Wednesday, June 18, 2008 

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

A Link exchange is a great way to market your website in a very cost effective manner! You want to generate more hits to your website but need a good source? For one thing you can create a link exchange with other website owners to generate these hits. Why? For one thing, doing this will allow potential customers who may not otherwise find you site to browse through it! Here's a little information.

You can create on your website, a "Link to Us" page where other website owners can link their site to yours. Why allow that? Well, its quite simple. By allowing them to link to you, you can link your site to theirs. This will provide another stream of potential customers. This link exchange can be quite an effective means for marketing your website.

When developing and marketing a website your ultimate goal is to find ways to put your web address out there so people can click on it and be right there where your information, tools, products, or whatever is. Using this type of "Link to Us" link exchange you have to do little work. Other website owners will link their site to yours and that's that. Its pretty much automated.

In the business of websites, finding the most cost effective way to advertise or market your product is key. But, beyond this, doing so in the most time effective way is important as well. Link Exchange is an enormously effective way of achieving both of these scenarios. By linking your site to another is a simple link to the next dimension of customers. Finding these customers is important and getting them cheaply and easily is the ultimate goal.

Keith Mallinson is author of the article exchange newsletter, offering subscribers up to date information on all aspects of article submissions and use of free articles for search engine optimization


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

The internet is no longer a 'new' technology. More and more people are going online daily to not only play online games and other 'activities', but to conduct actual research and comparative shopping before making a purchase. People come to the internet for answers to questions or solutions to problems. With that in mind, it's easy to say that any home business not making use of the internet to advertise their business, services and products are not making the most of their advertising effort and dollars and are probably losing important customers. It is very simple and cost-effective to advertise online and there are many marketing tools that you can use to create an online presence. Regardless of the marketing system you use, online marketing starts with generating traffic or visitors to your website. So primarily, you need to create your website to connect with customers and display information about your services and products.

There are many ways to market your website and business online, but some basic concepts always apply.

When you're building your website, keep in mind that effective sites should be easy to navigate, have fast download times and contain good quality and informative content. In order to communicate with your customer base, make sure you include in your website an opt-in email system so that you can collect customer names and email addresses for future marketing. While a visitor is on your site, it's good to encourage them to bookmark your site. If they do, chances are, they will visit again. Another important part of effective online marketing is to make sure your site is regularly updated. Occasionally provide new resources or information, and try offering freebies like ebooks, reports and ezines. Every professional online marketer must include contact information on their website and will create a memorable domain name. Look for a specific "domain name" that speaks of your products as well as it is catchy.

Once you've built your website it's then time to submit your website in search engines. Nobody will discover your website if you do not announce it. Submit it to the major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and MSN first, and then it will be picked up by the smaller ones. Do not pay someone to submit your website url to the search engines; it's a waste of money. In order to increase your traffic, you should immediately begin exchanging links with other sites and blogs. Exchanging links is effective in exposing your website to individuals who are interested already in the subject matter that has something to do with your site. Look for other successful websites whose content is related in your subject and propose link exchanges. Another option and good way to increase traffic and exposure to your website is by joining forums and message boards and then begin to network with the other members. You can gain helpful contacts and information that will further your own business at the same time.

If you are serious about building your business to the level you desire, then by all means begin planning your online marketing efforts now. Home and offline businesses that are using the internet to further their ventures are losing business and customers and not making the most of their advertising budget. Simple online marketing can be done by anyone who is willing to learn or seek out the help of professionals who are available for consultations. Bring your business into the future by taking the leap into online marketing and advertising.

Find real work at home business ideas at 'Real Work at Home Mom Business Ideas'


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

It is common knowledge among webmasters that web directory submissions are of great help for search engine optimization, the fact that you can get several of these listings allows your site to be exposed to more people who visit the directory and the search engine crawlers which visit them as well. An added benefit of directory submissions is the link equity which comes from sites with good reputation, a vote from one of these trusted sites will often count a lot more than links from similar sites.

Today's web directories tend to be quite diverse in terms of categorization, traffic and trust. Some directories will offer several categories which may apply to your site, however its is important to see what type of content distribution they are applying to the resource, some will allow their indexes to be spammed simply because the directory is ran by one person who doesn't have the time to review and edit all categories and certain sites do have periodical reviews in order to keep all the content properly organized.

As you may know some web directories sell links, others list them for free, some include reviews and extra content on each sub category and others are simply there to collect revenues from ad space sales. In order to decide which are the best directories to submit your sites to, you need to pay attention to all of these aspects.

Web directories which are exclusively dedicated to sell links might not be a good place to list your site if the listings are unfiltered, irrelevant and somewhat spammy, for instance if you visit the "business section" which is known to be a popular category for spammers to exploit, you can take a good look at the type of sites they are listing and linking to, if you see credit card sites listed next to car loans and debt consolidation sites without a proper sub-category tree this might not be the place you want your site to be listed on, this is because directories which let their indexes be constantly spammed will end up loosing trust with the search engines and their votes will count less and less, some of these sites have even turned into link farms due to the lack of editorial reviews.

