Sunday, June 8, 2008 

Internet Marketing is BOTH an Art and a Science

Depending on your nature you probably look at Internet marketing, all marketing for that matter, as a numbers game. You send "x" number of letters, faxes, or emails and you get "y" results. So you concentrate your efforts on activities geared to increasing the percentage of replies. It's a numbers game to you.

Others place the vast majority of their effort on why they are marketing what and to whom. While their counterparts above will blast the message to a wide audience hoping for a few sales of leads, these marketers will send very very few messages to the precise individuals they want as customers, expecting that they will be able to move every one of them from suspect to prospect to first level customer to key account.

In fact the most effective Internet marketers combine the art and the science better than the unsuccessful marketers - because it takes both to achieve optimum results. And that is why we collected several hundred articles by experts from both camps.

Our mission is to provide resources for business owners and professional solution providers and it occurred to us that offering the widest range of opinions makes more sense than trying to tell you that we have all the answers.

In the nav bar on our web site we have a link to our "Internet Control Panel" where we describe how we are using the Internet to grow our business, but your business is likely very different and you have different goals, objectives, strengths, weaknesses, contacts, etc. If you visit that page and those connected to it you might find a tool or strategy you can integrate into what you are already doing, or not I don't know.

One reason we have so many articles about Internet marketing, in several different article sub-directories, is because of the discussion going on hot and heavy between those who believe in push marketing and those who prefer pull marketing.

Pull marketing is about having such a compelling offering in such an attractive package and available especially for people like them that they can't resist. If you want to know what pull marketing looks like check out a fly fishing video.

In fly fishing the "fly" at the end of an incredibly long fishing line connected to a very long fly rod, never seems to touch the water. The fish keep looking up as the "fly' dances tantalizingly just above the surface. Eventually they can stand it no longer and leap out of the stream and grab the "fly" in mid air.

That's how your pull marketing should work too. And since there are so many ways to approach it we've collected many different explanations in numerous articles.

When people think of push marketing they usually think of email marketing. That's because it is an economical, compelling, and direct marketing tool. If done right it will drive responses in impressive numbers and with today's technology it can be personalized endlessly. But that doesn't make it easy or simple to do.

Email's just a tool and so it is only as effective as the person or company using it. And the same elements to consider as any other direct marketing tool still apply before you send the email, during the process itself (delivery issues for example) and after the campaign is over - when you work to figure out what went right, what went wrong, and what you'll do differently next time.

Among the articles in the Internet Marketing article directory are various examples and strategies that will make your next email marketing endeavor more effective.

And because there are so many articles, 2,500 plus, you will save time by using the keyword based internal search engine in the nav bar. That's also true because often articles written about something other than Internet marketing contain just the nuggets you are looking for.

Finally, we all tend to look for other people's opinions to support our own. Then when things don't work we have someone else to blame. I encourage you to resist that temptation here and read articles on both sides of whatever strategy you are considering. Then make a well considered business opinion based on the whole story.

Remember, it is easier (and more cost effective) to do it right the first time, than it is to do it over!

Wayne Messick, author, consultant, and peer group facilitator is the publisher of articles to help you grow your business at If you are a business advisor wanting to maximize your potential,here are strategies we are using to generate record revenues. If you are a business owner wanting to leverage what you are already doing right visit the Peer Groups area of our website.


How to Improve Link Popularity Using Articles

There are probably a thousand and one ways to improve link popularity for your website so that it can rank well in the search engines. Many come and go but article marketing and content publishing still remains effective even till today. The search engines exist for content and this fact is not about to change. Articles and content work by attracting targeted traffic, get more links to your website and help your site rank well in the search engines.

Quite simply, your article has to be relevant to the theme of your website. It has to contain the right keywords, both in the article title as well as the content for the purpose of keyword targeting and SEO. While doing so, do pay attention to creating content that provides useful information to your potential readers.

Creating a good article can improve your link popularity when your visitors bookmark your site at the social bookmarking sites. They may even mention your website to their friends or for that matter share with their subscribers. It is possible that they even publish your article on their websites and credit you with a backlink to your website.

From what we can see, writing good articles is the way to go. Imaging having more articles published and indexed in the major search engines. This can bring you a lot of traffic. In each article that is submitted, be sure to set up the author resource box correctly. Make sure the link to your website is working properly. It helps also to include a statement giving your readers the right to reprint or publish your article on their sites provided nothing is changed. Each publisher who decides to post your article on their high PR site means one more powerful link to your website.

