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Tuesday, May 13, 2008 

Are You Using This Great Way To Get Your Business Noticed Online?

It has been said that the pen is mightier then the sword. If that is the case then why are you not using what could be the most powerful item to get noticed online?

When we started our website, we were not much different than anyone else out there. Our website went live and we worked to get all of our customers. One way we did this was work with other web sites that were similar in nature to ours and agreed to write articles for them.

These articles we wrote helped us build our customer base online and gave us the ability to get our expertise out there in written word on the world wide web.

Are you an expert in something? What does your company specialize in? Answer those two questions and start writing about them. To get noticed online give people what they want to read, information, and web site partners what they crave, content.

You should write about one article per week. If you have the time to write more that`s great, but once a week will do. Create partnerships with other websites that could use your content. For example, my friend runs a rental property repair business. He writes about an article a week on how to handle the small repairs, and other things of that nature. His content can be found on real estate investors, investment clubs, and landlord web sites and so on.

You get the point. After he writes his articles he then emails them to his contact and they do the rest. They post it on their website; even email it to their members in their newsletters.

Your article should be 500 to 100 words in length. Any shorter and it won`t be taken serious, any longer and no one will read it because it will be too long and take up too much space on your partner`s web site.

Your article should be informational. In other words it shouldn't be 500 words on why they should use your service or buy your product, but 500 words on what you are an expert at with some statistics if possible.

Finally, after the article is complete add an "About the Author" section where you tell people who you are and how they can get in touch with you. You can see an example of this in our own article here.

Articles published on the correct web sites will greatly improve your popularity online for your business and web site. The best part it only costs you some time.

By: Bruce A. Tucker

About the Author:
Mr. Tucker is the Associate Director of http://www.Indocquent.com, an online resource where you can advertise your business, products or services throughout the world.

To download Indocquent's FREE social network bookmarking tool visit http://www.indocquent.com/social_bookmark/social_bookmark_landingpage.html

Indocquent.com will also publish any article that you write in regards to your business on their website as well as disseminate it throughout various media outlets as a free courteous service when you register.