Monday, June 16, 2008 

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Backlinks are probably one of the most critical factors when getting a high PR rating by Google. Gone are the days of meta tags and in came the introduction of keywords, but spammers obviously soon started to exploit this. A backlink is simply your link at the bottom of another websites page.

But how does this work?

HOT TIP: Type your keyword into Google and then click on the number one ranked site. Email the site and ask them if they would be willing to exchange links with your site. This means that you will have a link to their site and they will display a link to yours.

The Googlebots interpret this as page A voting for page B. Fads are born and fads die out, they do on Google too. If page A who is number 1 votes for page B, then page B must be popular and so your site is moved higher in the search results. Page B's vote for page A will help page A stay at the top of the search results, so both websites will benefit from exchanging links.

Google rank link popularity above most other factors these days so a site with a high PR score (page rank) will send you flying up the search results. Do this with as many sites as you can. Most sites at number 1 will have a PR5-6 score, any site with a PR2 score will get spidered every day by the Googlebots.

The worst any webmaster will say is no, so email every site you find; Play the law of averages!

What if I can't find a site that will exchange links with me?

Well don't worry, there is an alternative.


This method of advertising is hugely overlooked by a lot of webmasters. This is again critical to your sites success. is owned by Google. Google have a PR10 (highest) score so the PR score of is god damn high, and will send you soaring up the search results. Start a blog again using the most popular keywords as the title/domain of your blog. Update your blog on a regular basis.

IMPORTANT- I really don't want to keep saying the same things but I really can't stress how important it is for your ranking to have unique quality content in your blogs. Google have very intelligent computers systems and formulas to spider your content, if it is unique they will rank you highly and 'page A' (your blog) will be casting a vote for 'page B' (your site).

Do this for as many keywords as you can and make sure to include links in your content that flow with conversation.

Placing links on sites with relevant content will get you placed higher in the searches, but searching for places you can place your backlink can be very time consuming as I found out (again the hard way).

Marcus Hill

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is a proven traffic producing strategy. One of the main benefits is that it helps to establish you as the expert in your specific niche. Several other benefits also exist. It helps to establish your backlinks and link popularity. Many publishers are looking for content and they will publish your content that are submitted to the article directories. This improves your search engine rankings and is also viral in nature as your content gets syndicated all over the web. It really is a very powerful promotional technique if you do it correctly.

Now let us look at the time tested and proven formula to getting visitors to your web site cash in hand and ready to buy using the AIDA formula. The very first part is to create an attention grabbing headline. For somebody to visit your web site you need to create a headline that will attract attention.

Once the visitor has clicked on your headline they will start to read your article. Now you need to create an opening paragraph that will create enough interest to read the rest of the article. This could for example be the benefits of losing weight.

Thirdly you need to create desire to make the reader really want the product that you are selling. You can do this in a few ways. You can expand on the benefits of achieving the solution to their problems or magnifying the existing problem.

Finally you need to get the reader to action by clicking your website in the bio section of your article. You can do this by describing what it would be like if they were to get started and the reader actually solved the problem.

Article marketing is a really good and reliable method of generating traffic to your website. It is really becoming a popular method for people to get started on the internet and create wealth online.

Here's your chance to drive massive traffic to your web site:

Download your free ebook Secrets Of Article Marketing

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Writing and syndicating your articles is currently the best method in dominating your chosen niche. If you are able to provide your potential clients with quality articles that are filled with relevant and useful information, they will instantly regard you as an expert who has great answers to their questions and needs.

1. Strengthen your writing skills. Well-written articles can attract the kind of attention you need to boost your ebusiness. Brush up your grammar and vocabulary, strike out run-on sentences, make sure that your ideas are coherent, and be particular with your spelling and punctuation marks. These will make your article easy and enjoyable to read.

2. Pack your articles with useful information. Before you write your articles, identify the needs and demands of your potential readers. This can help you select and present the best information that will be focused and targeted to their needs.

3. Do your research. Make it a habit to read at least 3 reputable websites about your chosen topic before you tap on your key board. This is to gain more information to make your articles content-rich and to validate your ideas to make your content accurate and fact-based.

4. Use simple language. You can't expect everyone online to be well-versed with highfaluting words especially those who are not using English as their primary language. To get your message across easily and to avoid confusion, stick with words that are easy to understand and very common to your target market. Remember, you are writing to inform and not to impress.

5. Pick the best article distribution sites. Go with the ones that are not only popular but trusted as well. These sites attract the right kind of people who might be interested in picking up and republishing your articles to increase your inbound links and online exposure.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

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Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

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Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

I think a good author's resource box is short and sweet. An author's resource box that is written in the style of a classified ad and explains your credentials as well as the benefits of the offer works well.

