Tuesday, June 17, 2008 

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

At this point, I am going to assume that you write articles. So why write marketing articles?

I think that one of the reasons is that people are looking for marketing articles they want to learn how to do marketing, especially online marketing, web marketing, article marketing, etc.

When you write marketing articles and post them online to the various article directories, including the one this one was originally posted to, you gain web traffic via the search engines.

You see, people online search the web, and they generally will read the articles that come up in the top ten results of their search results in the search engine they used. And the big article directories, especially the one that this was originally published on, have the page rank to get your article to the top ten results, especially for 2nd and 3 rd tier and long tailed keywords.

So when you write marketing articles, you get world wide readership and that can mean world wide visitors to your web site. An astonishing number of the people that visit my web site, although I am in the US, are in countries all around the world. Literally all around the world. I think I have subscribers in every continent around the world maybe excluding Antarctica so if you are in Antarctica you know what to do!

Anyhow, write marketing articles, submit them to the top 5 article directories (or at least just the one this one was published first to) and watch the traffic roll in. By the way, you have to write more than 2 or 3!

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 800 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Look through the eyes of your members and you might be surprised. You might find new ways to meet their needs. You might find new ways to offer benefit. Heck, you might even be able to anticipate there needs - there's no better money maker than that!

What do members want?

The best way to answer that question is to ask yourself. What do you want from a membership site? Take a moment and write down 10 things that you want from the membership sites that you belong to. Go ahead...we'll wait. Okay, you have your list? Let's see if it matches any of the items that we came up with.

Presumably you want:

A trusted source of information, products, and resources.

A wide variety of resources that meet your needs with multiple price points

Easy to use website

Easy to process transactions

Membership policies that make sense

Subscriptions that are worth their price

Subscriptions that are easy to renew or cancel

Updated content

Updated resources

A way, or many ways, to communicate with members and website staff

An efficient customer relations protocol

An easy way to return products

Clearly established terms of use

A website that protects your privacy - and doesn't sell your information

Communications, via email or newsletter, that are frequent enough to keep you in the loop but not so frequent that you feel hassled.

A website that is fitted specifically to meet your needs

Does that cover it? Not likely. That's just a short list of the things you probably want from a membership site that you belong to. You may also want to be able to use the site, products, and contacts that you make to generate profits. You certainly want to belong to a membership site that you can be proud of and that is recognizable - this means you'll more likely be a loyal and frequent visitor if not a frequent purchaser.

Now comes the second question...

What can you do to make your membership site meet the needs listed above, and any others that you came up with?

Many of the needs are fairly easy to fill. Customer relations can be automated. Billing, renewals, and auto responder thank you messages can be automated. Content, much of it anyway, can be outsourced. Terms of use and policies can be posted on your website and handed out in the form of a report when members subscribe. Affiliate programs and other wealth building tools can be automated. That leaves a few things: making sure that your customers know that you're an upstanding site with their best interests at heart, keeping the quality content, resources, and products up to date and quality, and tying all of their needs together into a cohesive website. Not too hard, right?

It doesn't have to be.

Use the resources that you have, such as those at MembershipMillionaire.com to make your membership site the absolute best that it can be for you and for your members.

Jeremy Gislason is a leading expert on membership sites marketing and online business. Do you want to market and sell all of your products faster? Free how to business and marketing courses at: http://www.MembershipMillionaire.com


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

An Advertising business opportunity on the Internet is just exploding with possibilities. This is one of the most profitable endeavors available in the field of Internet advertising. If you have advertising experience and know even the basics of Internet, you have potential to start your own advertising business on the Internet.

There are many areas of the Internet that need to be learned before starting your advertising business opportunity. Multi level marketing, or MLM, is one way of generating advertising and sales at the same time. MLM is a system that allows someone to collect commissions on their own sales as well as on people they recruit under them. This used to be known as pyramid schemes.

MLM has become very popular with product sales, helping the organization build wealth by paying commissions on multiple levels. The concept from an advertising point of view is great, the more motivation you have to recruit people to sell your product, the more your product is out there on the market. Some examples of companies that use MLM are nutritional product lines, make up product lines, and home decoration lines.

Multi level marketing has been around for years and not likely to go away anytime soon. Focus needs to be clear however on what the drive is for the company. If your focus is only on recruiting people to recruit more people, then your product sales are going to suffer. When your product sales suffer, your business as a whole suffers and then no one wants to be a part of the industry. Keep your focus when dealing with MLM with your advertising business opportunity.

