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Thursday, May 22, 2008 

PLR Articles Don't Work!

Without fresh, unique content, your website is destined for second best. Or even failure. The search engines won't cater to it and visitors will be bored and click elsewhere. If you want high-quality, action-taking visitors, then you need the best in one-of-a-kind content.

Perhaps you're using free articles to flesh out your web pages. Maybe you've taken the next step and invested in PLR (Private Label Rights) groups, where you can use their content and sign your own name. This is great in that it's fast. But that's where the advantage ends.

When the search engines come calling, they will immediately notice that your articles look exactly the same as other articles they've seen all over the web. Yes, this means your PLR articles, too, unless you've changed them to make them unique. This lowers the score they give your website, which in turn lowers the placement you'll get when a search engine user types in your keywords. The lower the search engines results placement, the less chance your site will be seen. Studies show that almost all clicks on search engine results happen in the first three pages of the results, and most happen on the first page. Chances are, no one will ever see your site if, when they searched for your exact keywords, your site ended up on page 674 of the results!

The search engines like to keep a little mystery, so they never reveal exactly how they score websites they visit. However, many things can be ascertained from observation. One is that if a site contains content that is duplicated on other sites, like the article directory you got it from, its score is lowered significantly. Remember, too, that your competitors are searching the same article databases and may be using the exact same articles you are. That won't give you a competitive advantage! You need unique content to get your score raised and your website shown on the first page. There's no way around it.

Fortunately, this isn't as hard as you may have led yourself to believe. Here's a method that will give you great unique content without tearing your hair out researching and writing from scratch. First, find an article you'd like to use, if it wasn't already out there. Now, simply rewrite it. Read the first paragraph. Read it again, until you've digested the content and understand it completely. Put the article aside. Rewrite the paragraph you just read in your own words. Move the second paragraph and repeat. Continue until the article is finished. You now have unique content that will be fresh meat to the hungry search engines. Higher scores, better results rankings, and better and more targeted visitors result.

Writing unique content brings in free, targeted traffic. This is a skill every Internet marketer learns to master. If you haven't yet, it's time to take that first step. Try the method outlined and see how easy it is. Don't forget to use that spell checker! Congratulations on taking your first steps to being a writer!

Kim Brockman publishes a monthly ezine on how to use the Internet for work and play. http://tiiezine.com/affils/article-writing/