Where do you submit the articles to? Article directories are the places where you want to post them to improve link popularity. These are free to submit and just one article can make a whole lot of difference to your web traffic. Due to time constraint, you may not be able to optimize the whole traffic building process by submitting to hundreds of article directories.

If time is a problem to you, target only the best ones that are highly favored by the search engines like EzineArticles, GoArticles and ArticleBase. There are others which are worth considering also. Once again, do not forget to place your website link at the author resource box. Otherwise, your article posting becomes worthless and will not help to improve link popularity at all.

Articles that are well written can be used for other purposes as well to improve link popularity. They can be used as content for newsletters and ebooks. On the overall, writing an article for submission remains a great way to drive more traffic to your site.

Find out from my income blog on which article submission software marketers are using to improve the link popularity of their sites to pull in more traffic and rake in more sales.

Learn more as he shares about effective article marketing and the top article submission software internet marketing experts use to drive instant traffic to their websites. Also, read another popular article on how article submission software can pull in huge profits.


Top 5 Tips to Avoid Google Ban

It is common problem among website owners that sometimes their website dropped from Google index and they do not find their website entering the target keywords in the search box . The reason is simple, that website doesnt follow ethical SEO Tips for optimizing website for Google. It happened to one of my friends sites in past. Through that experience I learned a lot about Googles algorithm of indexing or ranking a website and giving it higher priority for targeted keywords. Like all if you want to avoid Google ban for your site than you must follow the tips given below:

1.Make your site Accessible.

This means that your site must have very good uptime. Always use reliable hosting service with good uptime (no less than 99%) and fast response time. Also ad a Robots.txt file in your root url. Your website may be drod by Google SERPs if Googlebot comes to your site and cannot access it.

2.Add only unique and relevant content to your website.

Add only unique content to your website. It must be informative and interesting to your visitors and relevant to your website theme. Write content for real humans and not for search engines. If you add a duplicate content on your site, copied from somewhere else, there will be more chances to be excluded from Googles index.

3.Avoid spam to promote your website.

Avoid spam as this mistake may causes of ban your website from Google index. In this way never use doorways, hidden text, auto-generated page, keyword stuffing, cloaking or any other type of unethical techniques.

4.Building link popularity for your website.

Quality matters a lot and not every inbound link is always good. Take care of websites linking to you. Avoid to participate in link farms or FFA pages. Try to get links from related theme websites only. Avoid spamming forums, guest books, blogs or comments. Outgoing links are also very important. Pay attention on what sites do you link from your website. Avoid link to sites that use spam techniques, because this may harm your site and your site may be banned from Google.

5.Add A Sitemap.

Provide a way for Googlebot to index the whole pages of your website. Create sitemap and link it to all pages of your website as sitemap helps Googlebot to easily access your all web pages. If you are using JavaScript or Flash links - duplicate them with plain text. I think above tips will be useful to you all and by using these tips your site will never be banned from google....if you have any suggestion or comment fell free to share with me.

Author involve in research and analysis of various search engine strategies and algorithms. More Articles by author at Latest SEO Tips and Strategies


Improving Link Popularity by Submitting to Niche Directories

Since Search Engine's are placing more and more emphasis on "link popularity" as part of their search engine ranking algorithms, webmasters should definately invest some time building quality backlinks to their site. There are a number of effective ways to build your link popularity and one of the most valuable is submitting your link details to niche web directories in your industry.


  • Valuable one way links back to your site
  • Targeted traffic to your website from the directory
  • In most cases you choose the anchor text for your link
  • Directories are human edited, being listed in a directory means your site has met some editorial standards for quality
  • Cost effective advertising - most directories provide a 'free submit' option
So how do you go about finding niche web directories to submit your website to?

1. Search on your Favorite Search Engine

Go to your favorite search engine and type general keywords related to your website into the search box combined with the word "directory" or "submit URL". The search engines love to put directories and information portals on the first page of their search results for general keywords making this technique a great first step in your link building campaign.

2. Use Google's Advanced Operators

To perform more targeted searches you can use Google's Advanced Search Operators; "allintitle:", "allinanchor:", and "allinurl:" commands. If you have a site about real estate some possible searches could include:

allintitle:real estate directory

allinurl:real estate directory

allintitle:submit url real estate

allintitle:free real estate directory

Please note that you must NOT put a space after the colon.