Ezines are another emerging way to get a product or service out to the public. Ezines, or electronic magazines, are usually specialized to a certain areas of interest. This is very much like conventional magazines. However, advertising in ezines is low-cost and even occasionally free. Another advertising business opportunity that is wide open.

Ezines in themselves will need advertising to get their word out. A perfectly written ezine does no one any good if no one knows that it is out there to be seen. Finding an audience for your ezine may be easier than you think. Make sure when going into ezines that you know your material and that the writing is concise and accurate.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a proven method of advertising on the Internet and a field, which is very much in demand at this time. SEO is a system of writing web content that uses specific key words and phrases that will pull the page up when that keyword or phrase is typed into any of the search engines. Knowing how to effectively use keywords to get a site recognized is critical for small businesses on the web.

When you open a search engine such as 'Yahoo!' or 'Google', and type in the phrase Internet advertising, you will get a list of results. Those results are formulated by the words Internet and advertising. Sites that have those two words incorporated consistently throughout the site will come up on the list. These lists are in order by the most hit on sites at the top of this list. Of course, that is where you want your advertising business opportunity clients to be.

Educating your self on these concepts and a few more will allow you to start marketing your Internet advertising business. Becoming an Internet business advertising consultant to companies who are looking to expand their presence on the web is a first step in building your reputation and presence in this field.

You must have a well-written profile centered on your Internet advertising experience and an up to date resume'. Businesses today are being inundated with new, and sometimes bogus, advertising opportunities and you need to stand out above all those other offers. Keep your presence, online and in the field, professional at all times and make sure you can deliver what you promise. With those things in mind, you should be successful.

Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy is owner of Profitable Home Businesses where you will find other articles such as Starting a Mattress Cleaning Business and How to start a Medical Billing Business from Home.


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The very first Internet marketing technique I learned when I started online in early 2006 was article marketing. At first, I didn't really believe this would work and I didn't take action.

I bought a cheap ebook called secret affiliate weapon and I read the material. One of the pdfs was about article marketing and was called lazy traffic. I read and didn't take action like most of the people online. After a while, I got a coach and he taught us affiliate marketing. I was stuck because he was teaching us the exact same tactics and strategies I learned before.

Since we had daily assignments, I was forced to write those articles because one of the condition of this coaching program was to do the tasks in time. If you failed, you could be dropped from the program.

I submitted article manually for the first time to ezinearticles, goarticles, article city, article dashboard and a couple of other directories. I can tell you that I was typing and submitting like crazy. I didn't have money in my early beginning and I couldn't hire a ghostwriter or even use a submission software. I needed to do the work alone.

I forget to say that I was enrolled in the program by submitting articles. The entrance fee was $197 a pop, and although I had a burning desire to enroll in this mentoring course, I didn't have the money at the time.

Happily, there was an alternative option for marketers on a budget. All I had to was to submit forty articles with the mentor's resource box at the end. I was so happy! I wrote those 40 articles on the fly. It was my very first batch of articles, and I must admit that grammar and punctuation was bad. But I have no choice, I took action and submitted the articles.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Visit http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/ now!


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing requires you to ask the reader to take an action at the end of the article. One of the great things about article marketing is that at the end of every article is a resource box, that when used properly, drives the reader back to your website or blog.

The problem that I see every day with my students, members, and mentees, is that most writers do not know how to create or craft a powerful call to action.

How to create a powerful call to action

One of the principles on the Internet is that you cannot assume, ever, that the reader or visitor knows what to do next. In fact many readers do not know what to do next and therefore do not think.

I'll call to action is simply a request or invitation for the reader to take your most desired action. If you want the reader to download a free information product that your most desired action. If you want the reader to subscribe to a newsletter, then that your most desired action.

The point is simply this - you must invite the reader to take the next step which is your most desired action.

Here is an example of a call to action -

"Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to (my url)."

In the above example I have taken the reader by the hand and invited them to take the next action that I desire them to take. That is a gentle yet powerful call to action for your resource box at the end of your articles.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/bonustemplates.htm

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There are a lot of ways and means that you can amplify your article marketing in order to achieve better results. However, the three elements stated below are exceptionally recommended because of the proven record of success rate that they have brought to many online businesses.

