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Saturday, May 17, 2008 

Keyword Elite - Keyword Research Software

Today I'm going to give you my opinion on Brad Callens Keyword Elite software. I was asked to express my judgmental opinion on it so others can feel either comfortable purchasing or simply frightened away. So let's begin.

Let's start out with a little introduction as to what exactly is Keyword Elite. KE is a keyword research tool that helps webmasters determine profitable keywords for whichever niche they intend to market or use an arbitrage method. Yeah I know there are a lot of you reading this post that are thinking to themselves well why would I buy something that I can get for free. And by free I'm referring to google's keyword sandbox, and overture's keyword selector. Stuff like that.

Well here's my conservative opinion. You can spend hours going through google sandbox and overture trying to find profitable niche markets and still not come up with anything that will produce a profit. I know this from experience.

I myself am an owner of KE since last year when I decided I was tired of killing myself. Yeah know like most of your reading this I was working a full-time job only to come home and work on my internet job. Yeah I got tired of the rat race also.

So KE works like this. You'll enter a broad term like "Money Online" and select some search criteria options like number of competitors, number of clicks a month, traffic volume, etc.. and it will produce a list of keywords anywhere from 1000 - infinite. It will even allow you to see what you're likely to pay for PPC campaigns for those keywords. Again you can limit your selection and filter it based on a number of operators.

After your list is generated you have endless possibilities of what you can do with it. You can take that and use it in your adwords campaign, narrow some keywords down for adsense profits, or research arbitrage keywords. The potential is left in your hands.

Every person that is successful online has their own keyword research software, it's simply the way to grow. I myself cannot do justice in a simple review that KE's video example can. Go check out the video for yourself.

Click here To Download Brad Callen's Free E-book on How to Use Adwords with KE
This article comes from http://joesonlinereviews.com/online-marketing/keyword-elite-keyword-research-software/