Yet another factor you must pay attention to is the "ad to content ratio", this means that if the directory lists many ads on each subcategory your link may not be able to attract visitors because images and flashing animations will obviously grab visitor's attention a lot more; the page rank is quite important, however some may not pass the desired link equity because they use link parameters which block your site from getting the page rank benefit, such parameter is the rel="no-follow" html tag which tells the search engine spiders not to rate your site based on the listing you might be getting from the directory.

You should take in consideration all of these factors and also rely on tools which let us see the link strength a directory has, for instance directories which count with .gov and .edu back links are more likely to provide better link equity than sites which rely solely on .com top level domains (TLD) for their rankings.

A great list of established directories are: the open source project, another highly recommended source for those site owners who can afford the link price is the Yahoo business directory which was established back in 1995 and counts with over 2000+ .gov TLD which link to it, yet another great directory to take a look at is the directory which counts with great page rank and can provide much benefit for your sites. As you can see the listings on these directories are paid, however the human editors which are in charge of keeping the quality of the listings on each category are quite strict, in other words spammy sites will not be listed.

In addition, web directories such as,,, follow great quality and review guidelines, there are several other web directories which deserve be listed how ever you must always use your better judgment, knowledge and common sense in order to decide whether or not a site is worth submitting to. Remember that the time you spend submitting to directories represents your opportunity cost, so invest it well and make it count.

One of the best directory submission services for helping your website is Nationsubmit Effective Manual Directory Submission Not only will they help grow the popularity of your site, but they will set it up for long term success in the future by establishing a trusted network of links from which the website will grow. View some of their link building Packages. You can also check out their Link Building Blog.


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Several months ago, I asked several hundred alternative health practitioners to tell me their most important questions about internet marketing. Two major questions emerged:

1. What exactly is internet marketing and how can it help me?
2. What's the best way to target people on the internet so that they attend my classes, come in for sessions, and buy my products?

Alternative health practitioners such as Rolfers, Massage Therapists, Hypnotherapists, Accupuncturists, Feldenkrais Practitioners and the like, have business needs that are similar to the needs of other business. They need more clients and steady income. Most are passionate about their work, interested in growing their practices and creating a sustainable business.

However, unlike many traditional businesses, alternative health practitioners are often practicing a modality that people have not heard of, or do not fully understand. Alternaitve health practitioners need to introduce people not only to a new method but to a new way of thinking, being and acting in the world.

Internet Marketing, in many ways, can be like the various alternative modalities themselves: What internet marketing "is" depends on what you want, what you need and what you are willing to do to get it. The first step is to get an idea of what the possibilities are.

Filling your workshops and building a practice

For one of my business partners the internet provides a way to keep his classes and workshops full. He has a large "permission based" email list to which he mails every 4-6 weeks. In every email he gives away a no-cost bonus, such as worksheet or handout that can be put to immediate use by the people on his list. He will often write about useful research findings related to his field. The end-result? People look forward to reading his emails and his seminars and workshops fill-up months in advance. Can you imagine using the same process to fill your practice?

The key here is relationship. Be helpful and aware of your potential clients' needs and help them whenever you can. They will reward you by trusting you and giving you their business.

Passive Income

Some alternative health practitioners reach a point in their careers where they realize that they want to work less but keep their current income and lifestyle. Is this you? Perhaps you need some time to write a book or want to take a sabbatical and travel the world?

The problem is that you are in the business of trading your time and skill for money. If you do not work, you do not get paid. It would be useful to ask yourself a new question: "How can I keep making income and sustain my business, without having to work everyday?" This is where the idea of "passive income" comes in.

What is passive income? Passive income is money that comes to you automatically every month, regardless of where you are or what you are doing. Downloadable audio, video and ebooks are a few examples of passive income opportunities. You could sell training and educational materials to your clients and have the system set-up so that the sales, delivery and support is done automatically in the background. In other words, when someone buys a product from you, you don't have to burn a CD, address an envelope, go to the post office or even process a credit card number. The whole process is automated on the internet.

Does Internet marketing sounds complicated or expensive to you?

It can be complicated and it can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. Several years ago you would have needed a web programmer, graphic designer, recording studio and more. Now, all that you need is the right strategy and the ability to use a web browser and email.

For instance, blogs and basic websites can be created for no-cost and don't require any programming skills. There are ecommerce systems that can be set-up in less than 5 minutes and allow you to upload and sell products online for $5.00 per month. You can collect credit card payments without needing a merchant account. Email collection forms are pre-programmed in many web-based customer contact services (called auto-responders). And if you still feel that you want a website designer or some other help, you can hire one in India for $5 - $10 per hour. Several independent companies will let you post your projects and have people bid on them.


Take a deep breath, relax, and begin exploring. Use google to find the web-based businesses of people in your field. See what they are doing. When you are ready, consider joining marketing email lists or forums that interest you. Some marketing email lists will send you a useful message every month and give you no-cost resources for learning how to make money online. And if you don't like the information, you can always cancel and join another. Remember: You are in control.