1. Outline your article material to produce a well-structured content. The success of the marketing plan largely depends on the quality of your articles. Therefore, it is essential that you give extra time and effort to make the whole article material worthy of everybody's attention. Make sure that it goes beyond what is acceptable. It has to bear excellence in all aspects: style of writing, grammar, punctuation, quality of information, relevance of the subject matter, and coherence of ideas.

2. Plan your marketing strategies on how you can make these articles be attention-getter. You need to make sure that these highly qualified article materials get the attention of the majority of readers. You can engage into promoting these in some online gatherings and discussions to allow for people to talk about them.

3. Evaluate your articles based on another set of standards - the standards of publishing sites. Make sure that you are able to surpass the common standards set forth by these publishing sites if you want to make sure that your works will be published and promoted.

4. Polish your articles from time to time to make sure that they do not convey the same sets of ideas. People are looking for an exceptional set of information. Thus, you need to make sure that you present fresh, new ideas on every article that you write and post to publishing sites.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

A lot of people are constantly looking for ways on how they can excel in article marketing so they can set themselves apart from the rest and take the lead. If you are one of them, these 4 profitable secrets can help you realize your goal:

1. Top quality writing. If you would like to increase the chances of your articles being read, picked up, and republished, you need to make sure that you offer nothing but high quality content. This will attract webmasters and other marketers to use your articles as content on their blogs and websites that can boost the number of your inbound links.

2. Maximize your resource box. While most article submission sites would allow you to use up to 3 hyperlinks on your resource box, be sure to check on their guidelines. Some sites would only allow one while others offer unlimited clickable links. If you are allowed to use three, be sure to use anchor texts that will drive your readers to your home page and internal page that is highly relevant to the article you wrote. Then, use one absolute URL. This will increase the chances of your website being visited.

3. Know where to find bright topic ideas. Once you sink your teeth into article marketing, you will need hundreds of great topic ideas. To help you out, you can visit forums and article submission sites that are frequented by your target market. These are gold mines that can offer you unlimited topic ideas that your readers will find interesting and helpful.

4. Do your research. Never write your articles based on your opinions and experiences alone. To make your articles content-rich and reliable, check out reputable resources that can give you details about the topic you will write about.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Without customers any business will fail. For websites, this translates to interested visitors who will browse the site's offerings and possibly buy now or at a later date. The main way websites are able to attract targeted visitors is through search engine optimisation (SEO).

SEO refers to strategies you implement to optimise your website pages so that they are search engine friendly. This will allow you to maximize your position on the search pages for certain search terms. This is known as your search engine page rank. The higher your page rank, the more likely it is that searchers will click on your link and visit your website.

The reason why everyone with a website should use search engine optimisation on their website pages is to generate free search engine traffic to their site. Pay per click advertising can be expensive and is not as effective as the free variety although it can get traffic to your site quickly. A better, longer term strategy is to optimise your site to maximize free traffic that has already shown an interest by searching for related terms.

Unfortunately, Google's original formula for calculating page rank was able to be understood and abused by internet marketers who used 'keyword stuffing' to gain a high page rank. This means they overused keywords to fool search engines into giving them a high page rank. A lot of unintelligible content was created on the web at this time and even where the content had some value, it was often written badly to accommodate keywords. It didn't take very long for Google to realise this was going to become a huge problem. If its search engine was to be valued, it had to give users valuable results and filter out the garbage. So it changed its calculations and now a relatively low keyword density is valued and a high keyword density is penalised.

Furthermore, Google included the concept of Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) in its search engine rule so that synonyms and related expressions on a web page were given value. What this means is that if you want a high page rank, you should write naturally using a range of common descriptions and expressions to explain your information as well as your keywords (kept to a minimum).

If you use your keyword (it can be a phrase) in the title, in the first paragraph and the last paragraph as well as in the body of the text so that the total keyword density is no more than one to two percent, you will give yourself an advantage with the search engines. Furthermore, you will not risk a penalty for using your keyword too many times.

More than anything, write for your readers. Give them good value and aim to please. As your website becomes more popular, it will grow naturally. You will find other sites gradually linking to you, which will increase your link popularity (another factor in page rank calculations). If you combine common sense SEO practices with valuable, informative content you will improve your page rank gradually and increase the number of interested visitors to your site. More visitors equals more customers. More customers equals more money. That's why search engine optimisation is important.

Derek Rogers is a freelance writer who represents many UK businesses. For Search Engine Optimisation, he recommends Impact Media Ltd, one of the UK's leading suppliers of Search Engine Optimisation.


