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Friday, May 16, 2008 

How To Make Money Online By Knowing What You Are Worth

Salespeople are not paid for their ability to cold call. Anyone can pick up a phone, dial a random number and be told, "No." Salespeople are paid for their knowledge about how to turn that "no" into a "yes."

Expert witnesses get called in by lawyers because of what they know not because they can see the tire tracks in the mud. They understand what those tire tracks mean.

Everyone in a professional setting is paid for what they know and not what they do. You can do the same while you make money online. You are entitled to be compensated appropriately. The first thing you need to know when you want to do this is how to determine your worth. What are people getting paid and why are they getting paid that? Once you know the value of your knowledge then you can get "make money online."

Maybe you are worried that what you know is only worth $5.00 at the most. $5.00 does not seem like a lot of money nor does it even seem worth it. When looking at the bigger picture, however, it is much more appealing. 75% of Americans have access to the internet. If 1,000 people pay you $5.00 then you have made $5,000! If 10,000 people pay you $5.00 then you have made $50,000! And you can make that money online. All you have to do is know what you are worth.

Learning How to Make Money Online with Your Skills

We all have talents. Most people do not know the value of the wealth of information they hold in their minds. Do you have a knack for words? Are you really good with needlepoint? Are you a good craftsman or fly fisherman? Perhaps you are a hunter and you know the ins and outs of skinning game or tanning hides. All of those can be marketable skills. All of those can help you make money online.

There is nothing wrong or shameful about asking to be compensated for your knowledge. It took you time, effort and probably money to learn what you know and you have the right to ask to be compensated. Just because you want to make money online does not mean your services are less valuable than anyone else's services.

When we really think about it, don't we pay all professionals for what they know? Are administrative assistants paid for their ability to pick up a phone handset? No. They are paid for their ability to juggle twelve different tasks and make sure their boss knows the dry cleaning is picked up and Mr. Jones is the client who is allergic to peanuts. They are paid for what they know and how well they know it.

Making Money Online is not easy but if your taught correctly, a six to seven figure income is highly attainable.