Ryan C. Nagy, M.A. is a Feldenkrais Practitioner and Marketing Consultant, who co-owns, The Web Whisperers, with Bill O'Hanlon, M.S. Come see Ryan at The Web Whisperers Blog or Ryan's Internet Marketing Blog You may want to listen to his podcast at Feldenkrais Podcast


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Each day I go on the hunt for profitable keywords for my sites. I have been doing this daily task for years and have come to enjoy the simple steps I take to find profitable keywords. It has become so enjoyable because I know with each valuable keyword I find I am adding hundreds, sometimes even thousands to my yearly online income.

Keywords power much of the online traffic and commerce on the web. Keywords are the exact word or phrase surfers type into search engines to find what they're looking for on the Internet. They are the essential elements in your website's profitability and in many cases keywords will largely determine how much revenue you earn from the web.

Finding profitable keywords is not a difficult task, anyone can use popular online sites and tools to find valuable and profitable keywords with a few minutes of work. Quick, easy and simple. You just have to know how to find the answers to these three questions:

1. How Many Searches Are Made Each Month For Your Keyword?

A keyword that receives no searches is worthless. A keyword which receives just 10 to 100 searches each month may be very profitable. Your first task is to find out or discover HOW MANY SEARCHES are made each month for your keyword or keyword phrase. You can use sites like Overture (Yahoo Marketing) or WordTracker and they will give you the number of searches made each month and also variations of your keyword phrase. For quick reference I use this site:

Once you know how many searches are made for your keyword you can determine how much traffic you will receive if your site lands on the first page SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages). The closer you are to the number one spot will determine the percentage of these monthly searches you will receive. Most of your traffic will come from Google, even if you get #1 spots in all three major engines, Yahoo and MSN will return less traffic - at least this has been my experience.

Keep in mind, even keywords with low search numbers may still be profitable. For example, 'unique corporate gift ideas' only has around 400 searches but this may be very profitable for companies or websites that cater to corporate gifts. Also remember, some keyword searches are seasonal, i.e. the number of searches made for 'valentine gifts' in July will greatly differ from those made in February.

2. How Much Competition Does Your Keyword Have?

You must know the level of competition for each keyword phrase you target with your online marketing. Extremely competitive keywords are not worth your time because you will not place for these keywords on the SERPs and you will get no traffic. As a general rule, the most popular keywords with 100's of thousands of searches a month will have the stiffest competition.

You can still place for very competitive keywords but it may require months, usually years of content/link building. Unless you use a PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising system such as Google Adwords or Yahoo Marketing; you won't get any traffic from extremely competitive keywords. It's best to target keywords with little or no competition.

One of the best sites to use to find out your keyword's competition is Google. If you type your keyword phrase 'corporate gift ideas' into Google search you will see there are 7,660,000 pages/listings returned. To get the number of pages that have your exact keyword phrase, you need to search your phrase within quotation marks "corporate gift ideas" and you will see it has around 275,000 pages featuring your keyword phrase.

If you check out the sites on the first three pages of listings you can determine the level of your competition. I use the professional keyword research software Keyword Elite to determine my competition. But here's a quick way to check the PR (Page Rank) of the listings for your keyword phrase. Let's run thru an example.

First do a search in Google for 'corporate gift ideas' and then highlight and copy the return url.

Next go to this site and paste in your Google keyword return url: +ideas&btnG=Search

This will give you a quick visual pagerank of all your chosen keyword's Top 10 competitors!

3. How To Know If Your Keyword Is Really Profitable?

One quick and simple way to tell if your keyword is profitable, i.e. people are making money from promoting and optimizing your chosen keyword phrase.

Take your keyword phrase and type it into Google, Yahoo and MSN. Just count the number of Sponsored Links at the top of the page and at the sides. If your keyword phrase is profitable you will see a lot of sponsored links, which means sites/businesses are advertising. Where there is advertising, there is profit!

You can use Yahoo advertising (Overture) to discover the amount each advertiser is welling to pay for each click or visitor to their keyword phrase; this amount can range from $.10 to $10 to $100 per click!

I use the keyword software mentioned above to monitor the different sites promoting my keywords. If my competitors are buying PPC advertising month after month, you know this keyword phrase is profitable for them and chances are it can be also profitable for you.

Many savvy Internet Marketers instead of targeting extremely popular keywords, find a niche market and target a whole string of related keywords that have little or no competition. This Long Tail marketing method can prove very profitable.

How profitable will largely depend on what you do with your keyword traffic, how well you can convert this traffic into a sale or how well you can monetize it with affiliate programs or Google Adsense?

Just follow these three easy steps for finding profitable keywords and you will have a simple system for adding valuable keywords to your site or online marketing. Take full advantage of these little income magnets which powers so much of the commerce done online and you will succeed. Always remember, these little nuggets of gold are yours for the taking.

