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Friday, May 9, 2008 

Internet Marketing Articles - Secrets of Writing Great Headlines

Hundreds of online marketing wizards agree - One of the critical elements to successful online marketing is through writing and distributing articles.

Since you understand you need to ride the success wave of online marketing using articles, you have to focus on writing articles to please three, enormously different readers with the same article.

Three consumers of article marketing

Here are the three consumers of article marketing and how to write good headlines for each:

  1. Readers - In the end, these are the folks who will make up their mind that they are curious about what you do sufficiently to read your message. You have to write a headline that will attract your audience to actually read your article in the first place. You need to attract the reader to dig further into your article and actually absorb your words.

    80% of readers will read your headline, but only 20% will read your article. How well your headline is written will determine the readers next step.

    Readers can find your article headline on social networking sites like Digg and Del.icio.us, as links in an email from a school chum, and in their search engine results. If your headline does not make them want to read your article, you just wont get audience, even if you have the best message or service on the planet. You could have discovered the cure for cancer, but with a bad headline no one will find out about it.

  2. Search Engines - Google and the like think that the web page title is the most important on-page indicator of the content of the page. Coming in second place is the use of the H1 heading tag. When your article is published, publishers have a tendency to make either or both the title and H1 tag the same as your article title. As a result, having words in your article title which are important to those searching for information increase your chances of showing up in search engine results.

    You must have your keywords in the headline and as near the start as reasonable to still appease the other two audiences.

  3. Publishers - One of the keys to article marketing is the viral mass-publication process. This is the big reason article marketing is so powerful. One well-written article can get published on 10,000 places around the world in only a few weeks.

    These are the folks who determine whether or not your article will end up on their site, newsletter, blog, etc. They are a tough hybrid of both readers and Yahoo and company. They like to believe your article will get them search engine clicks and also please their readers. But, if they cant find your article since the the misworded headline doesnt come up in their search results, or the headline doesnt attract them in to take a look at your article you miss out.

    One could say that publishers can make or break an articles success and by pleasing the other two audiences you can make them happy as well.

Writing Headlines for All Three

This article's title was written particularly to serve as an example of meeting the needs these three audiences. As you can see, the first three words of the article headline are search engine fodder - they are a combination of two highly sought phrases, and those words are the very first in the headline.

The first words also tell you what you will learn when you read the article. The last part hypnotizes you and draws you further in. It introduces something of interest that will give you what youre hoping to gain or learn about. It makes you ask yourself, "Im curious what lesson I can take away from this article" and so you read on, just as you did.

Take this lesson with you and write good article headlines that get noticed, get published, and get visitors coming to your site. Get out there, get writing, and cash in.

Daiv Russell is a web marketing copywriter with Envision Software. Visit our site to learn how to apply the 4C formula for web marketing success