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Monday, May 19, 2008 

The Science Of Getting Rich - Attract More Customers-Partners In Your Network Marketing Business

When you joined your network marketing business, what attracted you? It has been said, and I believe it to be true, that people join people NOT products or companies. Now, it may be true that there are some people who actively seek out a particular product, but even then, they will seek out a specific person to purchase that product from.

How can you build a positive reputation online, and why is it crucial to your success? We must put ourselves in our prospective customer or partner's shoes. Many are rightfully concerned about handing over their credit card to number to a nameless faceless identity on the internet. Successful internet marketers are marketers who work on building relationships. They understand that people do business with people that they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST.

To be successful, we need to present ourselves to the internet community. We must promote ourselves in such a manner that our prospective customers and partners feel like they know us. They need to feel a sense of familiarity. We need to demonstrate that we are likeable and trust worthy.

I teach people to promote themselves, not their company or product. Create a "Who Is" page, and put up pictures of yourself and, if you choose, your family and pets. Let people know who you are. Tell them about yourself: who you are, where you are, what you do, why you do what you do.

Auto-responders are a great way to create familiarity and develop relationships. On your Who Is page, put a sign up form so your visitors can sign up for something of interest and make sure it's free. Some suggestions are an e-book or a marketing tool or resource, or a newsletter. Your free gift should be free, but something of value and interest. It is a thank you gift for visiting your site.

Set up your auto-responder to send out the free gift immediately. You now have a loyal subscriber. Your email messages should not be sales letters. Remember, you are developing a relationship. Some refer to this as relationship marketing, but I prefer to think of it as attraction marketing. Because I am the creator of my own reality, I can choose the type of people I wish to attract.

I like newsletters because you give good quality information, and always include a link or two under your signature line leading to your product or service. I am on hundreds of email lists, and the ones that continue to attempt to "sell" me on the product or service always fall flat. As a consumer, I want to know WHO I am doing business with BEFORE I consider making a purchase.

Remember that people join people, not products or companies, and that they do business with people that they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST. Now, think about how you can promote yourself so that your prospective customers and partners feel that they know you. It is one crucial step in building your network marketing business.

Of course you must actually be likeable and trustworthy because consumers are savvy. They know who is genuine and who is not. I govern my business on the principles of The Science of Getting Rich, which state that we must give more in real value than we take in cash value in all our transactions. Our product or service must enhance the life, or bring increase, to the customer.

The focus of my next article will be on that topic - being genuinely likeable and trustworthy. Like attracts like. This is a key principle in attraction marketing. You will attract people like yourself. Are you the kind of customer or partner that you want to attract?

Karen Weir is an internet marketing mentor. Affiliated with Mentors In Motion and a Certified Veretekk trainer, she is able to offer coaching and training in all facets of internet marketing. Governed by the principle of "No Networker Left Behind", and inspired by The Law of Attraction, this is a mentor who is dedicated to the success of her team.