Saturday, May 10, 2008 

Internet Article Marketing - Questions & Answers About Article Marketing Online

Promoting your products and services can be achieved at no cost using articles that contain quality content. Mastering the art of internet article marketing can help you bring tons of traffic to your web site. Below are some questions and answers that will help you understand how powerful it could be to your marketing campaigns.

How does internet article marketing work?

This works by writing articles involving your niche and submitting them to free content sites. This is easy to accomplish with little time needed. More importantly it can boost your web site traffic and income.

How can article writing boost traffic and income?

Traffic and income can increase when you submit articles to these free content sites because they allow you to add a link and sometimes two at the end (in what is termed a "resource box"), which is your opportunity to have those links lead to your web site.

If you submit quality articles, the chances readers will choose to click on the link after they have read your article will increase and they will subsequently pay you a surprise visit especially if the content is interesting enough for them to want to know more about you and your site.

Another amazing reason for having your articles on these free content sites is the availability to other webmasters who may want to publish a specific article you wrote on their web site. If they do, your article will include a link back to your site and anyone who reads the article will have the opportunity to click on the available links you provided.

How many articles should be submitted?

There should never really be a cap on how many articles you submit. As the list of your published articles increase the more of them will appear on different web pages and the total number of links to your web site increases which is money in the bank.

Major search engines are placing a lot of importance on incoming links to web sites so they can establish the importance of a certain site. This will increase your site's placement in the search results which should be your goal at all times.

Search engines not only index web sites, but they also index published articles as well as any article that is written about your own web site's topic. Once someone searches for that same topic, the list of results will have your site or may even display the articles that you have written.

What content should you have in your articles?

With mandatory quality in your content you must also write about subjects that people are searching for. Providing valuable information without a sales pitch will help you gain respect and eventually customers. Do not write expecting a sale. Write to help others.

Provide tips and solutions to the problems your readers are experiencing. If you write a strong headline and ensure that you are giving the reader what they came for based on that headline you will have taken care of 2 key elements in article marketing. The third of course is leading them to click on your links at the bottom of the article.

When should I start writing and submitting articles?

You should begin writing and submitting articles immediately and you will be certain of a sudden surge in web site traffic, link popularity and attention. Before you know it, you will be doubling and even tripling your income.

Mastering the art of internet article marketing can help you get heaps of traffic to your site effortlessly if you follow the information provided above and begin taking action right away!

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(c) Copyright - Jimmy Adames. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.


Article Marketing - Don't Leave Your Readers Dying To Contact You, Yet Unable To Figure Out How

When writing articles and posting them on directories, there are 5 things that you can do that will add to the effectiveness and conversions of you articles. Effectiveness being measured by how many people read the article, and then how many people visit your website as a result of the article.

First, enough emphasis cannot be put on the resource box. The bottom line is this is the reader's direct link back to you. The better the information, the easier it is to get to your site, and having a firm call to action can all have a significant impact on the final piece of the puzzle when trying to get targeted traffic to your website and build your opt in subscriber list.

Think about it for a second. You can have a title that not only has the perfect key words, but has the perfect burning question that everyone is dying to know. In your article you could masterfully paint a picture of the importance of the topic and then give the perfect response that will help your readers not only know where to start and the steps that they need to begin, but in addition gives them complete confidence that you are the person that they want to have help them because you are obviously in tune with them and their needs.

At this point, they are scrolling down as fast as humanly possible to get to the resource box that is going to lead them to you and help them achieve their dreams and goals and when they get there all they find is one sentence with your name and a link that doesn't work properly because you put a period at the end of your web address.

You do not want this to be the reason that keeps people from being able to do business with you. Why they should contact you, a call to action and two to three full length, which means include the http://, web addresses is a strong start with your resource box, if you want to learn more about how to make your resource box as effective as possible, come sign up for my ezine.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.


Productive Article Marketing - Latest 4 Huge Methods to Explode Your Article Marketing

Looking for the best method that can easily convert your readers to potential clients? Try article marketing. It is proven to strengthen your online presence and your credibility that can easily persuade people to trust you and consider doing business with you.

1. Quality of your articles. This is the most crucial element in your article marketing campaign. When you are able to produce quality articles that are content-rich and well-written, they will be easily picked up and republished by other marketers that can boost your link popularity. These articles can also help you establish your knowledge on your chosen niche that would persuade people to trust you. As you know, when people trust you, they are more likely to do business with you. This can lead to increased online revenue.

