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Thursday, May 15, 2008 

Googletestad and the SEO Bug

Googletestad has become an internet keyword sensation with over 70,000 hits a day on search engines like Google and MSN. While it is not immediately clear what the word means or why it is popular, people are creating buzz that it is a good work for search engine optimization.

Googletestad has spurred new buzzwords like "google googletestad monitor query" or "google monitor query or googletestad" while may seem nonsensical, they are used to best competing search engine optimization keywords.

To learn more about search engine optimization, there are some good books that can be found in book stores or over the internet about keywords and search engine optimization. These books are great resources for finding all you need to know about how SEO works.

While the buzz of googletestad may fall, it's clear that such words creative incentive for others to make up their own buzz words or keywords. Most searches of googletestad will result in sites that don't offer any information about it, but this page is probably the most comprehensive yet. It's really all about search engine optimization.

Critics of SEO state that this method pollutes the internet with articles that have nothing to do with reality.

"I'm tired of all the crap on the internet. Now nearly half of the search results I get from Google or MSN are blatant spam -- what's the use of the internet if it's all going to be a bunch of hooplah," says Noah Bryant of Atlanta, Ga.

Not everyone is so skeptical of SEO. Dick Laxson, a self-employed SEO consultant says, "Of course people are going to get a bunch of non-related material back on a web search if they use such vague search terms. The internet has become a gigantic wealth of information and one or two search words just don't cut it anymore. Once people become more educated in their web searching, they will get more pertanent information."

Russel Polaski is a shock-jock deejay out of San Diego, California. His interests include hip-hop music, break dancing, computer games and amateur music videos. He often writes articles for Prosumer News.