Thursday, August 28, 2008 

Profitable Article Marketing - Uncover 5 High Powered Steps to Energize Your Article Marketing

Are you looking for ways on how you can increase the effectiveness of your article marketing campaign? Then, uncover 5 these high powered steps to energize your article marketing:

1. Write short articles. Online users generally prefer reading short articles as they want to get the information they need quickly. Make your articles short by eliminating fillers and long winding sentences on your content. You also make your writing direct to the point to make your articles appear shorter.

2. Stick to "How to" and "10 Tips" format. These are the kinds of articles that get tremendous attention in the World Wide Web. They are easy on the eyes, they are scannable, easy to understand, and interesting to read. In addition, they are also easier to write as they require only a brief introduction and bulleted points of your ideas.

3. Use keywords on your content. Learn the proper placement of keywords on your articles to follow SEO guidelines. Your main keyword should appear on your title, on the first and last one hundred words of your content, and a couple of times on the article body.

4. Focus your resource box on the need of your readers. When writing your resource box, answer the common question of online users "What's in it for me"? Don't talk to much about yourself or your expertise. Focus on communicating the benefits that the reader can get once they click your website's URL.

5. Submit your articles to publishing sites. Once you have finished writing and proofreading your articles, you can already submit them to major publishing sites. I highly recommend and as they have steady readership that might be interested in distributing your articles.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


Building An Authority Resource

Content is king in Authority Sites, they have more pages of quality content and more links to reference information. Content should be topic relevant, original and definitely up-to-date. Your goal is to make the website such a high quality destination for the niche that other sites will refer to it vial links to the content pages.

Lets get right to it. If your intent is to build an Authority site it is vital that your knowledge of the niche you intend to cover is broad and well researched. You need to know the market conditions and the readers you are targeting so you can have a full understanding of the content you need to provide your visitors. You should be in contact with other quality sites within your niche for networking opportunities.

Here are the steps to making an Authority Resource.

Research your Niche or Product. You need to know everything about what you are selling or the topic your site will be addressing. So get all the data you can on it. This research will give you content for your website. Arrange the information in a concise and easy to follow format. The more you know about what you are providing will make it easier to write good content.

You know about your niche so now Research the Market. Most large corporations that conduct market research will hire researchers for the task. It takes a systematic approach to a large quantity of statistics and market knowledge. You need to identify and know your competition along with the current market situation within the industry. Use this information to customize the content of your website. Use your knowledge of the market to set goals for yourself and your research will give you valuable links to off site content you can link to as resources from yours.

Now get to Know your Visitors. Identify the readers within your market that you intend to target. Knowing your visitors will allow you to use your knowledge to shape the content to your targeted traffic. To attract and keep the audience you want trafficking your site, you will need to give them valuable content to keep them returning.

Next use your knowledge of the niche and the demographics of the targeted traffic to Plan your Authority Resource. This is absolutely the most vital of all steps. During planning keep your keyword and link strategies in mind. Consider adding link baiting ideas you may have from networking with other webmasters in the niche. Blogs are a nice addition since it makes the addition of fresh content easier. Visitors should feel at ease on your site and tempted to come back for more.

In the Design and Development phase is when your project starts to come together. This is where you find web hosting, register domain names and design the final product to be uploaded to the server. The look and design of your website should help to define who you are to the web community.

So you have the knowledge, your Authority Resource has been researched, planned, designed and uploaded. Now what? Now you need to let everyone know about it and that means a Marketing Plan.

A thorough online Marketing Plan will involve Search Engine Optimization with a comprehensive link building campaign, online marketing on websites within the same nice or via pay per click advertising. Keep your website current with content and software updates and track your traffic statistics to make marketing adjustments as needed.

Following these steps will get you on the path to making a real Authority Resource your visitors will value. Think about them as you are planning your website. Do you want your website to be just another of the millions out there or do you want to provide an Authority Resource that is truly unique?

Visit the Authority Web Directory to increase your websites online marketing presence.