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

We all know the money is in the list, but is it possible to make money from your Free viral eBooks and eZine?

Not only will a free eBook or ezine can give you massive exposure, it can lead to a lifetime of free traffic to your website and build an ever growing pile of cash.

The best part is, the Money will be working for you.

But this is only possible if the free product is marketed properly and in demand.

By focusing on the relevant topic for a niche audience, you can compile a free product with links to your favourite affiliate programs (preferably from a product youve used), and resell products.

This is a big reason, why free products, especially free eBooks are popular.

BIG BENEFIT is you can be creative and make money these ways- You can add affiliate links to products that complements your topic;

You can add affiliate links to your own high demand product, resale rights product;

You can offer to brand the eBook with your JV partners name and website, and charge a branding fee to their list;

In your Welcome Message (for people who sign up via your OPT IN form), add a link that takes your new subscribers to a page on your website to receive their free eBook and gifts, PLUS a once only, never again discount to one of your products or services.

Alternatively, you can promote affiliate program. For an example of how it works, visit my site www.optinsecretsexposed.com

Notice the second you subscribe you are a given a link for the download page and a once off discount to Add affiliate links onto your Recommended Resources section;

You can promote affiliate programs (relevant to your topic) that pays monthly;

After your customer purchases an order, they are automatically taken to a Thank You page, where your backend product(s) are promoted as well;

Send customers a Thank You email after their purchase and include your advert for your resell product(s) or your own product.


The customer is in the mood to buy;

Anyone who makes a purchase, allow them to sign up for your ezine. Once they sign up, you can promote your products on the ezine issues at regular intervals; And many more.

Furthermore: Free Quality Product (filled with affiliate links to recommended products / services) + Viral Marketing + Right Audience + Opt In Subscription for free giveaways + Game Plan and Benefit for Joint Venture


Thousand and Thousands of Exposure of your product + A growing list of Opt In Subscribers + For each potential purchase, commission is generated from an affiliate link!

Commission from affiliate links can only be generated if it can benefit the reader. Put it simply, a quality affiliate product with a good sales page and client testimonials will generate commission.

Therefore, the content of a subject should lead towards the benefit of using such recommended products.

However, affiliate links should be used sparingly, and more importantly staying true to the core of the topic. Overuse of links will only result in harming the quality of the product and worse, lose your readers.

Focus on providing quality content and build a brand readers can trust.

With increasing trust, your readers and subscribers will be more responsive.

The above are just only a few ways to profit from a free eBook and eZine.

Although a quality product can lead to free massive exposure, it can also build a lifetime of ever growing passive income without you lifting a finger.

But then again, an Opt In list should be your priority, thats where the money is!

Jason Oh is the author of a Free eBook 'Opt In Secrets Exposed'.

The eBook will reveal how to turbo charge your targeted list by 300%, earn massive profits and never spend a single penny on any advertising! Download it now at http://www.optinsecretsexposed.com

And visit his blog at http://www.optinsecretsexposed.com/blog


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Q: How do you motivate yourself to write articles everyday?

A: You know what? That is a really good question. As I think about it, you are really asking two questions -

1. How do I get motivated to write articles everyday?


2. How do I stay motivated to write articles everyday?

Fortunately the answers to either question apply to both questions.

How to get and stay motivated to write articles everyday

I have several tips for you which I will share in bullet point form -

  • You need to write regularly to get and stay motivated. Writing regularly keeps you in the flow of article writing and makes article writing much easier.
  • When you are writing regularly, you see article ideas everywhere.
  • Keep a pad and pen with you or a voice recorder to capture your article ideas as they come. One of the most de-motivating things that can happen is to have a great idea, not capture it, and then not remember the idea when you sit down to write about it.
  • Keep in mind at all times the results of regular article writing and marketing. You may even want to write the results down somewhere that you can see everyday. In addition to the pure pleasure of writing, the results are the most motivating factor for me. I don't hope - I don't think - I know that the more articles I write, the more traffic, prospects, subscribers, customers, fun and profits I am going to have.

Keep all of these tips, especially the results, in mind to get and keep you motivated to write your articles.