2. Quantity of your articles. In article marketing, the more articles you write, the more inbound links you can obtain for your website. This can lead to improved traffic, higher page ranking, and great sales potential. So, strive to write and publish at least 7 articles per day to strengthen your online presence and increase your website exposure.

3. Powerful resource box. This is the part where you have to convince your readers to visit your website so you can convert them to potential clients. Make it powerful and enticing by communicating your expertise, the problems that you can solve, and your desire to help. To increase your conversation rate, include incentives like free ebook or free articles to your new subscribers.

4. Keywords. Don't forget the search engines when you write your content. You have to make sure that your articles are search-engine friendly by incorporating keywords that highly relevant to your chosen niche all throughout your content.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


Article Marketing Secrets - Which of These 3 Resource Box Mistakes Are You Making?

Successful article marketing requires you to create a resource box that brings the reader back to your web site or blog.

The problem is many people make some common mistakes. So here is what not to do in your resource box and what a resource box is not.

A resource box is not

It is not a virtual ego wall - Many people treat it this way. They want to tell all about themselves and all about all their accomplishments. An ego wall is that thing in somebody's office where they have all their diplomas and their pictures of famous people.

A virtual ego wall is an ego wall online. People turn the resource box into a virtual ego wall, which leads then to our next point.

It is not all about you - When I teach resource box crafting, it has to pass the 'who cares' test. It's not all about you. It's about the reader and what other benefit they can get.

It is not something that you rush through - What a lot of people do is they go over to the article directories and they put in their keywords and they put in their title and their description and then they put in their article body, and they're down to the resource box and they're tired and they want out of there. So they just throw something together to get it done.

This is not something to rush through. If you do everything else in your article well - it's titled well, described well, written well, people are knowing you, liking you, trusting you, wanting more from you - and you blow the resource box, you've wasted your entire time because the resource box is how you get them back to your website.

So get this wrong, you've wasted your time. Get this right and you've got it made!

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

You can also catch a free audio from a teleseminar on "Resource Box Secrets" by going to

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network


Article Marketing - How to Track Your Success

Writing articles and submitting them to article directories, and ezine publishers takes a great deal of investment therefore you need to track them to determine their effectiveness.

Methods to track the success of your article marketing

Article directories

Most article directories (ie EzineArticles) display the number of visitors your article received. If you've written many articles you can quickly see which ones received the most visitors and/or comments.


Enter your article title (with quotes) in the Google search box with quotes surrounding it. This shows all places your article appears on the Net. Before writing your content enter the title in Google first to make sure you are not duplicating someone else's article otherwise you will see their articles listed among yours.


Your resource box contains the URL to your web site. When your article gets distributed to other sites you receive incoming links from them. If you enter: Enter in Yahoo, it will display all the incoming links you have gained from other sites.

Site Statistics

Your web hosting service includes statistics for your web site. The stats reveal where your traffic is coming from. It displays the number of hits, visitors, external links, referrers (urls of people visiting your site) keywords and keyword phrases entered in the search engines. After submitting several articles for distribution, monitor your statistics. New keyword phrases that appear in your statistics can be used to produce new articles.

Tracking URLs

I've left this method last because I don't highly recommend it but it gives very detailed stats if you use an adtracker i.e., adtrackz. Set up a tracking URL in your ad tracking software that monitors the number of hits your article receives. There is only one problem with this method..if you stop tracking the article your visitor will receive a broken link when they click the URL in your resource box. Search engines do not spider broken links.

By investing a some time tracking your articles, you determine what sites are not producing results. Submit articles consistently to distribution sites to keep receiving traffic. Overtime you will see a steady increase in visitors.

Herman Drost is the Certified Internet Webmaster (CIW)
owner and author of Web Design, SEO, Hosting

Receive fresh, in-depth articles articles on how
to design, optimize and promote your web site by subscribing
to his"Marketing Tips" newsletter at:


Article Marketing Bio Box & Google Pay Per Click Ad - Learn From One & Apply To The Other

An article marketing bio box is the space at the end of your article where you promote your product or service, if done correctly your users should want to click on you're the link in this box and visit your website.

The idea here is to give your reader or user a good reason why they should visit your website.

A Google Pay Per Click ad is an ad that comes up when a user does a search for a keyword that you are bidding on. Your ad will show up with all the other ads that are bidding on that same keyword.