Article Marketing - Where to Submit Your Articles

What is Article Marketing?

In its simplest form, article marketing is a type of advertising through which a business writes short articles related to its respective industry. Once written, the business makes these articles freely available for distribution and publication in the marketplace. Each article contains a 'bio box' and 'by-line' which include references and contact information for the author's business. Well written content articles released for free distribution have the potential of gaining the author business credibility within his or her market, as well as new clients.*

It is easy to see the value of article marketing, if you understand that each time the article is published, you get free backlinks from your author box. The articles are not likely to get published on PR 9 sites, but a hundred links from PR 0-5 sites can build your PageRank. The more articles you publish, the more links you get.

How to Publish Your Articles?

There are some, who think you should only submit your articles to a few of the best article directories. They usually argue that 1. doing otherwise is only a waste of time, or 2. submitting the same article to more directories increases the amount of duplicate content, and makes your article rank even worse in search engines.

Now, on 1. I agree: you should not waste your time with low traffic article indexes, but submit to any that you think will benefit you. I have compiled a list of the most important ones for you below. On 2. however, I must totally disagree. The articles, if successful, will be published identical on a number of sites. Submitting to more directories only helps publishers find them, search engines are not going to ban the content any more than otherwise. Besides, I see backlinks as the most important use of articles, and submitting to directories always gives at least one link. Secondary traffic through articles coming up in search engines is only a bonus.

Where to Submit Them?


They send your article out to publishers on their list. Submission to the complete publisher list is a paid service, but you can submit to the partial list with a free account. The only problem I have with Article Marketer is that they do not show the exposure information to free publishers.


The largest directory with the most authors. You can get a free account with 10 submissions. Submit good articles and you may get a platinum account with unlimited submissions.


A newer and smaller directory, but Article Codex offers Revenue Sharing. You enter your AdSense publisher id, and your ads are shown on 50% of page loads on your articles. Profit while marketing your website. Articles are quickly accepted, unless they fail some formatting test.


Not very different from all the other article directories out there, but submission is easy, and articles get accepted easily. They have accepted all my articles without modification, and in just a couple of days.


Sutocu is the author of the webmaster resources Your Website Profit and Ad Network Reviews, and brings you the latest tech news


Press Releases - Grab 'Em Fast and Don't Let Go


For radio and TV: Approach producers as if they have ADD (attention deficit disorder). Get their attention fast. If your press release doesn't capture the producers' attention within the first ten seconds, you're dead; they'll be off on something else. They seldom read press releases, but when they do, they usually just scan the headlines and bullets. Producers' lives are blurs. Everything is an emergency or a make press releases for producers shorter than those you send to print journalists. Tips:

Headlines are critical. They should be one line only, take seconds to read and focus on value and benefit.

The media is obsessed with three topics that it thinks audiences crave: money, sex and health. So, whenever possible, tie your headlines to those topics.

Establish a "Who Gives a Damn" meter. Determine if anyone would care about the information presented. If so, identify specifically who would care. Then determine why they would care. Once done, write headlines and bullets targeted to those who would care.

For print: For the print media the first paragraph of your press release is vital. It should run no more than three or four sentences and set forth all of the main points covered in the release. Don't muddy your opening paragraph with too much detail...Use subsequent paragraphs to further explain your story, including background, more specific information, and even include quotes or endorsements. But keep the entire release to one page. After you've drafted the release, tie it together with a catchy headline...always include your contact information at both the top and bottom of the page. [And remember] that print media can publish a press release, or parts of it, with little or no change, and their job is done. ___

PERMISSION TO REPRINT: You may reprint any items from "The Author 101 Newsletter" in your own print or electronic newsletter. But please include the following paragraph:

Reprinted from "Rick Frishman's Author 101 Newsletter " Subscribe at and receive free by email my "Million Dollar Rolodex"

If you like my newsletter, please pass it on to your friends, clients and colleagues.