And with your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates that will help you write everyday. You can download them by going to


Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and GreatArticleMarketing


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Opt-in lists for events are similar to the signing up for a newsletter. You ask people if they want to be notified when a special event or sale is happening. Although some may look at this as a permission to send junk mail, you can let them know that you are not selling your list to anyone and you will use it only for the stated purpose. Then do not abuse the privilege of having them sign up. Do not overwhelm them with sales and event noticesmake sure that you schedule the notices and let them know when to expect them. As with a newsletter, you can tell them whether it will be daily, weekly, monthly, or otherwise. You should also inform them of the day to expect it.

I know that you do not commonly see much scheduling happening on the Web in general, but you will find that your clients appreciate your scheduling. It gives them a heads up when to expect the information so they are more likely to read it. You want them to read it and take action from what you send. In order to make this happen, schedule your mailings and make them exciting and enticing.

If people opt in, they will also want to have the option of opting out. Let them know at any time they can do so and give them a link so they can follow through. I have opted out of some lists with ease and others only with great difficulty. As you can imagine, I feel respect for the companies that make it easy and lose all patience for those that do not. Consider, too, that people change addresses, and they must have an easy way to opt out of the old address and opt in with the new one!

Bette Daoust, Ph.D. has been networking with others since leaving high school years ago. Realizing that no one really cared about what she did in life unless she had someone to tell and excite. She decided to find the best ways to get peoples attention, be creative in how she presented herself and products, getting people to know who she was, and being visible all the time. Her friends and colleagues have often dubbed her the Networking Queen. Blueprints for Success - Networking: 150 ways to promote yourself is the first in this series. Blueprints for Success Branding Yourself: Another 150 ways to promote yourself is planned for release in 2006. For more information visit http://www.BlueprintBooks.com


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is a very easy foolproof model to follow. There's so many article marketing models to follow online and many people's whole business model is transparent. Most people don't see this and remain blind to this. If you open your eyes and model someone (note, not copy someone! But model their business model), then you are suddenly in business!

Speaking of that, I do use a pseudo name for marketing articles in niche markets. Many other Internet marketers do that too. So if you don't want people to spy on your niche marketing, use a pseudo name.

Why do so many people write a few articles and then call it a day?

People see 5 views over 3 days and think their 30 minutes spent writing article was a complete waste of time.

The article goes on to get 100-200 views or even 1000+ views after a year or so. Multiply that by 100 articles, or even 1000 articles, and imagine the traffic.

Most people hate writing, would rather spend their money on 'quick fix' traffic rather than outsourcing, or just hate the thought of contributing to an article directory's content bank. The truth is, we rely on authority sites to get traffic! That's the way it works online.

If you hate writing (and that's the excuse I often hear), then outsource your articles! It's not difficult. You don't have to do everything yourself if you want to make it online. Find a good article writer at a good cost and get your army of articles out there.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Making money through article marketing cannot get easier these days. If you have the knack for writing and you are willing to submit your articles to various publishing sites on a regular basis, you can rake huge money using this technique.

1. Promote your website. Article marketing is currently the best traffic-generating tools in the internet today. When used properly, this tool can drive enormous traffic to your website which can easily be converted to cash. To succeed in this method, you must be able to consistently produce quality, factual, well-written, informative, and useful articles that are targeted to the needs and demands of your potential clients. These articles, when submitted on various publishing sites, can be picked up and republished by other online users. This can lead to more quality inbound links and stronger online presence.

2. Affiliate marketing. If you make a living by promoting and selling affiliate products online, you can augment your income through article marketing. Write about product reviews, product comparisons or recommendations to better build your products and boost your sales potential. You can also use this technique to increase the traffic on your product page. As you know, more traffic means more chances of closing a sale.

3. Promote your own products. Write topics that are highly relevant about your products to attract targeted traffic. For instance, if you are selling car insurance, you can talk about the importance and benefits of your product and how it can play crucial role in your potential clients' lives. By building your products, you are increasing your chances of convincing your target market to take action and make a purchase.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Postcard marketing is one of the most, if not the most, effective promotional strategy you could ever use to market your products and services. Postcards are very popular marketing vehicles because of their capability to do repetitive marketing that helps in having your target audience recognize and retain your brand in their minds.

With postcards, you have the opportunity to add to your current list of customers which would mean more possible sales for your business. But what if you could multiply your sales? Wouldn't it be wonderful if you can do that?

You can with these killer strategies:

Follow-up. This is the common mistake that most sales agents make when they get a sale - they keep forgetting to follow-up on a client. The very first time you make your sale, you have to follow it up with a thank you note maybe or even a token that shows you appreciate the business that your customer brought to your company. It doesn't take more than a few minutes to send an email or postcard printing piece just to let your customer know that they are appreciated.

