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Wednesday, May 21, 2008 

Article Marketing The Slightly Harder (But Effective) Way

One of the most powerful ways to drive traffic to your site is by submitting articles to publishers. Most internet marketers fail to show great results when article marketing because they fail to follow a few simple rules to make their articles stand out from the clutter.

The first step is creating a powerful headline. You should spend a good portion of your time on the headline itself. Make it something compelling and interesting. It should make the user want to know more about what you are writing about. If you can't get people to stop and take a look at your article, who cares what's written in your article? Nobody. Again, spend some time on the headline, it's worth it.

Next, your article needs to informative and well written. The user should want to read the entire article. Put a unique slant on your topic. Throw a bit of your personality into your article. You aren't writing for a computer, you want humans to actually read it and finish it! Then check it for spelling and grammar errors. If it seems it's written by a 2nd grader, nobody is going to trust what you say! Now, you'll need to send out unique copies of the article to each publisher. The duplicate content penalty is real. The true name should be the omitted results penalty, but under any name it damages your chances of building links and generating traffic. Create at least 3 versions of your article and get a software tool to merge them into a unique readable whole to be sent out.

Finally send out your articles to as many publishers as possible. There are dozens of software packages and services available to submit your article, though only a handful while send out unique content automatically. You can find some though, including free ones. Once you have the software, spend at least a hour a week building up your list of websites, newsletters and other publishers. Don't stop until you have at least a list of 5,000.

Once you do these things you will find the search engines love you more, traffic will flow to you and you'll have more back links. All it takes is a little extra time, which most people aren't willing to put in. Hardly a cost at all. Stand out from the clutter by taking action today.

Steven Lohrenz has been marketing online for several years now. His most powerful traffic generator is article marketing. He offers a free tool to do unique article marketing. You can get it here: Unique Article Submission Software