The author is a full-time online marketer who has numerous niche websites, including two sites on Internet marketing. For the latest web marketing tools try: Internet Marketing Tools For the latest Internet Marketing Strategies go here: Internet Marketing Strategies

Copyright 2006 Titus Hoskins. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

There are several techniques and tons and tons of expert advice available, on how to increase traffic to your site, but the truth is that even after following those techniques and the advice, your website at times fails to attract as much traffic as you would like. It is important to find out exactly why this is happening.

The first step in this direction is to ask yourself whether you have a good, strong marketing plan or not. If there is a plan, then make sure it is being executed properly. Marketing is a time consuming task, but it is the only way to generate traffic because there are millions of websites on the internet and it is important for web-surfers to know that your site also exists; otherwise, you cannot expect them to just land up on your site or happen to stop by.

What this means is that, you cannot sit and wait for people to come to your site. Your marketing plan should be such that it must reach out and tell people about your website, so that people are forced to take look at it, at least once.

Now if you do have a solid marketing plan but it is not generating the results you expect, then you should take a closer look at your marketing kit. Small things like signature files, shorts classified ads, solo ads, PPC campaign text, organize them all in one place and study them. Perhaps they need more punch.

Marketing is such an intense activity that most firms spend over 90% of their working hours behind marketing. You should not be different. Most internet marketers spend plenty of time on marketing to generate their desired income. Remember internet income is not a matter of a few clicks; it takes hard work and long hours.

In case you are involved in a joint venture and are not making profits, then you should look at the fine print and if necessary, find another partner who is better skilled in traffic generation.

Monitor your website statistics closely. If you have done link building then find out if the sites linked to yours are actually doing any good. If not, then start another link building campaign.

If you are active in forums, then check regularly, if the forums themselves are active or not. Join new communities and forums to expand your network. Sometimes there can be a small hitch in a broad marketing plan, which prevents a lucrative outcome. Study each point in your marketing campaign and try to zero in on the campaign actions that are no longer working or are hampering the efficiency of the rest of the plan.

Put your marketing plan onto paper. This is very important. It is about as effective as a virtual check and a real check. Also, write down the ways you will market yourself and what marketing materials you require. Keep a scheduler to ensure you spend sufficient time each day on marketing activities.

Success in internet businesses is directly related to traffic. Most traffic formula will work, you just need pay optimal attention to it to make it happen.

Jaz Lai is an Online Home Business Expert where he created $10,045 sales just by sending out 5 emails without any list or product. Click here to know how he did it,

Further recommended resources


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The struggle between literate, grammatically correct article composition and keyword seeding should not exist at all. Search engines are able to figure out the relevance of the content on your website to a user's query. Therefore, an article filled with a jumble of keywords will have lesser relevance than a well-written article containing lesser keywords.

Internet marketers who need SEO articles commonly require grammatically correct and literate compositions from SEO writers like me. The more I read and write about how search engines function and how they equate relevance with a high search result ranking, the more I strive to place overall composition above keyword content.

With relevant articles on your website pertaining to your products, ideas or services, you get more chances of directing the correct kind of surfer traffic to your website. Of course, this will mean a decrease in bulky but irrelevant traffic. However, as a search engine user, I find it annoying to see search results that have no connection to what I need to find.

Admittedly, most web masters prefer bulk traffic over highly relevant web traffic. The more the merrier, so to speak. In my experience, surfing the web without any purpose becomes tedious. It gets even more tedious as your experience in web surfing grows. Nowadays, I specifically surf the web with a purpose in mind. Armed with that purpose, I single-mindedly search for what I need.

It would help me to find what I need faster if the descriptive content of your website were relevant to my search. Having a nicely composed descriptive article about the idea or object I am seeking will make your website more useful to me. Because your website has been highly informative and usable, I will return there again to see if you have something that I need.

In having relevant and highly descriptive articles, your website satisfies two totally different necessities. The more relevant necessity for you would be a high ranking search result. The lesser, and often times unnoticed necessity, is that of having satisfied your customer.

The more relevant your content is, the more chances you have of being able to direct your target market to your website. The percentage of people who buy your product will definitely increase as opposed to a decrease in just passing thru or wrong turn traffic. In counterpoint, the more relevant traffic you get, the higher your sales figures go up.

Targeting traffic that isn't really interested in your website almost serves no purpose. I definitely won't try to remember the name of a website that has nothing of what I need. Memory retention of a website by people is very much minimal unless it has served the people well. Furthermore, to be redirected to an irrelevant website by a search engine is very much an annoyance. These websites that bombard their content with nothing but keywords are now getting penalized and banned by search engines so that they can avoid sending people to the wrong place.

How would you feel if directory assistance gave you the wrong listing? Naturally, the supervisor at directory assistance will reprimand the agent who gave the wrong listing. It's the same thing with search engines and web site. Search engines are trying to provide internet surfers with good service in order to gain more traffic. The more traffic they have, the more expensive their advertising space becomes. Along comes a web master who abuses their system so that all traffic is directed to his website. How do you think a search engine operator will react to or against the evil web master?