Use the "inurl:" or "intitle:" advanced operators to return results that contain the first word in the title or url of the website and any subsequent words in the body text of the document. Using our real estate example you might use these commands to perform the following search.

inurl:real estate submit url

Again, please note that you must NOT put a space after the colon.

This search would return results that contain "real" in the url of the page and "submit and/or url and/or estate" somewhere in the body of the webpage.

Alternatively you could perform this search:

inurl:real inurl:estate directory submit add url website site

This search would return results with "real estate" in the URL and any combination of the remaining words in the body of the web document.

Start with the allin commands to get the most targeted results and augment that with the inurl and intitle commands for a wider scope.

3. Use other directories to find directories

After you begin to submit your link details to directories in your industry you will find that many of them will also have a section devoted to listing other directories. This can be a great way to find directories that may not show up in your search engine searches.

4. Analyze your competitors links

Use the link: command in your favorite search engine to see who your competitor is linking to. Chances are they have submitted their site to a number of niche directories and other related websites. Your analysis will yield results you may have never thought of or would be unable to find using the "allin" or "in" Google searches.

Please note that at the time of writing Google does not give a full report of backlinks for a website so my suggestion is to use either Yahoo or MSN if you want to get reliable backlink counts.


Google's Advanced Search Operators Explained

SEO Company Free Web Directory List - Almost 200 free web directories listed. List can be sorted by Alexa rank, Google PR, backlink count and more.

Best Web Directories List

About the Author:

Michael Lawrence runs a free directory of website promotion and search engine optimization resources.


Is Internet Marketing Working For You?

As with anything in regard to your business, your Internet marketing campaign is a very important part of advertising your business. A lot of Internet marketing can be done without much expense, but some of it does have expense associated with it. Additionally, you'll need to spend other resources on your Internet marketing campaign, such as your time and energy, which are not necessarily "out-of-pocket" costs. However, these are still very important resources.

Therefore, you should regularly evaluate and update Internet marketing techniques and strategies to determine if you need to make changes or other updates. By doing so, you continually and sure that your marketing efforts are effective and don't waste your time, money, or other resources that are so valuable to you and to your business.

Among the most effective of Internet marketing techniques is affiliate marketing. It's cost effective as well. It involves having other web site owners (known as "affiliates") post advertisements and/or links to your web site on their own web sites in order to direct Internet traffic to you. This type of strategy is both cost effective and also manages your own time and energy well, since the affiliates do a lot of the work for you.

In addition, you may not even have any out-of-pocket cost with this, since many affiliates only get paid when they produce results. This means that you have few initial cash outlays for this type of advertising. One thing, of course, you do pay for is the click-throughs you get on a particular ad. However, it's still worth your while to evaluate the effectiveness of your ads regularly in order to make sure they are still working well for you. You can do this simply by reviewing the information provided to you from the statistics you receive. This is especially useful if you give affiliates different ads to post; you can compare and contrast which adds work better than others.

Some business owners use Internet marketing strategies on such public forums as message boards. Another example is that a business owner might ask s to complete the survey when he or she completes a purchase. This can give the business owner useful demographic information, which is also useful not just in marketing information, but in determining which types of products and services are most popular. In addition, you go to a public forum and include website and feedback information as well.

If you notice that traffic picks up markedly or other types of increased activity become apparent with the use of your own forum postings and seeing what those replies are, or by using a survey, you'll know which responses drive customers to your web site. You may also see that you are getting some positive responses on forms to your web site.

Finally, study your web site traffic results as well as your sales receipts. Whenever you implement a new Internet marketing strategy or technique, take a look at your web site traffic and receipts to see what its effect is. For example, sending out a newsletter to those who have requested additional information about your products or services may show you that you have gotten an increase in traffic and/or sales immediately after sending it out. This indicates that the newsletter was received well by your customers and potential customers and was effective. However, if the newsletter does not give you a marked increase in traffic or sales, this indicates that it was not effective as a marketing effort.

Kevin Sinclair is the publisher and editor of Be Successful News, a site that provides information and articles on how to succeed in your own home or small business.


Battle Tested Tips That Will Blow The Door Off Your Article Marketing Results

Let me ask you a very important question. Are you experiencing the results that you want from your article marketing efforts? If you were anything like me when I first started out online I was writing articles with very little results.

In this article I would like to go over the main ingredients that you need to do to be successful with article marketing.

Make sure that you choose a niche market to write about that you are passionate about. Face it to be successful with this method of advertising you need to write hundreds if not thousands of articles to be successful. If you choose a topic that you do not like it is going to be extremely difficult. For example my passion is about internet marketing so I find it really easy to focus on this and write articles that are related to this.