What I've seen people do to increase their results from article marketing is also to break up a very long article into different parts, so there is part 1, part 2...but leaving them wanting more by having the remainder of your article on your website is a great tactic. I haven't used it myself before, but I know others are having success with it. It leaves things hanging and that always gets click-throughs.

A little enthusiasm in your resource box surely helps, and you do need to be enthusiastic about your products and be willing to put on the sales hat online to make sales, but too much of the hyperbole and people do get turned off. So probably a balance would work.

[b]How To Outsource Article Writing[/b]

I personally use freelancers myself to write some of my articles; I'm looking for volume but I'm also looking for quality. So before I hire a writer, I'd always check out their samples first. And if they are good, I hire them to write articles for me.

I typically get a batch of 10-20 articles first before doing anything of a more bigger scale or giving my writers repeat projects. I like to make sure they are producing quality work.

If you're doing article marketing, be in it for the long-term. There's a lot of patience required to see some tremendous results from article marketing, but the wait will be well worth it, and you'll get some pretty nice long-term traffic.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

I recommend using at least 17 pre-written messages to load into your autoresponder.

After driving the traffic to the opt-in page, they will receive something for free.

For instance, I have included with no strings attached a free ebook available for download that will help you effectively increase your subscribers and build your list of opt ins using professional tips that are only known to a few internet marketers simply because I don't want to do anything online, unless it adds value to those whose lives I enter into business relationship.

When, after downloading the ebook for free, because you are a reader of my articles, my chiefest joy will be to know that you are increasing your business by at least double after just implementing the strategies provided.

After all, as internet marketing guru Doug Barger once said in his "Resurrection of Internet Marketing," "Tracking and testing are paramount to increasing profitability."

You see, the surest way to know that the effectiveness of your email list building is improving is the same principle. After applying the techniques, if you realize that you are gaining an extra triple the number of subscribers that you were before applying the strategies and tips, then you know that the credibility of the person who recommended them is one to be trusted and that the value of the recommendations are directly measurable in terms of the results that they have provided.

Include a download link that will help some access of your subscriber's marketing endeavor and business model with every prewritten email sent to them and include a suggestion (call to action) for them to send it to someone that they know will benefit from it or ask them to mention it in a forum when the subject comes up and you will see more evidence of the value of the service you provide and its impact on the community.

For instance after downloading your free copy of this ebook to follow, please tell at least three friends about it and always post a link to it in any marketing forum you are a part of when someone requests help in the area of list building.

This will show you that you genuinely care about your networking contacts and that their success is important to you. Other than helping me help them, and to help me keep these free for you, you just might find that you have won a customer for life and that really is list building gold.

Download My Free Report: "How To Quickly And Easily Build An Opt In List Of Hyper Responsive Subscribers Who Are Willing To Spend Money With You Right Now!"

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Can you imagine seeing how many searches have been performed on Google for important keywords?

Google Trends is a new tool developed by Google Labs to help webmasters see keyword search volume. Users can enter up to five keyword phrases and Google will return a line chart showing the comparative volume trend over the last two years.

For example, when "dog food" and "cat food" are entered, the results show that "dog food" is searched for nearly twice as much as "cat food". This is definitely handy information when comparing keywords.

Google Trends provides other information such as City, Regional and Language comparisons. It is easy to see that people in the United States search for "dog food" about twice as much as people in Australia. Information like this can help webmasters focus marketing efforts regionally.

Google Trends does not show users the actual quantifiable numbers on any of the charts. I cannot tell how many times "dog food" was actually searched. It could be 10 or 10,000. A user can only glean basic relationships between keywords.

Here are a few tips for getting the most of Google Trends:

1) This is Google data. While it is still beta and they have disclosed that it may not be 100% accurate, it is still based on Google data. The point? Its Google data!! Get the most out of Google Trends even given the potential flaws.

2) Always search for multiple keyword phrases. The tool is based on showing comparisons. Searching for only one term will yield a trend line, but there will be nothing to compare it too.

3) Develop other keyword analysis skills such as finding synonyms and other similar terms. Maybe people actually search for "hound food".

4) Create benchmarks. Do some keyword analysis on a few keywords with tools that do provide concrete numbers. Then use those keywords as a standard against which to compare other keywords within Google Trends.

Paul Flyer writes and maintains Recommended Web Tools, an online resource for web development beginners. Visit his blog for more on Benchmarking with Google Trends.

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Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Do you want to get the word out to consumers about your online business but you arent sure how you should advertise? Luckily there are many great ways that you can advertise, and many of them dont cost all that much. You can utilize free search engines, you can write articles, create a press release, use pay per click search engines, post to message boards and forums, and even get involved with ad co-ops where you can get your company information in front of your target audience.