Rick Frishman President Planned TV Arts

Rick Frishman, president of Planned Television Arts, since 1982 is the driving force behind PTA's exceptional growth. In 1993 PTA merged with Ruder*Finn and Rick serves as an Executive Vice President at Ruder Finn. While supervising PTA's success, he has remained one of the most powerful and energetic publicists in the media industry.

Rick continues to work with many of the top editors, agents and publishers in America including Simon and Schuster, Random House, Harper Collins, Pocket Books, Penguin Putnam, and Hyperion Books. Some of the authors he has worked with include Mitch Albom, Bill Moyers, Stephen King, Caroline Kennedy, Howard Stern, President Jimmy Carter, Mark Victor Hansen, Nelson DeMille, John Grisham, Hugh Downs, Henry Kissinger, Jack Canfield, Alan Deshowitz, Arnold Palmer, and Harvey Mackay.Rick joined the company in 1976 after working as a producer at WOR-AM in New York City. He has a B.F.A. in acting and directing and a B.S. from Ithaca College School of Communications.


Why Article Marketing Creates Such High Quality Traffic

As you might have guessed by now, article marketing is my favorite form of traffic.

By the way, what is article marketing traffic? Article marketing traffic is traffic that is created when I write articles about the topics that will interest people who would buy from me in the future, put links in my articles to web pages on my site (in my case, squeeze pages on my site), and submit those articles to the various online article directories.

So why does article marketing create such high quality traffic?

This is how article marketing works, on the visitor end: someone reads my article after searching for their desired subject online and my article has come up in the top ten results in the search engine. They read my article, and many of them click out of my article without reading any further or without clicking into my site.

That is the most important part! That is my screening process! I get rid of the deadbeats, the people who dont like me, who dont like my name or my ideas, or whatever. That means that only qualified people will get to my web site!

So this means that since only qualified people will get to my web site, then I have a list of people who are much more highly qualified than just about anybody else in my niche.

There is an incredible screening process that goes on with article marketing, that just doesnt happen with PPC or classified advertising, or banner advertising, or just about any other advertising online. It just doesnt happen with the other sources of traffic but it does happen with article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.


How to Use Relevance in Your Web Content

If you really want to know how to use relevance in your web content for any page on your website, and write content for your website that cannot be misconstrued, you have to open your eyes and look at what you are writing. I have read so much hysterical tripe online, even on the first page of Google from reasonably respected websites, that I despair for the intelligence of many people.

Given that their sites are not at #1 - #5 due to a lack of ability or intelligence, then I also despair for their honesty. Who really cares about complex mathematical equations? This big term 'Latent Semantic Indexing', or LSI for short, is a meaningless term for webmasters and they should not even be bothering with it, let alone contemplating teaching you about it.

I have a page on my website telling you what it is not! Perhaps more people should read that. In fact, the Google algorithm contains an element of Latent Semantic Analysis, there is no such a term as LSI, and you certainly can't make your website LSI compliant, since that term indicates a total ignorance in what it actually is. Any statistical mathematician can tell you that! It's pretty basic.

Here's a heads up on how to keep relevance to your topic and keywords, or to phrase it another way, maintain contextually relevant content on your web pages. 'Phrasing it another way' is a good way, in fact, to maintain that relevance without repetition. This is what Google likely mean by LSI (a misnomer in any case), since it works perfectly for me.

The first thing you have to do when writing content for your website is to determine your keyword or phrase. To me 'Relevance in your Web content' is a keyword. OK? That's normal accepted terminology. Your keyword can be a single word or a long phrase - what is called a 'long-tailed keyword'. Decide on the keyword you are using, then use THAT as the title of your web page. Use the Title html tags for it, and put it in H1 tags at the top of your web page.

