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Monday, May 12, 2008 

Article Writing To Increase Website Traffic

As you are reading this article, I take it you want your website to get noticed online and you want to drive some traffic to it. Of all the marketing strategies, article writing is one of the best, and my particular favorite, and best of all, it's virtually free. It definitely helps your site to get a better ranking and a better placement in the major search engine results.

Article writing is also a good way to gain some sort of credibility in the internet marketing world. Writing articles for content websites is quite a bit different than writing say, magazines articles. Don't forget that the reason every one is banging on about article writing, is that there is no better way to obtain a one way link and generate traffic to your website.

If you are having trouble getting started, have a look at published articles on the same subject as you intend to write about. As with any subject these days, there is plenty of good advice on article writing flying around the net, you just have to go and look for it. Article writing is not that difficult and is enjoyable for some, while others find it hard work. Me, I am somewhere in between, and find the trickiest bit is coming up with a subject that will be of interest to people.

The resource box which you put at the end of your article should have a short bio and definitely your website address, because this is the link through which you can generate traffic from your articles. You may well be pleasantly surprised at the targeted traffic it will bring to you. If you ask any successful internet marketer of a good way to drive targeted traffic to your website, I'd wager that article writing would get a strong mention.

The good news is that there are loads of article submission sites on the internet. By submitting your articles to these sites, you are almost guaranteed to gain some traffic for your website. Just ensure you read the submission guidelines on these sites, as they can vary quite a bit. The article submission sites usually stipulate a minimum and maximum amount of words for each article; most of them want at least 250-300 words. I usually aim for 350-600, but it's your call. Well that's, all, go and get writing. If I can do it, anybody can.

James Hunaban is the owner of - http://internetmarketingtools.jims-info.com/ a site full of good Internet Marketing Tools and

article-land.com/ a site with advice on Article Writing