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Monday, May 19, 2008 

Marketing An Internet Business - Use These Methods

Your internet business just opened and you're wondering why no visitors yet. You can sit their and wait forever or you follow this simple techniques on marketing an internet business to start getting your share of the hundreds of millions of web visitors looking for websites like yours. Marketing an internet business requires a plan of attack, patience and also perseverance. The most vital weapon you can immediately deploy in your desire to start getting your share of online visitors is article writing and article promotion. As soon as you realize, that all online visitors are seeking information about something, the quicker your creative juices will flow to profitably service this growing demand. Providing valuable information on what you know best can be very profitable. In order to start marketing an internet business please get a pad and a pen ready for some basic tips. First I will go over article writing methods and then article promotion strategies.

Article writing: Step one- Create a title for your article. You can get the title for your article writing by going to adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal. The green lines shows the competition for that keyword and the other green line shows the search volume. Pick the smallest green line to start with.

Article writing: Step two- Create your introduction. In article writing your introduction should tell the reader what your article is about. The introduction should also point out benefits to be derived by the reader should they decide to read the rest of the article. Your introduction is for "bullet" points also known as teasers to arouse the readers interest to read the rest of the article.

Article writing: Step three- Create the body of the article. This is the section to go into detail about the main topic of the article. Be creative and have a flow that can easily be followed. By now you have the reader's attention and your goal is to keep going to the conclusion and your resource box which is your final call to action is located.

Article writing: Step four- Your conclusion must summarize the benefits in the body of your article into one short paragraph. Your conclusion must be good enough to make the reader want to find out more information your website by clicking on the link in your resource box. The resource box is simply the section that let the reader know your brief background and skills and your website URL.

Marketing an internet business by writing an article will not be complete without an effective article promotion strategy. Your unique article now needs to be submitted to article distribution directories. The key is to get your article into thousands of websites that needs content. The websites that use your article also agree to display your resource box with your website URL. Now when the search engines see your website URL on so many other websites based on a certain keyword your internet business will start getting a share of visitors seeking information about that specific keyword. The top article distribution directories from my experience are Articlesdynamic.com, Ezinearticles.com, Articlesinsync.com, and Articledashboard.com. After submitting to these four directories, you can also submit to other lesser known directories. In about a week or two types in the title of your article in Google or yahoo and see how many websites are displaying your article to the World Wide Web.

Article writing and article promotion can be an effective strategy to use in marketing an internet business. Be concise and give the reader what information they seek and a large percentage will visit your website giving you the opportunity to sell them your products or you can make money when they click on the Google ads displayed on your site. The key is to get visitors to your site and what happens after that is full of limitless possibilities.

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert in the field of Article Writing and Submissions. He can be found on the internet at this website: Free Articles Submission

Raymond Nwambuonwo has been a contributing author for this website and is an acknowledged expert on articles in the field of Internet marketing. He can be found on the internet at this website: http://marketinguses.blogspot.com