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Saturday, May 24, 2008 

Article Seo Software

Effective link building is essential for a website to have success in achieving a higher search engine ranking on major engines like google and yahoo. Most people will go about doing link building by making use of submissions to relevant categories on the many hundreds of search engine friendly directories available on the internet. But how many people know how important it is to have your website linked to pages of rich content? I am referring to article seo.

Article marketing is a great new way of obtaining high quality backlinks to your website. It is so important for search engine ranking reasons to write articles which contain a link to your website on them. This is due to the fact that the search engine bots are constantly crawling websites and article directories looking for new fresh content. So if your article is rich with keywords related to your niche, you can imagine how it will improve your ranking over time.Make sure that when you write articles you use anchor text for your link.The anchor text should be a competitive keyword in your niche.

But there's just one hassle.Having to submit your articles manually one by one to individual article directories can be tiresome. It can also be very expensive to pay somebody to do these article submissions for you, unless you are able to strike a really lucky deal. Having said this, you should try making use of semi automated article submission software packages which can help you sign up and submit to article directories with your ready stored information.

If you would like to find out more about article submission software please visit this website below.

Article Submission Software