While there are many avenues online that can help you drive traffic to your online business you shouldnt forget about offline advertising opportunities. Offline advertising can be just as valuable as online advertising and it can be just as affordable, too. There are many different offline strategies, but there are three that stand out because they are effective low cost or even no cost ways for you to get your information in front of your target audience offline so that they log on and check you out!

Using Flyers

Many business owners overlook the effectiveness of flyers. The great thing about using flyers to advertise is that they are easy to make, they are cost effective, and they dont take much time to make so you can get the word out there to your target audience sooner rather than later.

When you make flyers you will want to post them in places where your target audience will visit or spend time in. Think about restaurants, may clubs, gyms, grocery stores, and even in bathrooms. Anywhere that your target audience will have an opportunity to see the flyer is a good place to post it. If you are going to hang a flyer up in a business you must ask for permission from the business owners. In addition to posting flyers, you can also just hand them out as you walk down the street. If you think about how many times you have been handed a flyer, you know that you will at least take a look, and if its something you are interested in you may very well visit the website and see what they have to offer you. Create your flyer for free from one of many online sources today!

Let Your Car Do Your Advertising

Advertising with the help of vehicles is a relatively new way to get the word out about your business, but it works! You can have magnetic signs made for your vehicle very easily and this will allow people that are just driving down the road to learn about your business. Simply having a catchy phrase and your web address on the magnetic sign can earn you more business than you ever thought possible. You can also choose to have license plate frames or bumper stickers made to advertise your business, as well. Advertising can be as simple as driving down the road and parking your car in parking lots as you go about your business.

Business Cards - Great Business Marketing

Business cards are a great way to share information about your business, and many times your business will be given more weight by consumers if you have a business card. Business cards can be very inexpensive or even free and when you hand them out to people wherever you go it gives your business merit with those that receive them. You can hand them out to anyone that you feel could possibly be interested, or you can simply post them on bulletin boards in establishments such as gyms, churches, and grocery stores where your target audience might spend time.

As you can see there are a lot of great ways to advertise your online business offline. Most of these advertising schemes do not require a lot of time or money, they just require a bit of creativity and the desire to drive traffic to your website. Dont limit yourself to these offline advertising options, think outside the box and youll see the benefits of offline advertising in no time!

Stoyan Stoyanov is a SEO Expert. Business Marketing Agency is a SEO frendly human edited directory owned by the author.

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Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is an advertising technique. An engaging article is used to hook the reader, and provide basic information and education. The articles are succinct and quickly pull the reader in. By providing the reader with a start, they can help the reader to locate additional information and services of interest to them. Article marketing is a new but powerful approach to business.

By utilizing the tactical placement of words, the article that was written is flagging what is known as the internet spiders, all while the reader is being engaged. If these keywords are placed just right, the site will gain a high rank with the search engines but not seem overly wordy or riddled with keywords.

If you are able to write one of these articles a day, you will be a great asset to your company. Adding these articles each day will make your rating on various search engines go up. You do not have to do very much work to make your business look good and gain new visitors with article marketing.

The most important thing to remember when you are going to use article marketing for your website is that you must use unique articles each time you post something new. Copies of articles and anything that is not unique content will not help you gain a higher rating or customer base. Customers do not want to see the same old thing everywhere that they look.

To this end, it is important to create a new and fresh article each day. This will keep your old readers interested and will make your business look experienced to your new readers. The more people that are interested in your articles, the more likely you are to sell more products. In the end, you gain profit.

As a growing area of marketing nowadays, the use of articles is a highly successful approach to selling products or services. Be sure to publish fresh ideas which haven't been published elsewhere online. Doing this will enable you both to realize a profit and increase your rating in the popular search engines with a minimum of effort.

Article marketing is a new way of advertising. These articles are very interesting and designed to hook the reader. This is a new and very strong approach to the world of business. All articles written are very unique articles, you must make sure that the article are unique to keep readers interested. Another key factor is unique content, which is just as important to keep the readers hooked. You want to make sure that the articles are interesting and grab attention. They must also keep the readers attention so that customers keep coming back.

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Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Do you find it difficult to market your business online? There are many ways to easily market your business online with articles. Let me give you a few examples:

1. Information Articles

Product use articles are popular and helpful. Just tell your reader how to use a product you market on your website, the use the link and resource box at the bottom to draw them back to the product.

2. Growing Concern Articles

Share a growing concern with your reader. Financial worries are popular. Then share with the reader how to solve the problem. How to manage a credit card, might be an optional solution, with a link to your website for more information and assistance with their problem.

3. Problem - Solution Articles

Give them a problem to solve. This might not even be a problem they're aware of yet. Then share the solution to their problem in an article that drives them back to your website for more information.