And while you're at it, why not include an ad for your other products. Who knows, your customer might just be encouraged to buy again after your show of gratitude.

Upsell. When marketing to your target customers, you just don't sell your main product, you also have to 'upsell' by telling them about some of the related products in your list. Take your postcard printing pieces to a new level and show your target audience even those products that are not very popular. Add a few discounts here and there for good measure. Your prospects may just add more items to their original order.

Referrals. Getting referrals form a satisfied customer is a sure way to boost your sales. But don't just ask; motivate your customers to refer your business to others by giving them incentives that they couldn't resist. How about a full rebate of their purchase price when they give you a referral? Or a special discount on their favorite product when they give you more?

Affiliate. This is how one cosmetics company was able to turn itself into a conglomerate known the world over. They sell a product to their customers and then they recruit their customers into their affiliate program by giving them discounts and commissions every time they were able to sell a product. You make your customers your very own sales agents. This sure can multiply your sales rate faster than you can think about it.

Cross-promote. This is the trend nowadays: small businesses cross-promote with other credible businesses to keep them going. Let's face it. Marketing your business is very expensive that small companies can have a difficult time with very limited budget to work on. But if you cross-promote, you are able to have the opportunity to market like a large business enterprise that has money to spend. You could have a package deal with your partners. You can include their products and services in your postcard marketing, and vice versa.

We hope we have helped you multiply your sales. Till the next postcard marketing strategy. Godspeed!

Lynne Saarte is a writer that hails from Texas. She has been in the Internet business for some years now, specializing in Internet marketing and other online business strategies.

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Postcard Printing, Postcard Marketing


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

This is a secret strategy that I use myself, and it has proven to be very successful. I call it the one week goal strategy of article marketing. It's easy to do, and it doesn't take up much time.

This article marketing strategy is used to get your articles up and onto the first page of Google in as little as a month or sometimes even less! With this strategy, you'll get tons of publicity for your website, more than 100!

So how do you do this one week goal strategy? You make a one week goal for writing articles. You set a number of articles that you want to make in one week and do it! I use the number 30, because it's a relatively small number for writing articles, and by the end of the month, I'd have at least 120 articles. But you don't have to do 30 articles a week if you don't want to, this is just me.

Set a goal for the week and stick to it. Don't make it too high by saying that you'll make 200 articles a week. That's too much! Just keep it low, somewhere around or below 50 is what I recommend, any higher and you just might quit! So set a number and stick to it. Sticking to it will be the hardest task. Just keep writing and don't stop, before you know it, you'll be busting out articles faster than you ever would!

So choose your one week goal, and then break it up even more. Let's say you want to make 30 articles a week, don't try to do them all in one day. You'll burn yourself out! Just take the number and split it up in even smaller portions. You'll be done in no time at all!

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Every online business strives to make their website unique. In my experience, there are five fundamental tactics that every online business should employ. Some are intuitive, some are not. I have found that businesses find several of them inconvenient and choose to ignore them. Review the list and see if you are guilty of avoiding a useful tactic.

1. Use Professional-looking branding

If you were to choose one item from this list not to ignore it should be branding graphics. Professional graphics can make or break your company. If you dont have strong, well-thought out branding, you are wasting your time selling on the internet. This doesnt mean you have to spend a fortune on a high-priced designer. It means you have to decide what your business is about and make it clear to visitors the moment they hit your home page. The key here is strategy, not pretty pictures.

2. Make your Products Easy to Buy

I picked Make it Easy to Buy as the tagline for my online marketing company because I believe most online businesses get that wrong. Intuitively, you know its true, because you cant always buy an online product you want. You have chosen your item, you have your credit card in hand, but you just cant make it happen. Ask three people who are not associated with your company to log onto your website and attempt to buy a product while you observe. This is always eye-opening. Do this today and youll learn something about why your sales are stagnant.

3. Reward your Customers

It seems strange, but most companies dont really thank their customers for buying from them. By that I mean REALLY thank them, by offering a future discount, a special newsletter or something that moves the relationship forward. No one is required to buy from you. If they are willing to purchase your product, make sure they are rewarded. People, who are rewarded, will repeat the experience, its as simple as that.

