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Friday, May 16, 2008 

7 Strategies to Increase Profits in a Lunch Hour

Restaurants are now opening during the day to increase revenue and their customer base,
but simply opening extra hours is not enough. I will show you seven strategies to increase your customer base and therefore increase profits.

1 Seeing is Believing

Ensure it is obvious you are open, have an open sign on the door and increase
lighting. If it is not too cold leave the door open. This maybe simple but, try
standing outside your restaurant - what does the customer see? you may be surprised!
Also, customers want to see what they are walking into. Do not block their view with
blinds and curtains.

2 A-Boards

Putting an A-board outside the restaurant will re-enforce the message you are
open and you can advertise your new menu or special offers. It will also stop
customers from simply walking by.

3 Lunch Menu

Your main customers will be workers from surrounding shops and offices, create a
lunch menu that can be selected from, ordered and eaten within one hour.

4 Be Informal

Remove any cutlery, glasses or napkins from the tables. A table dressed in cutlery
etc. implies fine dining. Your lunch customer wants to feel they have the choice to
order just a coffee if they prefer.

5 Spread the word

A leaflet drop to surrounding businesses will inform customers of your new
opening times, your new lunch menu and your original menu.

6 Promote

Introduce a stamp card promotion. Giving each customer a stamp per visit. For example
five stamps entitles the card holder to a free meal.

7 A Taster of what you have to offer

Making bite size samples to give away for free will give potential customers a
memorable experience that they will tell their friends about. Stand outside with
your tasters or visit businesses. Do not forget to hand out leaflets or stamp cards at
the same time.

All seven strategies are low cost ideas and can be easily implemented. So, get started on your strategies and those customers will be beating down your door.

Claire Harkins has held various positions in customer service for over 10 years. Claire is the proprietor of a on-line business and artists directory, http://www.theglasgowlocal.com If you have any questions or comments contact Claire@theglasgowlocal.com