The idea is the same with this ad, your ad should be compelling enough so that the searcher ignores all the other ads and clicks on your ad.

Both the article bio box and the Google pay per click ad serve the same purpose; you can use a PPC ad to improve your article marketing bio box. I know your next question is how? What you want to do is type in a keyword into Google that your prospect will type in to find your product or service.

Look at the ads that come, which ones catches your eye first? Do you want to click on it and learn more? That's the answer to your question. If a particular ad attracts you out of the ones that show up, ask your self why that one?

Whats so special about that ad. Once you answer that question, you want to use the attractive elements of that ad to create and ad for your bio box in your article. Remember to test your new ad against the one you already have in your bio box.

I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing article marketing vs. google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website. You can also visit


Power Article Marketing - A Simple Tactic To Create Article Titles That Pull In Endless Clicks!

Article marketing is currently hands down the best way to drive free traffic to your site. Why? Because a good article can bring in residual traffic even years later. Not only that, a good article can work to increase the credibility of the author.

Here's a simple tip to create irresistible article titles (and as you know, a GREAT article title is half the battle won!):

If you are on many email lists, you would receive many emails from marketers daily.

There are three kinds of email subject lines Internet marketers write:

1) Curiosity based (example: it happens in 72 hours...)

2) Benefit based (example: how to rank #1 in Google...)

3) Curiosity and Benefit based (example: how to rank #1 in Google using this underground method!)

You really want to look out for subject lines that fall into the 2nd and 3rd category. Just use the search button in your email account to find your favorite marketer's emails. Whose emails do you respond to? Those marketers write the best subject lines.

Create a simple swipe file in Microsoft Word or Notepade with these subject lines and use them to create article titles. For example "How to rank #1 in Google using this underground method!" can be changed to "How to become an eBay powerseller using these covert strategies!") Edit them to suit your article topics. If you've been in the online marketing game a long time, you have a goldmine of email subject lines you can tap on.

Using this simple spying strategy can make your articles work harder as they pull in more traffic...

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!


Article Writers - Computer Generated Systems, Key Wording Bandit and Fake Poser (BS'ers)

Today in online article marketing we find that there are many things that writers will do to churn out lots of material. Some online article marketers will use computer-generated software to help them write their articles faster. This also helps them with the proper buzzwords which assist in keyword marketing on the search engines. Unfortunately a "key wording bandit" is doing a disservice to the Internet by putting debris across the subject matter or domain of worthless information.

By doing this some writers are clouding the Internet and yes it makes it more difficult for readers to find exactly what they're looking. Instead they are diverted to a web site where someone is trying to sell them something and make money rather than to a place where they can find the information they're looking for as a type in their search on the Internet.

But even worse than this scenario is an article writer who is a faker or a poser and creates content very rapidly which is nonfactual, misleading and completely inaccurate. I call these people BS'ers or posers and they do a severe amount of damage to the credibility of the Internet. Those who use the Internet expect to be able to find what they're looking for when they do a search.

When the search engines bring back nothing but junk we can immediately see the problem. Article writers and online article marketers should be more careful with the information they distributed to prevent themselves from being delisted in the major search engines. When a few people take it upon themselves to manipulate or game the search engines everyone loses.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington


11 Successful Ways To Structure Your Article So That It is Easy to Write and to Read

An article is not just a solid slab of text. It has a structure. The structure helps the reader understand the message of the author and also makes it easier for the author to write the article.

Here are a few classic structures that are commonly used by article authors

1. A Check list or Tip Sheet

A check list is one of the commonest styles or structures used by writers. Typical titles are "7 Ways to Get Started with Article Writing" and "Latest 6 Amazing and Powerful Steps to Explode Your Article Writing". So you could have "10 Ways To Make your Hamster Happy" or "3 Powerful Tips to Tone Up your Abs".

2. Reviews of Products and Services

If you know you niche well you'll be aware that new products and updated products are coming out weekly if not daily. It is a simple matter to describe and discuss the latest camera, car, ebook or whatever.

This kind of article is the one most likely to earn money fast; especially if you do the review soon after the product is released. If you put your article on a popular article directory and use a link that obeys the rules of the site, readers may click through and buy the product. Not all article sites allow affiliate links so it's down to you to check. If they do not you can direct your readers to a free report you have written which is simply a longer review in pdf and put your affiliate links in that!

If you target the right products and model numbers you can make a significant income. Fast moving expensive products are most suitable for this treatment-software is a good example.