As a successful Internet marketer I could not find all the niches without key word elite.


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing is one of the best website SEO strategies that is designed to get free targeted traffic for your website. It works by writing original articles that are related to your target niche and submitting them to various article directories online. These articles are then posted by publishers so other webmasters and ezine publishers can use them for free as long as they keep the resource box that directs online users to your website.

1. The success in article marketing largely depends on the quality of articles your write. In order for your copies to be widely distributed, they must be easy to read, well-written and focused on your target niche. Focus on writing articles that offer solutions as these are the kinds of copies that are often search for by most online users.

2. Choose keyword-rich titles. People search the internet through the use of keywords. When you make your headlines keyword-rich, they will be most likely to be found by your potential readers. To further entice your readers to open your articles, make sure that your headlines are intriguing and attention-grabbing.

3. Keep your articles short. Online users today have shorter attention span and they prefer short articles that are direct to the point and meaty.

4. Multiple the number of your articles. While it it true that the quality of your articles is the number one element that dictates the success of your article marketing campaign, the quantity of your articles plays crucial part too. As each submission grants you one quality inbound link, the more articles you submit, the more links you obtain for your website that can result to increased traffic and of course, sales.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Selling articles is a type of advertising that is now universal and trendy among online businesses. Firms have been created solely to provide unique articles with unique content for web pages as a method for their promotion.

Article marketing has encouraged the writers by providing them to display their articles for free. Due to this, we find article directories having long lists of free articles which may be helpful to the viewers to get information they want and to the website by increasing its viewers. Some sites offer their own articles only so as to keep their content in limit.

An important feature of article marketing is SEO targeting by using specific key words. Articles will be germane to the overall content of a website but will be loaded with certain words and phrases to make web crawler programs detect them and lead those who search the terms to see the page on a results page and then to visit the site.

Some articles contain misspelled words and poorly-worded phrases to ensure uniqueness and to bring searches who misspell words to the sites. This brings traffic, but many visitors may be unlikely to stay on a page with spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. They may assume any product is as bad as the spelling.

Article marketing can provide you with revenue in several ways. The primary source of profit is by linking to sites to generate traffic from visitors, to sell products online, or to provide in some other way for the needs of those who are intrigued by the articles and drawn to the site. You can also offer your articles to other website owners, and tailor the articles to their needs.

Some site owners think that generating traffic is everything, even though they make little money if no one buys their services or clicks on ads. High quality articles are important because they encourage visitors to stay longer when they visit and to make return visits. They generally give your site a professional atmosphere that encourages visitors to purchase your goods or services. Good articles are worth the extra expense.

Those with writing skills can of course create their own copy, but many people prefer ghost written articles commissioned from professional writers. Some recruit individuals and others utilize online sites where articles may be solicited and purchased. These are then placed in directories and sites but will be credited to the purchaser, not the actual author.

S. Montgomery is a lifetime article marketing student who manages a FREE Article Marketing Blog that reveals the secret tricks and techniques the top marketers use to flood their sites with targeted paying traffic!


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

In my regular scouring of the internet marketing do's and don'ts, I come across an endless sea of opinions, many of them contradictory of other opinions by internet marketers and gurus. You may have seen something like what I'm referring to. Some internet marketers will tell you "Adsense is dead", while others assure you that "There's still life in Adsense and other Pay Per Click programs!" One of the topics that has come to my attention recently is regarding the use of articles to raise the search ranking of your website and do some honest to goodness SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

There are several aspects to SEO, of course. This article takes a look at articles and how their content can be used to your advantage to build your website popularity.

One opinion I've seen time and time again that has been trumpeted by scores of marketers, and that has never been contested, is "search engines love content." I'll go a step further and say, "Search engines love original content."

If you want to see what I'm referring to, do a search under "article sites" and see how many directories you pull up. Article directories are out there in droves, keeping a large supply of articles that can be (and usually are) used by people publishing ezines or adding content to their sites. I've submitted articles to several of these sites for free. Here's why submitting articles is a win-win situation:

Win for you: You get to include a "resource box" with your article, which can be a link back to your website (or the affiliate site you are promoting)

Win for them: ezine publishers need to come up with articles every day/week/month. Webmasters want their proverbial "regularly updated content." Article directories give them the ammo they need to keep their updates regular and their content fresh.

Of course, this does mean you will need to write. If you like to write already, great - get started! If writing is about as fun for you as pulling your teeth with rusty jumper cables, all is not lost. My suggestion is to look at sites like Elance ( and look for writers on the topic you want to cover. Elance has a bidding system, which allows you to post a project for bids and let prospective writers bid on it. Once you have your article written, you will need to submit it. There is an endless array of article sites on the web. You can also take a shortcut by trying an article submission tool.

Something else to remember - SEO will take awhile. Even if you have submitted articles, you must give them time to make their way into the hands of those people who will publish them on sites and on the web.