4. Quote and Explanation Articles

You may have read a popular quote recently and want to delve into the meaning of the quote. This is a fun article to write, because you get to share your heart felt thoughts and concerns, with a popular idea attached. Be sure to drive them back to your website for more information.

5. Tips and Ideas Articles

This is a tips and ideas article that shares tips about writing articles. It offers ideas in a straight forward manner, with suggested clues, and responsive directions.

Are you ready to write articles?

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A List Registry where high Impact Marketing Plans will Brand Your Market successful.

Jan Verhoeff teaches article marketing and other marketing strategies that work online at for marketers who want to Make Money Online.

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Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Starting your own online business can be hard enough for anyone just starting out. With all the different opportunities online trying to figure out what to sell or do online can leave your head spinning. Finding the right Internet marketing guides can be an even more daunting task.

It happens to all those new to Internet marketing; you launch a new website or you might join a network marketing program, or decide to promote a product as an affiliate. But then you start to wonder how to get traffic to your website or get your affiliate link in front of potential customers or prospects.

Internet marketing guides are as plentiful online as the opportunities they claim to help you promote, in fact there are probably as many or maybe even more Internet marketing guides available from experts as there are work at home opportunities online!

Relax this isn't another in a long line of Internet marketing guides that will solve all your problems from another Internet marketing expert. But I will tell you that there are not many, if any "one guide fits all "available.

The help you seek to promote your chosen business is as specific as the business you are promoting and how you are promoting it. If you have a new website or are planning on launching one soon then your first study should be keyword research and search engine optimization, or better known as SEO.

If on the other hand you plan on just selling other peoples products with pay per click or classified advertising. Then you have no need for the above-mentioned Internet marketing guides and need something more related to Google Adwords.

But how do you know if the Internet marketing guides you are contemplating are worth the money the gurus are asking for? Well most of the information you need is available for free online if you search for it long and hard. The problem with that is the fragmented nature and conflicting results you will get in your search.

If you search online for some of the Internet marketing guides you are interested in you will no doubt find plenty of reviews for them. The problem here is that many of these are just reviews in disguise. Many will even start out casting some doubt on them only to eventually have you talked into buying it from them. Others will try to entice you into buying it from them by adding bonus material that is either worthless or readily available for free elsewhere.

Your best bet to find a true review or the worth of any of the Internet marketing guides you are contemplating is in Internet marketing forums.

A simple search into any of the leading Internet marketing forums for any of the top Internet marketing guides should produce plenty of results if it is a recently released product. Here is where you will find ongoing discussions about everything related to Internet marketing and some mention of the guide you are interested in should come up in a search of the forum.

You may even find enough information on some of the forums about the subject that purchasing any of the Internet marketing guides would no longer be necessary. Either way you should find the information you need to make an educated decision regarding your purchase.

Purchasing Internet marketing guides can be a wise investment if you target your purchase to your chosen marketing method. Just be careful buying Internet marketing guides that will take you in a different direction and sidetrack you and your online business goals.

Jeff Houdyschell provides proven income opportunities, ideas and information and an online library of free Internet marketing guides and resources at Signup for his exclusive newsletter and get access to large library of free Internet marketing guides.

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is simply a numbers game. The higher your article volume, the higher all your other numbers will be. That's it, thank you and good night.

Really I could stop there and you would have some great and useable information. But there is this little thing about minimum word count, so I'll explain that statement a bit more.

Article marketing is a numbers game

Here is why this statement is so important and powerful. Most people that begin in article writing and article marketing will write one or maybe even a few articles, wait for all the wonderful results that do not come right away, and then claim that article marketing does not work.

Article marketing works. Some people do not work, however.

The bare minimum number of articles on the internet that you need to just begin to see a steady trickle of traffic is 25. Everything after 25 articles increases the trickle.

If you are serious about article marketing, life really begins at 250 articles. If this article is accepted, it will give me 1017 articles on just one article directory. I could not stop the flood of daily traffic if I wanted to, and I sure don't want to.

Here is what I know -

If I want more traffic, I write more articles.

If I want more prospects, I write more articles.

If I want to build my list, I write more articles.

If I want more subscribers, I write more articles.

If I want more customers, I write more articles.

I think you get the point. If you want to raise any of your important numbers, write more great quality articles.

With your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates to help you write more great quality articles. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and

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A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

If you know how to use SEO to get a high listing in search engines, or are an expert in search engine optimization for high Google listings, then you need read no more of this article. Your website obviously has at least one page in the top 10 of Google, MSN and Yahoo, and you have as much traffic as you need for your success.