In my free report "7 Secrets Every Newbie Needs To Know" I have warned my readers about the prevalence of bogus review sites on the Net. The formula is to feature a product and simply rave enthusiastically about it and then leave a few affiliate links handy!

A slight refinement of the outright hype or rave review is to give a very good "review" and mention a small flaw in the product. Sometimes the "reviewer" will offer a guide or ebook to overcome this flaw. If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck...a bogus review is still a bogus review.

Bogus review sites are good for your overall business because you will quickly build a reputation for honesty by doing genuine reviews and caring for your subscribers and that builds a following

If you are writing a genuine review you must constructively criticise the product! This is easy if you know your niche. An editorial tone is suitable for a review and works better than outright endorsement.

3. Here Is The News!

Can you profit from a news item? The simplest way is in your blog. Every day news channels are delivering vast amounts of information and some of it can be blogged! You can easily include an affiliate link to a product that is relevant

4. Comparison shopping

The benefits of one form of investing over another; the Nikon PQR or the Canon XYZ? To holiday in Tuscany or Tuscaloosa? Time release Vitamins or normal. "To be or not to be...?"

5. Frequently Asked Questions

FAQs are surprisingly popular and very easy to write and assemble as an article. "FAQ When Buying a New Computer".

6. Tell People What's Good

Benefits are a motivating and pleasant way to write. Just feel happy about something and write about it. Sadly this could be interpreted as "hype", so run a cool editorial eye over the article a day or two after writing it and before you publish it.

7. How To ...

How to write articles, How to make Yummy Apple Pies. No end to it really!

8. Autobiography

Not your whole life! As an example I will refer you to the home page of just read the paragraph, "One morning I was excited..." That is a real extract from my childhood. There are many ways you can illustrate a point with a short personal story. People like stories. Change that to "well told stories".

9. Break out your calendar!

In Spring I can write about allergies; at midsummer about heatstroke; autumn about-Halloween, Thanksgiving....Xmas, New Year....OK?

10. What is..?

Asking questions hooks the reader. Ask a question you can discuss in your article. What is the best question to ask?

11. The Downside

I did not want to talk about negative things but this is a legitimate structure for an article. "Things to look out for when buying a new computer" or "Avoid these hazards and have a happy camping holiday". The old newspaper maxim is, "If it bleeds, it leads"

A knowledge of the classic structures of articles is essential for the new article writer. Knowing these structures can help to bridge the gap between having the idea of writing and actually doing it.

Many writers struggle with "writer's block" and having a structure to begin to put your ideas in is a way to overcome it.

Some structures, like a review for a new product, suggest themselves but it can help to trigger ideas to run through these article styles when starting to write your article. It may be that an article will best be suited to a mixture of the structures listed above.

The crucial test is whether it reads well. Reading your article aloud is the best way to see where the problems are and how to fix them.

Taking extra pains at the time of choosing the right structure for your article produces an article that scans well and produces a happy reader.

And that is what it's all about!

For more great ideas on using Article Marketing visit the author's website and get your own copy of "Article Marketing the Right Way" by Alex Newell


Best Article Marketing - Revealed - 4 Incredible Ways to Explode Your Article Marketing

Your desire to impart your knowledge can take you a long way in internet marketing. Write articles that contain information that will be useful and valuable to your target market and submit them to publishing sites. This will not only help you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche, it will also augment the number of your inbound links that can easily pull up your search engine ranking.

Here are the 4 incredible ways to explode your article marketing:

1. Go for original content. While it is tempting to duplicate other writers' content, you must think of prioritizing your readers and give them fresh and new content that they will surely appreciate. Besides, copying others' work can greatly ruin your online credibility and can lead to penalties from the search engines.

2. Submit your articles to publishing sites the proper way. Identify the keywords to which your articles were based on and write a compelling article summary that will drive online users to check on your content. Use the preview feature of each publishing sites to ensure that all your links are working and that there is a proper spacing within you content to that make them easy on the eyes.

3. Ensure that your articles are posted online. Check publishing sites at least 5 days after your submission to check if your articles were accepted. Too many times articles are declined because of keyword spamming, inappropriate content, broken links, and blatant advertisements.

4. Use article submission software. Manually submitting your articles to publishing sites can be tedious, time-consuming, and downright exhausting. It can also eat up a lot of your writing time. Buy yourself more time and energy by using software that can help you electronically distribute your articles to various publishing sites.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.