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Saturday, May 24, 2008 

Secrets You Should Know To Rank High In SEO Optimization

You've probably created an awesome looking website, perhaps spent good money at it too. You may also have submitted this beautiful website to a few search engines and prayed and hoped that people would mysteriously show up at your side and buy whatever it is you were selling.

Well this may well be what many marketers did 10 years ago, but not anymore as you've probably found out by now, hopefully not through the hard way. This is the reality today and you might even know that to optimize your website around your main keywords helps you to rank well in thousands of search engines.

There are just too much to cover in this type of optimization but for interest of space and your time in deciphering what I have to impart to you, I will share with you some good tips and focus only on some important aspects of on-page optimization and off-page optimization, which are essentially the two types of search engine optimization, that you can immediately practiced and benefit.

On-page refers to things you can do to your own website. Off-page refers to the things that happen to your website from other sites (usually referring to incoming links from other sites), and therefore you may not have much control over this if you don't have good knowledge or strategy.

On page optimization essentially refers to:

Header tags - use and placing specific keywords within those tags

Title tag - your title tag, should contain your main keyword in the title tags

Bolding, italicizing, underlining your keywords that are found anywhere in the body of the webpage.

One misconception people sometimes have is putting too many keywords in the Meta Tags. This may not help in SEO optimization at all. In fact it might even hurt you. Many people do not know that ideally the title tag should contain fewer than 100 characters while the keyword and description tags should contain fewer than 256 characters each. Most search engines will only consider data within these character ranges when indexing a web page.

On the contrary, some SEO experts even suggest combining your keywords in the page title. Combining keywords to cut down on the total number of keywords displayed in the title is a great way to boost the strength of each individual keyword. This will greatly have an immediate impact on your SEO ranking.

Having said all the good things about on-page optimization, and I agree that it is something every marketer really ought to do, you may still not see dramatic changes in the seo ranking. It's the off page optimization factors that will drive this eventual result.

It's for this reason that you should focus more on off-page optimization. While this is far more important of the two types of SEO optimization, it is also the harder of the two. Off page optimization basically consists of all off page ranking factors like:

Which websites and how many of them link to you

The Google page rank of the website linking to you

The page title of the website linking to you

The anchor text used in the link linking to you

The number and type of links linking to the website that's linking to you.

The number of outbound links on the website that is linking to you

The total number of links on the website that is linking to you

Whether or not the websites linking to you are deemed by Google as an authority website.

Link popularity and link development are related to off page optimization and there is just too much to go over in this article. What I can share with you here and it comes from many SEO experts too, is that getting links from webpages that contain your main keyword in the page title is extremely powerful and is something many people often overlook.

I hope that I leave you with some good seo tips which you can immediately use, and be convinced that SEO optimization, link development and keyword optimization are instrumental in bringing you free, natural and organic traffic to your website.

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