So there you have it - articles help you promote your web site the write way!

Paul Heingarten is an entrepreneur, author and consultant. He owns several websites and has assisted business owners with website design and marketing. Take a look at his site to see a great collection of ebooks available on topics like website marketing.


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

There are several forms of internet marketing which can also be referred to as emarketing or online marketing, to help generate traffic to a website rather it is for a online home business or any major corporation. Such marketing strategies consist of:

l Pay Per Click

l Search Engine Marketing

l Email Marketing

l Affiliate Marketing

Each of these creative method of marketing has its on benefits and down falls. However, in general cases most can bring great success to an online business.

First let's understand what internet marketing truly means- Internet marketing is when one utilize one or all of the tools via to grow and promote their company. These tools are a form of advertisment utilizing the world wide web.

Pay Per Click

The top two major pay per click companies are Yahoo Overture and Google Adwords. Unsuprisingly, Google and Yahoo produce the top levels of pay per click. You can combine the revenue of all other pay per click companies and it still would not compromise Yahoo and Google. This is because they both work with most search engines which gives them better placement. Nevertheless, there are several smaller and maybe less expensive companies that can still get the job done. The only down fall with smaller and less reputable companies is that guaranteed higher rankings within search engines is pretty much not guaranteed. Though, smaller companies are a great starting point for someone with less money to spend on marketing campaigns.

The are a few downfalls with pay per click and the biggest is that not all consumers click on these banner ads. Some may even fine them annoying.

Search Engine Marketing

Search Engine Marketing may be one of the most popular forms of internet marketing. Search Engine Optimization is a sure fire way to get your website noticed in search engines and if your website is search engine ready and friendly there should be know problem reaching the top of every search engine. However, SEM is not to be taken lightly. This is a job for the pro's. For one: it can be an expensive part of your marketing campaign and if the techniques are not implemented correctly not only will your website not be recognized by search engines; but, all your invested money is now down the drain. Make sure to be well educated or hire a professional to handle your SEM/SEO.

Email Marketing

Email Marketing may not be a favorite among most advertiser. Most Email Marketing campaigns may be viewed as spam and not even recognized by its intended target. However, with a great sales pitch and less aggression it can as well be a useful source of internet marketing.

Affiliate Marketing

It is well known that having a web page with sophisticated SEO encryptions will get your page noticed and increase traffic, there is another way as well that has somewhat become a has been.

Affiliate programs are still a great way to get your page noticed. Though now it is playing secondary to Pay Per Clicks which works in a somewhat similar manner. However, there are different types of Affiliate programs some that are free and also work.

Though these few are just an outline of all the many tricks to produce and generate traffic to a online business or any other type of website they are also the marketing strategies that usually cost a pretty penny and a website owner should be fully knowledgeable on how each work in order to make the best of his dollar.

John Elton owns and operates a Best Penny Stocks Picks website to help other investors with their stock decisions. He also operates a Home Based Business earn money online site to help entrepreneurs gain experience and wealth."


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

1) Identification of Target Group & Demographics Locations

The initial step is the identification of your target group - who is the recipient of your message? The end user, or perhaps resellers? How is your target group expected to use the search engines? An experienced Internet user will search the Internet differently than a less experienced user.

Once the target group is identified, we can decide in which market/country this group is most effectively targeted using SEO. The language on your website must be the language of the market in question.

2) Keyword Research

Extensive research into choosing your target keyword list is essential to every search engine marketing campaign.

Choosing the right keywords is the most important aspect of successful search engine optimization. Not only do you want to see your site get to the top, you need that high ranking to be on keywords that people are going to actually search for and who are interested in what your web site has to offer.

3) Search Engine Compatibility

A web site architecture that is search engine friendly will improve both the search engine rankings and site traffic. Rank Visibility's search engine compatibility review results in a list of recommendations that are powerful and yet simple to implement.

Depending on the complexity of a web site, a search engine compatibility Review may be required before we can accurately provide a quotation for the full search engine optimisation of your site.

4) Internal Link Structure Building

Internal link structure is another important factor for good search engine rankings, Search engines like the internal structure to be theme based to determine the relevancy of a site. By having a good navigation structure you will not only make it easier for the search engines to browse your website but, you will also make it easier for human visitors, too. A good internal link structure also helps share the Google Page Rank value equally among all the sub pages, meaning more of your pages appear in the search query results.

5) Manual Search Engine Submission

Optimized pages are hand-submitted to the search engines and directories with detailed attention to unique submission guidelines. Some search engines levy a submission or inclusion fee, which is in-addition to our optimization fees.

6) Pay Per Click Campaign Management

Pay per click advertising (PPC) is a search engine marketing technique that requires you to pay a fee every time someone clicks to your website from an ad you've placed in a search engine's results. The more you agree to pay per click (or bid) for a specific keyword and the more effective your ad, the higher your site will rank in the paid search results.

Google and Overture Pay Per Click programs are the most sought after for Internet marketers for their sheer reach and excellent ROI.