Make sure that you help your reader. Share a slice of your expertise without giving the farm away. If you help your reader they are more likely to visit your website and subscribe to your newsletter. Consequently this will mean more visitors.

Remember that volume is key to succeeding using this method of promotion. The higher the number of articles the greater your number of subscribers and sales. Try to write at least 10 to 20 articles a day. If you are doing less than this you simply will not be making enough noise in the marketplace.

When I first started out I was sending all my traffic to a sales page with very little success. You need to focus on sending all your traffic to a squeeze page so that you can build a list. I also suggest that you get a professional autoresponder account like Getresponse. Every time somebody subscribes to your newsletter they will automatically be added to your autoresponder so that you can follow up with them.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.


Profitable Article Marketing - 5 Challenging Steps to Make Money with Article Marketing

Article marketing is still one of the best ways to make money online. As this tool can easily drive quality traffic to your website, it can automatically increase your sales potential and your revenue.

Here are the 5 challenging steps to make money with article marketing:

1. Multiply the number of your articles. If you want to drive more traffic to your website, you must consider multiplying the number of your output to effectively increase your quality inbound links for your website. As you know, the more backlinks you obtain, the higher your chances of ranking better on search engines and driving more people to your website.

2. Quality. This is what will ultimately lead to your success in using this marketing tool. If you want your articles to be picked up and widely republished by other marketers online, you have to make sure that they are all well-written, content-rich, informative, and direct to the point.

3. Optimize. Give your articles an edge and give them higher chances of ranking better on major search engines by properly optimizing them. Fill them with keywords and popular search phrases that are commonly used by your potential clients when they look for specific information online. Just make sure you know how to follow the appropriate keyword density to avoid being tagged as a keyword spammer.

4. Offer solutions. Your articles must be able to help your readers to either resolve their pressing issues or better understand their situation. When you are able to help online users, you can easily build rapport and trust with them which are crucial in building trusting and fruitful relationship with your potential clients.

5. Publish your articles to leading article submission sites. In doing so, don't forget to include compelling article summary, the right keywords, and attention-grabbing resource box to increase your conversation rate.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


Articles For Content And Visibility

Articles, checking out my definition, are informative pieces of writing, usually relatively short, that conveys an idea or concept in a beneficial, appealing and/or entertaining manner. But what do you need articles for, you are an online marketer who wants to make as much profit as conceivable, right?!

It is perhaps stating the obvious, but you can ask just about any netrepreneur who have seen the secrets of generating repeat visitors to their website, and they will tell you it's all about content (that is CON-tent as in what is actually present inside, not con-TENT which implies something else utterly). As a consequence, what consumers like about a site is the stuff it has to offer them that has some substance about whatever subject they are intrigued by.

Articles are the meat of a majority of websites. They are what makes visitors stay on your sites and literally the stuff search engine spiders are looking for. Both these functions are equally imperative - without one of them, you simply won't have the other either. Having nice looking graphics and images can indeed be attractive to some visitors, but then again everyday surfers go elsewhere if your site is too slow to load. Another problem is that search engines prevalently find nothing to write home about in pictures, and don't score them as highly as article based websites.

Once your website has content, you're on the road to visibility. By offering your visitors something of value, you not only increase the chance that they'll come back, but similarly that they will tell friends about your site - this being an example of the much hyped up "viral marketing" maneuver. Similarly, search engines grant extra weight to websites with information as well as those that are frequently revisited.

At the end of the day there's no way around it: you can find millions of websites out there in cyberspace. You desire visibility to get visitors. And the more visitors you possess, the more sales you'll make.

Although it is clear that your website need to have text based content on it for matchless Seo, you must pay attention to the details of how you go about generating this content. There are good ways to do it and we have bad ways. A few ways may even give you results that take you further from your ambition. this has been an introductory article on the theme - in coming articles I intend to dig deeper into the art of utilizing articles as an online marketing procedure.

About the author:
Michael Hawkins is an experienced online article marketer. Read more of his articles on writing or take a look at his free article marketing guide now available, revealing the three simple steps to using articles as a promotion tool.


The Benefits Of Article Submission For Website Traffic and Lead Generation

Article submission is a great way to genuinely increase your organic website ranking and boost your one way links pointing to your website. Not only does article submission have a positive SEO effect it will also help your business to position itself as an expert and build credibility in your chosen niche.