Now study that keyword very carefully, and break it down into its components. Is their any way that an alien using a dictionary for every word could come down to earth and misinterpret the meaning of your keyword? If so be aware of the fact, and immediately put the alien right in the very first sentence of your article or page content. Here are two examples. Once is very commonly used on the web and the other is not. Have you spotted the second already? It is in this article! Now the first:

Take the keyword 'How to Train German Shepherds'. Great - good keyword, lots of demand and it makes a good title. However, let's break it down. In the Concise Oxford Dictionary, 'german' can mean having both parents the same, and shepherd is somebody who tends sheep. So your alien could believe that your article is about a shepherd tending his flock with two parents the same. Illogical? Perhaps. Semantically correct: certainly. So now, for the alien read the Google algorithm.

Your job is telling the alien exactly what you mean by your use of words. First, you might mention the German canine - so the alien does his thing and comes up with one of the front teeth of a person from Germany. Get the drift? So-called LSI has nothing to do with it. You have to write using vocabulary that explains exactly, and incontrovertibly, what the subject of your page is.

In your first sentence use 'dogs', 'Germany' perhaps, Alsatian, dog training, puppy, and so on so that when put together the meaning is obvious. Leave that till the last paragraph and the spider will be off wondering why you are trying to train a shepherd with two similar parents that have front teeth - and wear dog collars! Perhaps they are German vicars!

Write using as much text as is reasonable and normal in your article that describes the true meaning of your page, and the message it is conveying. Don't overuse your keyword: in the title, first 100 characters and last paragraph is enough, plus once each 400 words. Certainly not 3% - 15 times in a 500 word page? That's spamming and you will not be listed. The algorithm is looking for no more times that you would use in speech or normal writing: the rest should be of similar meaning. Use a thesaurus: is a good reference.

OK? Get the idea. Now for another twist to this. Check out my title again. "How to Use Relevance in Your Web Content". You know what I mean and I know what I mean, but we don't determine the listing position of this article on a search engine. What does? A spider!

What does a spider think of when it sees the juxtaposition of the words 'Web' and 'Content'?

You don't have to be 'Fly for white guy' to work that one out. Use the first paragraph to begin your explanation, so that the spider isn't salivating thinking that your article is relevant to its dinner!

For more information on how to write your articles and optimize your web pages so as not to get your spiders hungry, but to satisfy them, visit Improved Search Engine Rank where you find out what real SEO is and also Article Services for writing advice.


How To Use SEO And The Free Click Formula To Generate Massive Traffic To Your Web Site

Many People feel that the road to making money online is the thru Google Adwords. Fortunately for those of us on a shoe string budget, pay-per-click or Google Adwords is not the only way. By linking to other web sites, using the free click formula to get high ranking on search engines, and keeping up with ever changing internet trends, you can get the web traffic that you want without paying for it.

Ethical S.E.O

A large number of people get the wrong idea about S.E.O or search engine optimization is about. But in reality Search Engine Optimization when done correctly and ethically can add value to an web site by using keywords in accordance with search engines guidelines that will an able the web site to get high ranking on search engines. While some people have given it a bad name by abusing the system and producing keyword stuffed articles that are not meant to benefit a reader. Because of this, people get the wrong idea about S.E.O or search engine optimization.

Traffic Thru Articles

When people think web site content, they think about S.E.O articles. S.E.O strategies can also be implemented in blogs, reports, and white papers. With these strategies you can tailor the approach to meet the needs of your readers. If your marketing to a young audience with news of the entertainment industry, you may want to stick with articles.

Traffic Thru Blogs

If you provide technical information to a professional audience, blogs are very helpful for constant updates so that you can keep your website fresh and increase your website traffic with repeated visitors over time.

Traffic Thru Linking and Link baiting

Website link baiting is practice that is gaining popularity every day. By staying alert and using a current event to get attention to your site you can attract links to your website. Some people use a current event based on something in the news that people are searching for. Other websites will link to you if you have something unique to say.