7) Link Popularity Building

Link Popularity is one of the most important features of any search engine optimization process and it is the "Off-Page" Optimization of your website. We search the internet for relevant high ranking category websites and get you linked within them. Our Link popularity building services helps increase Google Page Rank and Improve Search Engine Ranking.

8) Continuous Website Ranking Management

Unfortunately, even if you have a top placement now on search engines there is no guarantee it will be there tommorow. Promotion on Search Engines and their ranking criteria constantly change. One year they are on top of the world and next year they are bought out or shutdown. The field itself is an ever changing world. Our strategies involve planning for search events so that your business sales improve and stay up ongoing over extended periods of time.

Anand Nadar- Design and SEO Consultant-


Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

One of the biggest complaints I get from people who have just started article marketing is that it is not working fast enough for them. You see, article marketing takes time. You cannot just write 10 or 20 articles and get response over night. What I have found is that an article produces over time month in and month out.

This is pretty important to recognize. You see, with article marketing, you are doing one or two things (or both): you are either writing a lot of articles and submitting them to a few high-traffic article directories, to generate immediate direct traffic, or you are writing a few articles and submitting them to a long list of article directories, building backlinks for high search engine rankings.

But in either case, your results will occur over time, over the course of months and years, not days and weeks. Sure, you may notice that your web site goes from a low pagerank to something higher, and often in a short period of time, but in most keyword markets you need multiple inbound links before you see huge levels of traffic to your web site, and that just doesnt happen overnight.

So you have to persevere.

You have to write a lot of articles, and submit them diligently, even before you begin to see results. I had about 200 articles online before I could claim quantifiable results but now, I am glad that I continued to submit articles, as I make a fulltime income doing just that.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1200 articles in print and 9 published ebooks.


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Viral marketing is an excellent way any marketer or ambitious newbie can create multiple streams of passive income. Do it the right way and your viral marketing efforts will pay dividends for years to come. Here are simple ways you can start your own viral marketing campaigns.

Create your own ebook and enable your customers be brand your ebooks in places with their own affiliate links. Grant them giveaway rights or other form of resale rights as in incentive to distribute your ebooks. Because your ebooks will contain a mixture of your affiliate links and your customers affiliate links your customers and your customers clients are all potential earners for you. All you need to create your own ebooks is the desire and Open Office software. Open Office is a free download so you do not even need any money to start writing your own ebooks.

If you cannot write your own ebooks for whatever reason the consider purchase the branding rights to an existing viral ebook. They are all over the internet and easy to find. Just use your favourite search engine. Brand the ebook and redistribute it in accordance with any giveaway or resale rights which came with it and you are on your way.

Set up a forum or bulletin board on your web site. Forums are great for viral marketing and even better for you if you control it. If you do not have the technical ability to install forum scripts do not worry. Many web site hosting packages come with forums which you can install automatically. When you have your forum up and running you have your own viral community. Include your adsense codes or banner placements on your forum and you can use it to generate income for yourself.

If you have the ability, design a few web site templates and graphics and allow people to give away designs. Include your advert on them or make it a condition that if they use your designs people must link back to your web site. Now everyone who views your designs used by others to create their sites will have a one click route back to your site. A potentially unlimited source of free traffic to your site and free exposure for your talents.

Write articles that relate to your chosen product or service. Grant people the right to reprint your articles on their website, in their newsletter, or anywhere else. Include your resource box and the at the bottom of each article and be sure to include a link back to your web site in it. Submit the article to the major article directories. The more you do this the greater the effect. Your articles can end up all over the internet on article directories, blogs, newsletters and other places. You can use press releases in a similar way.

Search the internet for ebooks which grant you a license allowing you to distribute it to other people. Giveaway rights, resale rights and master resale rights are the most popular. Even better if the products also come with branding rights. Redistribute the ebook in accordance with the terms of the license and this gives you an additional viral marketing route.

So there we have it. Six simple and straightforward ways you can quickly and easily start as many viral marketing campaigns as you wish. And may they all be successful for you.

Download your free page rank ebook and see how I have gained and maintained number 1 search engine positions regardless of google page rank. Visit today for your free ebook.


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

One of the biggest problems that most webmasters have is to drive targeted traffic to your site. I remember some time ago I was looking for a method other than search engines.

The main reason is that the search engines constantly update their algorithms. This means that you will forever be at their mercy. You may do all the fundamentals correctly, but this is not a guarantee of a very good ranking.

It was for this reason that article marketing appealed to me. The primary reason is because it generates traffic that buys. There are many different traffic sources that are completely worthless like traffic exchanges. Also if you use ezine advertising or ppc these do work, but they require a lot of testing and tracking to get your marketing system to make a profit.

This is the main reason that article marketing is my favourite method of traffic generation. All I need to do is write a few articles focusing on my niche market and submit them to the main article directories. I include a link to my squeeze page where the visitor can subscribe to my newsletter and download a free report. I take good care of my subscribers as the fortune is in the follow up.