4. Partner with others in your Field

This tactic separates the successful from the very successful. Many businesses jealously guard their information and never look outside for inspiration. The best way to grow your business is to partner with others who market to the same customers. Not only do I recommend that you seek out those in complimentary businesses, I encourage you to look at others doing the same thing you are. Approach them and see how you can be stronger together. This may seem threatening at first, but once you realize that more resources and more ideas make you stronger, the quicker youll see the value. Obviously, dont give away proprietary secrets, but find common ground and youll be amazed what can happen.

5. Provide Content Variety

Everyone has a favorite way to access information. The internet makes it mandatory that you read text to get where youre going. But dont be limited to this method. Use audio, video, flash movies and anything else you can try to diversify your message. Dont be afraid to try teleseminars or pod casting. Use it as a test. You dont need to commit a huge budget to these tactics, but a small test will allay your fears and might point you toward a great new way to generate revenue.

Digital Media Works, Inc.(http://www.DigMediaWorks.com ) is an Internet marketing and design firm that specializes in solutions for e-commerce companies . . A seasoned 25+ year management/marketing professional , founder Stephanie Diamond is experienced in building profits in a broad range of product and services businesses . She created a line of multimedia software products that sold millions of copies for America Online .

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Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Im sure youve thought of all the reasons to keep your best articles back for your own use, and the reasons why you should save your best to put in an ebook, or special report, or even a short report, but Im going to explain why you should put your BEST Articles on the Web. The answer is easy, and I know youll understand in short order with these reasons Are you ready?

#1 Reason to Put your BEST Articles on the Web

When your readers see the very best of you, they know youve got more to offer and theyll come clicking through the web to read what you have to say. Content truly is king on the Internet, and if your King isnt the BEST someone elses King will get the attention.

#2 Reason to Put your BEST Articles on the Web

Information marketing shares information that may not have been available prior to your sharing and if you share that information in a sub-standard message, it wont matter if its new and wonderful, it may never be found or read. Article Marketing offers an opportunity to get information out in quality articles.

#3 Reason to Put your BEST Articles on the Web

High Quality articles result in High-Impact Beneficial Click Throughs that improve the marketability of your website. If your readers are clicking through to get more information and you provide it in a no-butts about it manner, then your website gains readers for the long term.

#4 Reason to Put your BEST Articles on the Web

Readers will come back frequently to read a high quality information product. If they get value from your articles, they know theres value in your ebook. A high quality article is their guarantee that your information products will provide value long after they purchase.

#5 Reason to Put your BEST Articles on the Web

When you sign your name to an article, it should be the very best you can write because it will be on the Internet so long as your article can live. Recently, I did a name search and found the first article I ever wrote for the Internet in 1996. Its located in at least 32 places on the Internet. How long will a BAD Article embarrass you? FOREVER! Make sure everything you put on the Internet is HIGH QUALITY the BEST you can do!

Jan Verhoeff shares the SECRET of PROSPERITY on the Internet with High Value Information Marketing. If youd like to learn more about Information marketing and how to write your own Information Product, visit http://ebookinfo.cn for a FREE Ebook 5 Simple Steps to Create Your Own Ebook today.

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There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Are you looking for ways on how you can excel in the article marketing so you can strengthen your online presence and build more traffic for your website? In this article, I will share with you the 6 persuasive ways that can help you do just that.

1. Set your own deadline. This will make you more productive and will force you to eliminate procrastination in you system. Remember, one of your goals in internet marketing is to produce numerous articles so you can get more inbound links.

2. Organize your ideas before writing. It is important that you create an outline before you tap on your key board. This will help you make your articles more focused, coherent and targeted. Besides, thinking where your content is headed while you're writing your articles can be deadly to your momentum.

3. Pick topics that you are an expert on. This will eliminate the need for extensive research that can take so much of your writing time. Also, you need to build your online credibility so writing what you know can help you communicate your knowledge to your readers so they will believe and trust you.

4. Stick with "10 tips" or "how to" articles. Based on researches, these are the two writing formats that are making waves in the World Wide Web. They are easier and quicker to write and people absolutely love them.

5. Optimize your content. All your efforts will go down the drain if your articles are rather difficult to find online. Don't let that happen and make each of your articles keyword-rich. Identify the mostly searched keywords on your chosen niche and incorporate them on your content.

6. Less is more. Keep your articles concise, direct to the point, and free from fillers. Offer your information upfront and never beat around the bush so you can effectively hold the attention of your readers.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

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