However, if not, then you need some advice. You need to understand the basics of search engine optimization. Incidentally, what the basics are to you may not be basics to others. Basics to some are the correct use of LSI (latent semantic indexing), of internal linking strategies and of other techniques designed to lead search engine spiders by the hand and convince them that their site is the tops. Can you do that?

If not, then here are one or two tips. Good SEO is a lot more than just having your page title in title tags and your heading in H1 tags. It is more that just having the correct keyword density do you know what that is? The vast majority of people dont have the slightest clue about keyword density or what it means. Formulae said to relate to keyword density and the number of words in the key phrase as a function of the number of times the phrase should appear in a web page are mediaeval in internet time.

Do you know what? Google doesnt give a toss about your calculations. Google cares about the service you are providing to Google customers and how relevant the content of your web page is to their needs. To find that out, Google applies a statistical mathematical equation based on statistical analysis of semantics as related to the specific keyword being used by the searcher, and the semantic content of your web page.

Google doesnt care if you have exactly 15 incidences of your keyword every 500 words in fact if you do, you have no chance because that is now excessive. Keyword stuffing or keyword spamming they call it! Yet people still write articles packed full of keywords in the mistaken belief that it will be good for them. Who is still telling them that?

So lets forget keyword density. Its old SEO and no longer relates to Googles needs. Internal linking: now theres a new thing to most people, even though it has been relevant for the past few years. By intelligent use of internal linking you can lead your friendly neighbourhood spider down any web you can weave for it. And you will benefit greatly by doing so, if you know where you should be leading it.

Internal linking strategy is a different concept entirely to an external lining strategy involving one way or two way reciprocal links back to your web page from that of another website. Most people are involved in that, but also most dont know how to do it properly, and therefore lose out. Let me give you a simple example.

You have a website with a page rank of 4 for your home page. Note that it is not your whole site that gets a Google PageRank, as it is properly written, but each individual page in your site is individually ranked. When you come across a website with a PR of 4 or even 8, it is the page you are looking at that has that PageRank. That will generally be the home page, and when you agree to a reciprocal link, guess what! Your link will be placed on a links page in that site with a PR of zero. Thats right, a Google PageRank of zilch: and thats the benefit you will get. Zilch!

If you place their link on your home page, or any other page with a PR of greater than zero, you lose out. Even if your page has a Google PageRank of only 1, THEN YOU LOSE OUT!! They get a share of your PR of 1, and you get a share of their PR of zero!

Stick that in your pipe and smoke it, and then tell me I dont know what I am talking about as many have. Some of these many are so-called internet gurus and SEO experts that fleece you by promising you a Google Page 1 position for your site, when they cant even get one for themselves.

If a site offers you a top 10 position, check out their position by using their URL. If they were so good, wouldnt they be in the top 10 for their URL? I would have though so! But NO.

So, do what you can to understand what Search Engine Optimization is. What it really is not what some would want you to believe what it is. Check out the source code of successful sites and compare it to the unsuccessful sites and try to spot differences. If you cannot, then it is the linking strategies that make the difference. Whatever strategy you use, however, make sure that you fully understand it and that you are using it as it should be used. There are links and links some better than others. Some can give you positive results, and some of your links can be very bad for you.

Do you know how to tell the difference? Most cant, and so are led by what they read online. The problem is that since most cant, most of what is written online is garbage. It is difficult to spot the truth from the opinion. It is truth that gets you a good Google or Yahoo listing, not opinion. The problem is that more people believe opinion than truth since they dont know what truth is, and most of what they read is false opinion.

The best advice you can have is to check out the websites that have succeeded and copy what they do. However, that is not as easy as you think since the off-site linking strategy that you cannot see is as important as the on-site SEO that you can see.

If you want screenshots of a website that succeeds, the check out Petes site Article Services that varies from #1 and #4 on Google for the keyword article services, and then find the screenshots and explanation of how he does it on Improved Search Engine Rank. That is how to learn: from successful sites.

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A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

This article is for Affiliate Program Managers: Interested in increasing the amount of revenue that each of your affiliates creates for your business? Read on to learn about how to use your existing articles to grow your affiliate program strength.

From an affiliate perspective, there are only a few 'deal breaker' type things that I insist any affiliate program that I join must provide me:

  • Real-time reporting statistics
  • Real-time email alerts upon each sale
  • Payment on a consistent monthly basis
  • High price-point products
  • Package of articles that I can reprint on my websites and ezines
  • One strategy that many newbie affiliate program designers fail to offer is a package of articles that can be reprinted on my website along with my unique affiliate link. Of the tens of thousands of dollars I'll do this year as an affiliate, you would be shocked at how much of the revenue comes directly from reprinting articles of the affiliate programs I am involved in. This strategy works for me and it can work for you!

