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Monday, May 19, 2008 

Breakthrough Autopilot Article Marketing With Bum Marketing

Autopilot article marketing is a great way to earn money online. Mix in a touch of bum marketing and you have created a powerful combination. Writing articles online is extremely easy. Many people can punch the letters of their keyboard, but few write words or sentences compelling enough to grab their readers attention. You can literally spend hours using bum marketing and never see any results.

As you read this short article, you will start to see why your success with autopilot article marketing has been limited. One of the reasons you are not seeing results is based on the fact your articles are dull and meaningless. See, if you want to write articles to build back links to your web pages, it's a great method. But, if you want to make sales, you need to write content that impels your reader to your landing page.

The farther down you read the more you will understand what I mean. You have a choice, write fast and furious, or write compelling and riveting content. Let's dissect an article and see if we can find ways to make our articles electric.

Each article you write consists of a subject heading, body and resource box. If all three combined do not compel your reader to take some sort of action you will lose a chance to send them to your landing page. Even if you just need them to read the next line.

Internet searchers thirst for information, they want to discover new things and find products that will make their life better. We all want a better life and your articles need to written in a matter in which the reader benefits.

You are reading this aren't you! And your reading this to learn to be better at something. You read to enrich your soul and feed your mind. Don't you think you need to write content that nails your reader to their monitor? You better, your chances of guiding a person to your landing page will only increase. Otherwise you are just wasting your time with bum marketing.

You be the judge. As this article ends, think about the value of honing your craft. Visit: Autopilot Article Marketing Helper and learn to write captivating content, so your readers actually find your resource box, sending your click thru's sky rocketing!