for beginners and veterans alike.

Consultant Marketing Strategy 02 - Become the resource of choice. What a better way to attract clients than by becoming an online information resource? This concept isn't new in the world of internet marketing, but its importance and benefits are equally applicable to consultants in every industry.

  • Write and distribute unique, informative articles where they'll be seen by your target audience.
  • Create a presence online by making relevant, thought provoking comments on topically related blogs. he links wont count for much, but your visbility and brand will benefit. If don't have a blog, consider starting one. Promote it aggressively.
  • Participate in a select few social media sites. These targeted channels will be topically related to your industry, genre and audience, as well as those that afford an opportunity to distribute quality content that establishes your brand as a thought leader or authoritative source.

Here a few additional marketing tips for consultants:

  • Create a profile on Link to your website at every opportunity.
  • Register for networking groups at Your profile will appear in the search engines for business inquiry related searches.
  • And last but not least, tell everyone what you do. Relentless self promotion can be tempered with a sincere desire to simply share what you do; what you love, with others.

Megan Carruth aka BizDevMarketing is an internet marketing consultant in Minneapolis, Mn. You can view her link building tips and tutorials at The Link Kitchen.


Click Click Boom: a Linking Strategy that will Blow Away Your Competition

Web marketers, do you hear what I hear?

"Click-click BOOM"

That's the sound of your new linking strategy that's going to positively blow your competition clear out of the water.

Click-click BOOM.

That's your target customer, doing her thing, clicking on your URL and dropping onto your landing page, where she is about to be converted to a loyal paying customer for life.

Set your sights on the target customer.

Nowadays, the term "target audience" is so overused that it's become trite and meaningless. But the fact is, targeting your ideal prospects has never been more crucial to the success of your web based business. On the web, you're competing with the ENTIRE GLOBE... so if you don't zero in on that single prototype who's juiced for what you have, you're wasting precious time and energy sending your message to the wrong eyes and ears.

So: pick a customer. Zero in on his wants and needs. Speak in words he can understand. Then, sell him something he can USE.

Choose your marketing weapon.

Is the proverbial violence starting to freak you out a little? Don't worry, this is just a metaphor, and it's one that's been used for ages because it WORKS. Marketing is forever being compared to firing guns and weapons, because there is a distinct method to the madness and that method entails scoping out the most likely candidates for your product, and then streamlining your message to hit them dead-on. And imagine, all this being done without them even realizing what happened!

Okay, so you've got your target in sight. Your eye's on the prize... but what marketing strategy will be your "weapon of choice?"

Article Marketing.

Writing articles on the web is the IDEAL way to capture those leads, convert prospects into paying customers and make that "Click click BOOM" happen for your company. Why? Because each of your articles will directly address a market segment that's hot for your product... and because of the URL that appears at the end of every article you write that gets distributed all over the web.

Click-click BOOM.

That's your customer clicking the link. He's sold, brother! You sold him because you told him what he wanted to hear, and you did it in a medium that reached him in his own territory on the web. Article marketing: niche-based advertising to magnetize your customer to the power of your brand. Brilliant!


Millions of marketers fully grasp the concept of aiming for the target buying prospect... so they write a couple of engaging articles, but then they tire of the game and soon they're on to something else. You, my friend, should be firing that web article wisdom in rounds. Write five articles that hit your target audience over their collective head, send them out into circulation... and then write five more. Then, write five more after that! Keep the momentum going! The source of your marketing ammunition comes directly from your noggin, and that means a constant stream of fresh ideas that gives out when you give up the fight.

Are you feeling the Click-click BOOM yet? Let's hope so. Now put those article marketing guns in the sky and blow your competition away.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

Liked this article? Have more of the same emailed to your inbox each month. Sign up for the Copywriting and Marketing Ezine from Dina at and learn to write search engine friendly web copy and market your web based business for free.


Google's Good-Writing Filter

I was recently struck by the fact that the top-ranking web pages on Google are consistently much better written than the vast majority of what one reads on the web. Yet traditional SEO wisdom has little to say about good writing. Does Google, the world's wealthiest media company, really rank web pages based primarily on arcane technical criteria such as keyword density, link text, or even PageRank?

Apparently not.

Most Common Website Content Success Factors

I took a close look at the top five pages for the five most searched-on keywords, as identified by WordTracker on June 27, 2005. Here's what I found.

The web pages that contained written content (a small but significant portion were image galleries) all shared the following features:

  • Updating: frequent updating of content, at least once every few weeks, and more often, once a week or more.
  • Spelling and grammar: few or no errors. No page had more than three misspelled words or four grammatical errors. Note: spelling and grammar errors were identified by using Microsoft Word's check feature, and then ruling out words marked as misspellings that are either proper names or new words that are simply not in the dictionary. Google almost certainly has better access to new words than the dictionary, with its database of billions of web pages. Supposed grammatical errors that did not in fact violate style rules were also ignored. Google would certainly be less conservative than a grammar checker in evaluating popular stylistic devices such as sentence fragments.
  • Paragraphs: primarily brief (1-4 sentences). Few or no long blocks of text.
  • Lists: both bulleted and numbered, form a large part of the text.
  • Sentence length: mostly brief (10 words or fewer). Medium-length and long sentences are sprinkled throughout the text rather than clumped together.
  • Contextual relevance: text contains numerous terms related to the keyword, as well as stem variations of the keyword. The page may contain the keyword itself few times or not at all.

SEO "Do's" and "Don'ts" that Don't Really Matter

A hard look at the results slaughters a number of SEO bugbears and sacred cows.