    Here's what to do:

  • Designate 10, 25, 50, 75 or 100 articles that will be made available to your affiliates as a dump (meaning all at once and immediately).
  • Provide them with 3-10 articles per month thereafter that they can reprint along with their affiliate link.
  • Be certain to spell out the reprint rights of this type of affiliate article marketing so that your articles don't show up on bad websites you wouldn't want to associate with.
  • Here's what NOT to do:

  • Allow your articles to be private labeled. This is a poor strategy and will dilute your credibility. They should carry your name or the name of your primary author brand.
  • Don't give out all of your articles for your affiliates to use. Best to designate a specific "lot" of them that can be used by your affiliates and the rest are yours to keep exclusively for your direct sales audience.
  • Why this type of article marketing is important for affiliate program managers and affiliates:

    Articles are like "sales agents" in that they keep selling for you, day after day, year after year. They also help expand your reach as each article gets indexed by the major search engines. Lastly, they give you another reason to send an email to your list members about the articles available.

    This is a credibility builder for the affiliate program manager and it's a "Give" before the "Take" which begins the reciprocation cycle in a positive direction.

    Note For Affiliates Who Use Articles To Promote Their Affiliate Programs:

    Some sites (like ours at ) don't accept articles that promote affiliate programs, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't go find other sites that do accept articles that promote affiliate program links. I really meant this article to speak directly to affiliate program managers and not the needs of affiliate marketers.

    To save you the trouble of sending me an email to ask why doesn't accept articles that promote affiliate programs, there are three reasons:

    1) Because we don't accept articles that are available on a non-exclusive basis (meaning we only want to see original or exclusive licensed content) and...

    2) Because affiliate marketers are not our ideal author profile type and...

    3) Because most ezine publishers don't want to reprint articles that pitch an affiliate link. One of the primary purposes of our site is to be a resource for ezine publishers to find supplemental content for their next email newsletter.

    With that said, there are plenty of competitor article sites that will allow you to submit your affiliate-link-laced articles, not to mention listing them on your own website.

    Bottom line: If you offer an affiliate program to promote your products and services, consider immediately offering a package of articles that your affiliates can add to their website or send to their email newsletter lists to further promote your business.

    About The Author:

    Christopher M. Knight invites you to submit your best quality original articles for massive exposure to the high-traffic expert author community. When you submit your articles to, your articles will be picked up by ezine publishers who will reprint your articles with your content and links intact giving you traffic surges to help you increase your sales. To submit your article, setup a membership account today:

    (c) Copyright - Christopher M. Knight. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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    Viral marketing is a methods of list building

    There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

    Article marketing has gained popularity because of one good reason: It delivers! That is why, it is a must that you take advantage of it to experience great benefits like improved traffic and better ranking on various search engines.

    Here are the 5 interesting methods to advance with article marketing:

    1. Master the art of creating powerful, effective titles. When online users search publishing sites for specific content, they will be presented with numerous articles. This is where the competition of getting the interest of online users begins. To give your articles an edge and to increase their chances of being opened, make sure that you give them irresistible headlines that will pique the curiosity of online users.

    2. Sustain the interest of your readers by supporting your great title with equally attention-grabbing introductory paragraph. In this section, you must be able to answer the typical what, why, who, where, how, and when questions of your readers.

    3. Bank on your content. Your articles must offer online users with valuable content that is not only useful but also highly relevant to your target niche. In addition, your articles must also be related to the products or services that you offer so you can easily pitch in your business' offerings on your resource box.

    4. Call to action. Write a compelling resource box and use powerful words to move your readers to click the URL and visit your website. This is one important element in article marketing. When you master the art of creating an effective resource box, you will easily increase your page views and your sales potential in no time.

    5. Submit your articles regularly. Few submissions will not make a huge difference on your traffic and page ranking. To maximize the benefits that you can get from this method, submit at least 5 articles everyday so you can easily augment the number of your inbound links.

    To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

    Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

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    Viral marketing is a methods of list building

    There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

    One of the most important aspects of your article marketing, is your titles. Titles pull people in. Titles make people take notice. Without a decent title - you're screwed . It's a good idea to start your title by summing up the whole article. For example rather than -

    The Secrets of Quickly Learning Disco Dancing.

    It would be much more effective to use:

    Disco Dancing - 7 Speedy Secrets Exposed.

    This way when someone searched "disco dancing" they will find your article easier. You also want to make your article title catchy. It is a good idea to use numbers, such as:

    • Lose Weight Fast - 6 Key Secrets for Maximum Weight Loss

    It shows people that the article will be concise. People don't want to spend all day reading your article. You want to pull them in, so by using words such as "secrets", "key" and "exposed" it will make people think they are getting something special, which they will be with the information you provide them with. Also, remember to Keep It Short and Concise . The title simply draws people in, it does not have to explain everything the article will cover.