Traffic Thru Contrary Hooks, Resource Hooks and humor Hooks

You can also use contrary hooks to attract links to your website; by taking a contrary stance on a popular topic you give your readers a different point of view. There is also resource hook; a resource hook provides valuable information to your readers. Finally, the humor hook can captive your audience, we all seen something on the internet gain an huge amount of attention simply because it was funny. Being creative in your linking building experience will only make link building easier. These are some of the strategies you can use to get link to your website there are many more strategies you can use and all of them are worth learning about.

Reciprocating links

Other method of gaining links to your site includes reciprocating links. Reciprocating links is an agreement between with other websites owners or webmaster to post each others links, and content posting. By posting articles to articles other good content on someone elses' site, you are gaining an opportunity to link back to your own site.

If you have a huge budget that can handle the up and down of Google Adwords, go ahead give it a try, but remember that there are other ways to generate traffic to your web site, while creating a quality web site you can be proud of using The "Free Click Formula" found in Google Snatch.

Don't think that you have to use Google Adwords to generate web traffic. There are other great ways to increase internet traffic to your site using the free click formula. check out Google Snatch review at


7 Search Engine Optimization Strategies That Work!

Although the concept of SEO can be somewhat complex, there are a number of basic search engine optimization practices you should note before starting any SEO related activity. These basic principles are essential for any web page or website for which you are attempting to optimize. Keep in mind that these are just some of the fundamental SEO practices you should consider.

1. MetaTags

Metatags are simple lines of code at the top of your page (source code) that tell the search engines about your page. I recommend that you be sure to include the following meta tags: title (no more than 7 words and unique for each page), keywords, description, author, and robots tag. The robots tag instructs the search engines to read all or some of your website.

2. Create or update your sitemap

Developing a site map is a simple yet highly effective way of giving search engines the information they need to crawl your entire website. This ensures that the engine has an up-to-date record of your pages and content. The key to improving search engine results is making it easy for your website pages to be located and crawled. There is free software on the web (like that helps you generate a sitemap. Once you create a sitemap for your website, submit to Google and Yahoo. Additionally, place a link to the site map on your home page.

3. Ensure that all navigation is in HTML

Too often I see navigation in the form of java script or images. Even though the navigation technically still works in this format, its not optimized. The benefit of creating your navigation in HTML is that you consistently build internal links throughout your website by keeping the navigation constant and easily identified by search engines.

4. Check that all images include ALT text

Your image alt text is spidered by search engines. If youre not including your keywords in your alt text, your missing out on a huge opportunity for improved search engine result placement. Be sure to label your images appropriately and they may even show up as the number one result on Google. Additionally, Google has a database of images (Google Image Search) that indexes pictures as well.

5. Use Flash content sparingly

As mentioned earlier, content generated through java script or flash is a big no-no. Some webmasters like to use flash because of the presentation. Its okay to use sparingly, but only after your site has been properly optimized with basic SEO in mind.

6. Make sure that important page elements are HTML

Keep in mind when optimizing a web page crawlers are basically only looking at your source code. Anything you've put together using an image or other multimedia component is likely to be invisible to search engines. Therefore, the most important elements of your page, where the heart of your content is presented, should be presented in W3C optimized HTML source code.

7. Place keywords in your page content the right way

Im sure youve heard the importance of placing the right keywords or keyword phrases in your content. To show the search engines that your article is focused on a particular keyword or keyword phrase, be sure to sprinkle it throughout the content. Additionally, include your keyword in headers and sub-heads. That is to say that your keyword should be contained in an h1, h2, or h3 tag.

Learning to optimize your website for search engines takes time and most of all, patience. Start with the basic principles Ive outline here and youre off to a good start. If youre new to SEO, or even a well seasoned veteran, begin by prioritizing which pages are most important for you to optimize. Sometimes people think that they need to optimize all their pages right away and the task becomes too overwhelming. Start small, begin with your primary and/or secondary pages, and go from there.

Michael Fleischner is an Marketing Expert with more than 12 years of marketing experience. He has appeared on The TODAY Show, Bloomberg Radio, and other major media. For additional Search Engine Optimization Specialist related articles visit