  • PageRank. The median PageRank was 4. One page had a PageRank of 0. (Note that the low PageRank would seem to discount the idea that these pages owe their ranking completely to numerous incoming links.)
  • Frames. The top two web pages listed for the most searched-on keyword employ frames.
  • JavaScript-formatted internal links. Most of the websites use JavaScript for their internal page links.
  • Keyword optimization. Except for two pages, keyword optimization was conspicuous by its absence. In more than half the web pages, the keyword did not appear more than three times, meaning a very low density. Many of the pages did not contain the keyword at all.
  • Sub-headings. On most pages, sub-headings were either absent or in the form of images rather than text.
  • Links: Most of the web pages contained ten or more links; many contain over 30, in defiance of the SEO bugbears about "link popularity bleeding." Moreover, nearly all the pages contained a significant number of non-relevant links. On many pages, non-relevant links outnumbered relevant ones.
  • Text content: a significant number of pages contained little or no text. These pages were almost all image galleries (there was one Flash movie), with the images being photographs of the subject covered by the keyword.
  • Originality: a significant number of pages contained content copied from other websites. In all cases, the content was professionally written content apparently distributed on a free-reprint basis. Note: the reprint content did not consist of content feeds. However, no website consisted solely of free-reprint content. There was always at least a significant portion of original content, usually the majority of the page.
  • Recommendations

    • Make sure a professional writer, or at least someone who can tell good writing from bad, is creating your site's content, particularly in the case of a search-engine optimization campaign. If you are an SEO, make sure you get a pro to do the content. A shocking number of SEOs write incredibly badly. I've even had clients whose websites got fewer conversions or page views after their SEOs got through with them, even when they got a sharp uptick in unique visitors. Most visitors simply hit the "back" button when confronted with the unpalatable text, so the increased traffic is just wasted bandwidth.
    • If you write your own content, make sure that it passes through the hands of a skilled copyeditor or writer before going online.
    • Update your content often. It's important both to add new pages and update existing pages. If you can't afford original content, use free-reprint content.
    • Distribute your content to other websites on a free-reprint basis. This will help your website get links in exchange for the right to publish the content. It will also help spread your message and enhance your visibility. Fears of a "duplicate content penalty" for free-reprint content (as opposed to duplication of content within a single website) are unjustified.
    • In short, make sure the bulk of your investment in your website is devoted to its content, rather than graphic design, old-school search-engine optimization, or linking campaigns.

    Joel Walsh is the owner, founder and head-writer of UpMarket Content. To read more about website content best practices, get a consultation with Mr. Walsh, or get a sample page for your site at no charge, check out this web site content specialist information:


    How To Write A Resource Box That Delivers Massive Traffic To Your Website

    Your resource box is the heart and soul of what makes article marketing stand out as the most efficient, most effective way to drive traffic to your website.

    The concept is simple, write a few dozen, short articles that average 300 to 900 words in length, on a topic that is useful to the people you want to do business with, publish these articles online at any of the hundreds of "article submission sites" or "article banks."

    Under the terms of service of these article banks, you permit other webmasters or newsletter publishers to reprint your articles under certain conditions. These conditions include the requirement that they reprint your article with no changes and give you proper attribution as the author of the article. This includes your resource box at the end of your article.

    Your resource box is the only place you may sell in your article. The body of the article should have a low key, helpful flavor to it so that readers will feel that they are receiving valuable information on a topic of interest to them. But the resource box, is where you can tell about your self, about the services you offer and contains a link to your site that they may click in order to visit your website.

    But how do you motivate readers to click on your link and go to your website? Here are a few ideas to include in your resource box that will greatly increase the number of visitors you get from every article you write:

    1. Offer to solve a problem. This should be easy since anyone reading your article is probably interested in solving a certain type of problem. In your resource box, you just spell out the solution more specifically and promise that they will find the solution when they visit your website.

    2. Make a promise. All benefits are promises. Promises to get something in exchange for clicking your link. Think through what you do and come up with some very clear and specific promises you can make. These are not always promises your services can deliver on, but promises they will get just for visiting your site.

    3. What changes do your readers want to realize? Benefits are simply solutions or changes. Make a list of all the changes you can offer someone and choose the most concise, most emotional change you can think of to put into your resource box.

    4. Use words like "find out" or "learn how" to get people to visit your website. People who read your online articles are looking for more information. "How to" type articles dominate article banks for the simple reason that people are looking for ways to solve problems and create changes, as we've already learned in the examples above.

    5. Use the words "you can." People may want to solve problems or create changes, but they also have doubts that they can bring these things to pass. "You can" phrases are strongly motivating and help readers picture themselves enjoying the solutions and changes your article promises.

    6. Put yourself in the minds of your potential visitors and make a list of "I wants" form their point of view. For example, if you are a lawyer, put yourself in the mindset of your potential clients. The I wants" you come up with may be: "I want to be compensated fairly for my pain and suffering," "I want to erase an unfair criminal conviction from my record, "I want to be paid for my lost wages from an employer who unjustly terminated my employment and then spread untrue rumors about me in the workplace."

    Writing an outstanding resource box takes a lot of work. Often it is more work to write the resource box than it is to write the article itself. But remember you aren't selling yourself in the article, you are in the resource box. Make it shine and you will be rewarded by increased traffic and increased clients who want to do business with you.

    Charles Brown is a copywriter and internet marketer who teaches entrepreneurs how to create superior marketing campaigns, write compelling web content, capture more leads, build huge email lists and use autoresponders to turn casual website visitors into buyers. His popular newsletter, Tightwad Marketing Ideas is a must for any entrepreneur wanting to successfully market any business without spending a fortune.