    Monitor which articles are clicked on more than others, by keeping an eye on your stats. This will help you see which articles have the most successful titles and which topics are most popular.

    Keep at it. With all aspects of article writing, thinking of creative and effective titles becomes easier with time. It is possible to succeed, as long as you don't give up to quickly.

    Catherine Smith 2007 Copyright

    Catherine Smith is a successful entrepreneur and writer. For loads of tips on how to succeed with article marketing check out

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    Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

    To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

    Here is a technique I have long used to attract massive free traffic to some of my websites. Recently, more and more people are discussing this largely intuitive technique, and giving it a variety of names. The name I most embrace is "link bait."

    "Link bait" is anything that you put on your site that encourages others to link to your site, and then drive massive amounts of free traffic to your site by telling others about it. It's some feature that by it's very nature makes others reference your site and want to tell others about it.

    Examples of this could be a service that they need to visit your site to access, or an outstanding article that they have to visit your site to read, or even some type of list that they need to visit your site to access.

    Examples of link bait that I can think of (actual and hypothetical)... things that would cause other webmasters, publishers, and just people in general to send you traffic include:

    - The site has a software utility that formats emails for free. This is where I format all of my ezines and emails to a max of 65 characters per line ;-)

    - The site has a program that allows you to semi-automatically submit your sites to all of the major and minor search engines and directories for free.

    - A site that has a listing of all the major blog directories.

    - A site that has a listing of all the major places to "ping" when posting to your blog.

    - A recipe conversion chart on a cooking site.

    - A chart showing calories burned during various exercises.

    - A listing (with hot links) and maybe reviews of major internet marketing forums.

    - A list of 100 top rated directories to submit your ezine articles to.

    - A list of the 100 most popular baby names.

    - A list of foods considered aphrodisiacs... and why they work.

    ... you get the idea!

    If you can incorporate something similar to the above on your blog or site, then after the word gets out, it will be natural for people to link to you. They'll feel good linking to and telling others about your site. People enjoy appearing "in the know."

    You should do some brainstorming today, and see what ideas you can come up with for link bait to add to you site and then tell the world about.

    As I said, it can even be an article. For example, an article on how to really optimize a website, 20 top traffic generation methods, some type of webmaster tricks, etc.

    As an example, I recently wrote an article, which I expanded into an ebook called "20 Insider Techniques Of A Super Affiliate." I recently decided to post these techniques as a 20-part series to my blog at

    Once people start referring to this series, it will attract traffic to my blog for a very long time. The key then is to have links in my blog's navigation that make it easy to locate this series even months from now!

    Go ahead... do some brainstorming, and then put some link bait on your site. Then tell a few others and ask them to help spread the word. After all, link bait only works if the word gets out. Once it does, the flow of traffic will become unstoppable.

    Willie Crawford is an internationally-acclaimed speaker, author, seminar and radio show host, and leading Internet marketing expert. When not out fishing in the Gulf of Mexico, Willie can be found sharing his 11 1/2 years of online marketing experience with members of The Internet Marketing Inner Circle. Join them at:

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    A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

    Extra, Extra Google Now Gives you feedback. By Creating a Google Sitemap using free online tools you can get Google to crawl your site within 24 Hours. As an Added bonus after Google Crawls your site they give you feedback about any problems they encountered. To take advantage of this amazing service from yahoo just follow these 4 simple steps.

    Step 1 Get a Google Site Map Account

    In order to create a Google Sitemap account just cut and paste the below URL in your browser and follow the simple directions

    Step 2 Create Your Site map

    You can create your Sitemap either as an XML file or a TXT file. XML is the PPreferred method since you can give Google more information about your Web Site. You do not need to know XML to create a Google Sitemap. Not with this free web based tool. Simply go to the below web site type in your domain and it will automatically spider your site and create a Google Site Map for you.

    If You prefer to use a text file simply following the below direction taken directly from the Google Help File (

    Google accepts simple text files that list URLs. As the text files contain only a list of URLs, Google prefers that you use the Sitemap protocol so you can provide additional information about your URLs. The text file must follow these guidelines:

  • The text file must have one URL per line. The URLs cannot contain embedded new lines.

  • You must fully specify URLs as Google attempts to crawl them exactly as provided.

  • Each text file can contain a maximum of 50,000 URLs. If you site includes more than 50,000 URLs, you can separate the list into multiple text files and submit each one separately.

  • The text file must use UTF-8 encoding. You can specify this when you save the file (for instance, in Notepad, this is listed in the Encoding menu of the Save As dialog box).

  • The text file should contain no information other than the list of URLs.

  • The text file should contain no header or footer information.