In order to achieve a better organic website ranking it is important to get as many websites linking to yours without you having to do the same to them. This is called one way link building and is one of the most prominent ways to achieving a better ranking in Google, Yahoo! and MSN.

Doing this much harder than it seems but the best way to build your one way links is to submit your articles to as many Article Directories and Ezines as you can. Each of these is a one way link to your website and will generate an enormous amount of traffic being pushed to your website. This also means that the amount of potential leads you are now generating is also growing.

Submission can be a very time consuming and tedious task however there are a number of options which can solve this problem such as article submission softwares.

The results are well worth it when you start to see your ranking increase and your website traffic levels doing the same.

Not only will article submission benefit your website traffic and lead generation but you will also build the credibility of your business by writing informative articles about your industry or niche.

You will position yourself as experts in your field and this will also generate further leads and website traffic which you can transform into buying customers.

Barbara Mesar is Marketing Manager at Apex Pacific, the leading developer of Internet Marketing and Web Promotion solutions. Apex Pacific helps organizations of all sizes increase their online marketing presence leading to stronger business results. If you would like to learn how to improve your website performance, visit Apex Pacific at


Secret Internet Marketing Tactic Lets You Dominate The Search Engines

If you want to get a LOT more Internet traffic than you are now, without having to do a lot of complicated key word and SEO tricks, then this article will show you how.

Listen to this:

The key to getting a lot of traffic to your audio.


Because search engines are now starting to pick up what is called ID3 tags.

What are ID3 tags?

Well, you know how when you put a CD in your CD Rom, or if you have a car CD player, and you put it in there and you see the little title of what youre putting in there flash across?

Thats an ID3 tag. Theres code embedded in the actual mp3 file, and also when people download digital files onto an iPod.

This allows people to sort their music by title, artist and other criteria.

And, when you have an mp3 file up on your website, the search engines start picking it up that information like they do HTML text.

So, imagine if you have twenty or thirty audio recordings on your site, and youve got millions of people searching for whatever it is you sell.

By using audio, in addition to your regular web page content you have now, you have an extra "layer" of content being picked up by the search engines at the same time.

And by having those ID3 tags, and the keywords within, its going to be easier to dominate your market because the websites cant search the actual audio portion.

All they can go by is whats on the ID3 tags on your files. This is the strategy I do with my own websites with phenomenal results. And it will work for you, too.

The whole key to this is to simply get that audio content up there on your site with the ID3 tags and then let the search engines do the rest.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website


Advanced SEO Secrets - Learn How To Use The Magic Of Quality Links To Explode Your Traffic

In the ever changing area of internet marketing traffic is the lifeblood of your business. Without traffic you are very unlikely to succeed. With the increase of the amount of websites on the internet this is becoming a very challenging area.

Also with the constant changes in search engine algorithms it is becoming increasingly more difficult to obtain good search engine rankings. There are mainly two parts to a good search engine ranking. The first is to do keyword research and optimize your website for the keywords that you are targeting by including it in the title and one to three times in the body with related content.

Search engines these days are using latent semantic indexing. So it is very important to have content based on a theme using related words to your targeted keywords. You can also use a silo structure on your website as people have reported that they have achieved good results using this.

Now the most challenging part is actually getting quality one way links to your website. This is what makes up about 90 percent of your ranking. Finding quality one way links can be a full time job especially in a very competitive niche market where you may need tens of thousands of links to get a good ranking.

There are certain things that you can do to acquire one way links. Submit your website to quality directories, submit articles to article directories, post on high traffic forums with a link to your website in your signature and do frequent press releases about your website.

Link building is very important to acquire good search engine rankings and you may want to consider outsourcing this function if it takes up too much of your time.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.


How Forum Marketing Can Help With Link Popularity & Website Traffic

Forum marketing or Social Marketing can truly be another great hidden source to add to youre over all Internet marketing. It is a place were people with similar interest gather to discuss all types of topics for that subject.

How affective is it for your Internet Marketing and generating website traffic?

Forum Marketing can help in many different ways when it comes to marketing your website, here is how:

First you want to find a discussion board or forum that is targeted to your website theme. Think of it like this would you market your website about jewelry to a forum about cooking? The answer is no.

Participating in forums can help you and your website build an expert status online by posting answers to questions others have in a specific topic.

Never posted in forums before?

First thing you should do before just jumping in and posting wildly, take a look around and see what other are posting about, view the set up and feel the mood of the forum.

Once you have a good understanding of the forum then you can start participating in this targeted marketing platform.

