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Sunday, May 11, 2008 

Article Marketing As An Online Lead Generation Tool

Lead generation is about identifying prospects in your market that are interested in your product or service that you have to offer. The first step in any sales process is to identify your target market, but also know the ones that might need your services in the immediate future.

When you can point to these groups of people, they are known as leads. Leads become the lifeline of any serious business. Without leads you don't know who is interested in your product. Lead Generation is popular among insurance, mortgage and real estate businesses both online as well as in the brick and mortar world.

Article marketing is one of the most powerful lead generation tools out there; it works so well because you are able to establish a level of trust with your reader. Keep in mind that for the mere fact that your reader is reading your article, its safe to say that they will educate themselves before making a buying decision.

Now when they can read your article and learn a little bit more than they already knew, you have just gained their trust. This makes article marketing like no other form of lead generation online. Trust is very important when generating leads online, especially because of the nature of the Internet.

The quality of leads that you get from article marketing is also higher than other lead generation techniques, its due to the fact that article generated leads were able to learn from you. You did not approach them as some pushy sales guy trying to make a sale.

If you have not started using article marketing as a form of lead generation, I would suggest you seriously consider it for your business.

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