  • You can name the text file anything you wish. Google recommends giving the file a .text extension to identify it as a text file (for instance, sitemap.txt).

  • You should upload the text file to the highest-level directory you want search engines to crawl and make sure that you don't list URLs in the text file that are located in a higher-level directory.

    Step 3 Upload your Site Map File To Your Web Page

    Once you have created an XML or TXT Sitemap using the instructions in Step 2 you would just upload it to your web page either by FTP or by using the Cpanel from your Web Host.

    Step 4 Tell Google

    The last step in this process is to tell Google about your Sitemap. You simply Log In to your Google site map account and add the URL of you Site Map. Be sure and check back a few hours later to make sure it uploaded correctly.

    Now be sure and repeat the above 4 Steps whenever you change your website

    Bonus Step 5

    After Google has read your Sitemap and crawled your site (usually 12-24 Hours) you will see a verify link next to your Sitemap name. Click the link and Google will instruct you to create a blank file and place it on your Web Page, Once you have done that Google will tell you any problems it encountered crawling your Page

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    Making Money with Your Blog!

    A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

    Webmasters can spend most of their waking hours doing everything they can to raise their Google PageRank. It is common knowledge that PageRank, which is largely based upon the number and quality of backlinks a webpage has, is an important factor in how well a particular webpage ranks within the Google search results. Since webmasters spend so much of their time worrying about PageRank, an important question is: how important is PageRank, really?

    Many webmasters will tell you from experience that other factors besides PageRank, such as keyword density and placement, have recently taken a larger role in website ranking. No one will argue that PageRank has become irrelevant, but there is significant evidence to suggest that PageRank is not quite as important of a factor in website ranking as it once was.

    To illustrate this point, I utilized a very useful tool you can find at The tool returns regular Google query results with one interesting addition they also give the pagerank for every webpage. Thus, you can type in any word or phrase and see the pagerank of those webpages that rank well (or not so well) for that keyword. Looking at the results, you probably notice something almost immediately. Some sites with low PRs do surprisingly well in the results, while some higher PR sites do quite poorly. Some of this difference can be contributed to sheer content that is, how many times, and in what manner, the keywords you entered actually show up on the webpage. Google takes a close look at keyword usage and density in determining ranking. However, some pages clearly have very close keyword densities, yet in some cases the page with the lower pagerank will somehow still receive a better ranking.

    Let us take a more quantitative look at this. Taking 20 of the most popular keywords from (for this particular day), and entering them in, it is possible to get a better feel for the importance of pagerank. Looking at the first five results only, I wanted to see how many followed in order of highest PR to lowest PR. Surely, out of the results for 20 keywords, a good portion of them will display such an order, right? I have listed the number of webpage results that appeared in correct PageRank order for each keyword (i.e. 5 would indicate that 5 out of 5 results were in order of highest to lowest pagerank). You can see the table with results at Google Advisor.

    Although limited by sample size, the results indicated that PageRank is not an overwhelmingly dominant component of website ranking on Google. If it were, the average of correct PageRank order for these keywords really should be somewhere around 4 to 5 (the real average was about 2.15). Thus, other factors including keyword density in webpage content, title, and even the URL, play a significant role in webpage ranking. I want to mention that, while looking over these results, I noticed that about 4-5 of these keywords came up with at least one webpage within the first 10 results (first page on Google) that had absolutely no PageRank at all (PR 0). In addition, a couple keywords came up with results with exactly reverse-order PageRanks that is, the first result at the lowest PR and the fifth result had the highest (for example, PR8, 7, 6, 6, 5 or something similar).

    So what does this all mean for the average webmaster concerned with SEO? The first lesson is that keywords and other non-PageRank factors can be absolutely crucial. They can put a PR6 site above a PR8 site (if you don't believe me just use the tool I mentioned above). Does this mean that website owners should not worry about links? Not at all. It's just that all the time people spend on exchanging and acquiring links for the sole purpose of increasing PageRank may be better spent developing website content and keyword strategies instead.

    As far as keywords are concerned, we discovered that having keywords in the website title and URL can help a site rank much more competitively. Good content tends to have the fortunate effect of both increasing your one-way in-bound links (people like to link to sites they find interesting, thoughtful, informative, or helpful), thereby improving your PageRank, while at the same time producing keyword rich webpages good for both human viewers and search engine spiders.

    The take home message here is that PageRank is important, but it certainly is not worth obsessing over; there are many other factors involved in website ranking that should be given nearly equal consideration. In addition, simply building a good website is the best thing you can do to attract visitors, even without a great PageRank. PageRank, however, will likely follow consider it a welcomed byproduct of your hard work.

    Bradley James is Webmaster of, an informational site providing free information to casual searchers and Webmasters about the Google search engine.

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