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Thursday, May 15, 2008 

Internet Marketing - Book Profits With 6 List Building Techniques That Pay You Every Month

If you've been trying to make money on the Internet for any length of time, you've heard it a hundred times; the money is in your list. A good list can earn you about a dollar (or more) for each subscriber EVERY MONTH! If you are just starting out, you can easily generate 200 to 300 subscribers per month.

There are many methods that you can use to quickly grow your list. I've found it very effective to give new subscribers an Internet marketing book. (Internet marketing is a very large category that encompasses a number of Internet related topics.)

Using this technique, my Internet marketing book, entitled, 'Make Money Every Day' adds 300 to 400 subscribers to my list each month. When you consider that each subscriber is worth about $12 per year, the numbers can add up rather quickly.

To build your list, use a squeeze page that is designed to do one thing, get the name and email address of your visitor. You do this buy offering them something of value in exchange for their contact information. It can be a free Internet marketing book, or ebook, a subscription to your newsletter, or anything else your visitors may be interested in. The important thing is that your giveaway item is valuable enough to entice them to sign up to receive it. Following are a number of techniques that you can use to expand your list (as well as your income).

1. Google Adwords. This is one of the fastest methods to build a targeted list. It is important to choose very targeted keywords and never bid more than you can afford. Once you have set up your ad it can begin to appear within hours and start bringing you traffic shortly thereafter.

2. Write articles. Submit articles to the large article directories. Make sure each one contains a resource box where you will include a link advertising your squeeze page and the freebie visitors will receive. This works best if you submit at least one article per day.

3. Post regularly on forums. On each of your posts, include a signature file that includes your squeeze page and the free giveaway that you are offering.

4. Classified ads. Use free and/or paid ads to entice traffic to your squeeze page.

5. Blogs. If you have a blog, add an advertisement and a sign up form to your blog.

6. Trade ads. Trade ads with other websites. You place their ad on your site and they place your ad on theirs. This ad swap is done for free of course.

Remember, in order for this to work, you must give your visitors something of value. I generate almost 400 subscriptions per month using a free Internet marketing book. Develop a give away that is specifically targeted to the interests of your visitors and watch your subscription rates soar.

Do you want to learn more about how I make money? I have just completed my brand new Internet marketing book on how to Make Money Every Day!

Make Money Every Day - FREE

Free ebook - Make Some Money

Make Money With Your Own Ebook