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Sunday, May 18, 2008 

3 Essential Business Resources

To operate a successful Internet business several things must happen. Fortunately everyone has access to some of the most fantastic tools to help them build their business.

In this article we want to talk about three Internet essential business resources that are a must for your success.

1. First of all having a blog is a must for your business today. Operating an Internet business without a blog is like trying to swim with one arm. Chances are your competitor is using a blog to build their business, and so should you.

One exception to this would be if most of the advertising you do is paid advertising. However, if your goal is to create long-term success for your business having a blog is an excellent way to attract readers and make sales.

Mastering techniques such as Web 2.0 and social networking are essential business resources you just cannot do without. Blogs are great because they are very easy to maintain and do not require a lot of technical skill.

2. Next you need an auto responder that you use to capture contact information for future follow-up. You can put a sign up form on your blog and even a website, where visitors can register to receive valuable free information that you give them.

What you require from them is their name and e-mail address. This is a valuable resource that can make you a lot of money for years to come as you continue to build a large opt in list of people who allow you to e-mail them.

3. Lastly you need a website or a lead capture page. Some people refer to this as a splash page or a landing page. You certainly can add content to your business using your blog, but this does not make having a website obsolete.

You still want to have splash page you can promote even if you determine you do not want to develop a large website. One good thing about this technique is you can change what you promote on your splash page without having to change the website URL.

Certainly we can talk about various forms of marketing and traffic generation as being essential business resources. These are not really business resources and are more ideas or concepts.

For this reason we fell three essential business resources you must have are a blog, an auto responder, and a website or landing page.

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