Note: There is a sign up process for most good forums. Process is simple and only takes a few minutes. Forums normally use sign in to help better monitor the forum and protect it from spamming.

Keep in mind that most forums do not allow advertising in their post and the regular participants of these forums can smell an ad from a mile away. This way of using the forums will not make you any friends so keep your content exactly that content. Add value to the forum by providing your own unique quality copy.

Forums allow a signature line were you can place a small description about your business along with a link to your website. Here is where your link popularity can climb and climb steadily as new post creates new fresh content that the search engines love.

Search engines pick up and index forum posts high so be sure to include important keyword rich topics and content in every forum posts so they will attract targeted traffic for your website through your popular keywords.

Consider Forum Marketing as part of you Internet marketing strategies, it can have many benefits for your website and business that you may not have thought about.

This article was written by Wayne Hagerty certified Search Engine Internet Marketing professional with years of SEO experience. Discover how to increase traffic to your website. FREE Internet marketing news, and more. Succeed online, visit us today at:


Successful Email Strategies - Give Your Newsletter Personality

What makes you different from any of the other newsletters out there in your market? 1 thing and 1 thing only.


Don't be a lifeless drone, add some spark to your writing, be funny, be witty, be controversial, just don't be boring!

Tell a story. Stories are a great way to get people hooked before they realize you are actually selling them anything at all.

Find below a story I used to promote a work at home affiliate program. Are You Different?

I don't know about you, but I've always thought I was different to my peers. This is an amusing story that will probably strike a cord with most people who read this book.

When the kids at my school were playing at lunch time, like kids do, I was setting up shop just outside the main oval. The canteen at school never really sold much in the sweet variety, so I use to bring mine to school from the local store as they were much cheaper and had more variety.

I use to come to school with a bag full of lollies and let me tell you, I was one popular kid. Kids were always asking me for lollies all day and it was getting very annoying, so I had to do something quick.

I got sick of giving my hard earned pocket money lollies out for free, so I decided to set up my own little black market lollies trade. I use to buy all sorts of different lollies you could not get from school and I then raised the price 500%. I purchased lollies for 10 cents and sold them for over 50 cents. The market was so big, I had to actually double my supply. In one day I could make $20 just by selling lollies I brought for $5.

Of course, I had certain "high roller" clients that I would give cheaper prices to, which was only fair, as they brought in most of my business. I also had a few people that you gave free lollies too, just to keep the peace.

Eventually more people started doing what I was doing and I had a little competition on my hands.

I stopped selling lollies after a few months as the demand was getting to hectic and the local store had called my mother.

I knew I had a passion in life, but I didn't realise what it was until I was in grade 10 and I quit school to pursue a career in direct mail. Marketing was and is my life, I love it. I read everything I can get my hands on and I have a collection of books that resemble a bookstore. Of course back then I wasn't sure if I wanted to do anything seriously with marketing, but I knew I didn't want to work for anyone but myself.

Everyday I stop and think about what I would be doing if I didn't find out about the joys of working from home, and I never would have if it was not for my father who taught me there is more to life then working 9 till 5 everyday.

Come Find Out Why Some Marketer Selfishly Generate Massive Success and see HOW you Can do the Same -


Productive List Building - Announcing 4 Amazing Secrets to Advance with List Building

List building is the backbone of any email marketing campaign. It allows webmasters to collect the contact information of their potential clients to effectively build a trusting and fruitful business relationship through distribution of information.

1. Make your website a good source of information. People would want to subscribe with you for one good reason: to get quality, useful information. If they see that your website offers what they need, they will access it over and over again. These frequent visitors are the best candidates for your email list. Entice them to subscribe with you in exchange of valuable information delivered directly to their inbox.

2. Build your own squeeze page and drive quality traffic to it. Your squeeze page is one of your best tools in building your list. It will be able to capture the email addresses of people who are interested in knowing what kind of information you offer. Learn how to drive online users to this page by using free traffic-generating techniques like forum posting, article marketing, SEO, ezine publishing, the use of autoresponders and link building.

3. Offer incentive for referrals. Throw away freebies to your loyal customers who are helping you build your list by recommending your products and services to their friends and family members.

4. Go with viral marketing. This requires little effort from you but the end results can be truly rewarding. Create interesting videos, email messages, short ebooks, and audio files and send them to your potential clients. Ask your recipients to forward your viral marketing tools to people who might be interested in what you offer. This can result to numerous registrations.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.