However, if you are lazy I do not suggest that you try this strategy. It takes time and you need to have hundreds or thousands of articles out there to get it to work properly. This is the main reason that many people do not take advantage of this as it is far too time consuming.

Finally, if you are willing to put in the time this is the most reliable method to build your internet business.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

In 2007, I started to do SEO article writing.

Even though I've been freelancing since 1993, this is a very new form of writing for me. To date, most of my clients had been small business owners who commission newsletters, brochure copy, articles for their websites, etc. I have some corporate clients who outsource their editing/rewriting work to me, eg, editing annual reports.

I decided to give SEO writing a try for four reasons:
i) I was bored with my existing workload;
ii) I'd read a lot about SEO writing and knew that it was going to be lucrative long-term;
iii) there's not a lot of competition in the field (not for good, quality writers anyway); and
iv) it's quick turnaround (in pay and assignments).

As an aside, it fits my rather schizophrenic writing personality too in that I may write five articles in one day on extremely different topics - from wedding accessories to mortgages. As my brain likes to flit from project to project, this works great for me.

How to Break into a New Freelance Writing Niche Quickly & Profitably!

As this was a completely different field for me, I had to start marketing from scratch. Following is how I went from 0 to making $250/day in about three week's time.

Marketing for New Clients? Here's a 3-Step Plan that Works Every Time

1) Website: I took about a week to build a website specifically for this type of writing.

2) Research: I compiled a list of SEO companies I wanted to contact for work.

3) Contact: I contacted them - one at a time, using the names of appropriate contacts where possible and at minimum mentioning the company in the email when no specific name could be found.

Marketing Success by the Numbers: What makes this plan work every time is that you make contact every day with a certain number of firms. In my case, I decided to contact - at minimum - 20 companies a day.

On the very first day of marketing, I received two inquiries from companies wanting to use me for pending projects starting the next month.

About three days later, I received another inquiry from a potential client who wanted to package my services with a presentation he was giving to secure a client. And, in the second week, I landed a client who gave me 4 writing projects in three days.

This client is a large SEO marketing firm and wants to put me on their permanent staff of writers (we'll see how this pans out).

While nothing beyond the current 14 writing assignments has panned out, the point I'm trying to get across is that if you make enough contacts, you will get work - especially in the SEO sector.

The best part of being an SEO content writer? You can start with no experience, no samples and no website.

Good luck if you decide to give this type of writing a try.

Yuwanda Black is the publisher of THE business portal for and about the editorial and creative industries. Visit to learn more about how to start an SEO writing career. It's one of the easiest ways to start making money as a freelance writer, especially if you have no experience.


Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Traffic is the backbone of every online business. In order for you to sell your products and services, you need to know how to attract people to visit your webpage. One of the best traffic-generating tools these days is article marketing. This is the process of writing and distributing articles to publishing sites to strengthen your online presence and build quality inbound links to improve your page ranking. As this marketing tool is cost-effective and efficient, this is highly recommended by millions of webmasters worldwide.

Here are the 4 persuasive secrets to explode your article marketing:

1. Bank on the quality of your articles. This is the most important element in article marketing. You must be able to offer your readers well-written, content-rich, informative, and useful articles so you can earn their trust and compel them to visit your website.

2. Write and submit more articles. In article marketing, the more articles you write and submit the more quality inbound links you can obtain for your website. To easily boost the number of your backlinks, strive to multiply the number of your output by either spending more time writing or hiring competent ghostwriters.

3. Use attractive titles. To easily catch the attention of online users, use titles that are striking and attention-grabbing. Communicate the benefits that readers can get once they open and read your articles so they will be more willing to invest their time reading your content.

4. Your articles must be fact-based. You don't want to mislead your readers by feeding them unverified information as this can easily ruin your online credibility. Make it a habit to check your data before publishing your content and back up your arguments with research and other reputable resources to make your articles credible and believable.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.


Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Focus, focus, focus, the Internet seems to have plenty of distraction. Here something that I have learned through experience, but it has cost me. This little tip can bring a big boost to your future.

I love article marketing. One of the things that I love the most about it is that it is one of the most reliable methods of Internet marketing that continues to prove itself over and over again. I don't think there is a better way to spend your time marketing than to be generating new articles. More articles equal more traffic. Not just more traffic, but traffic that is more highly qualified than any other method.

I received an email today from one of the many lists that I subscribe to that describes the new viral way of driving traffic to your website. It starts out, "Dear Friend, Are you interested in a brand new way to increase the traffic to any website for about 5 minutes easy 'work'?" First of all, it takes more than 5 minutes to read the sales letter which is 10 pages and a video long.

I have tried hundreds of these. I am not necessarily pointing a finger at this one, but the bottom line is, if I had spent every second wasted on the hundreds of these I have read, writing articles, I would be retired by now.

I once thought that subscribing to everything was a good thing, because it has taught me so much about all of the different options available on the Internet. Now I am rethinking this because in retrospect, I think it has continued to be more of a distraction than anything.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.