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Tuesday, May 20, 2008 

SEO Article Writing 102 - How to Write Your Own SEO Articles and Generate Free, Targeted Traffic

Article writing is not a casual undertaking. It would be erroneous to assume that effective, traffic-driving articles come cheap and easy. Yes, the Internet is flooded with content these days. However, with articles - like most of the elements of living - great ones are hard (and good) to find. There are three possibilities to consider:

You write and/or submit low-quality articles on given topics in a feeble attempt to generate web traffic. This will only lead to your quick demise. There are literally hundreds of millions of websites in cyberspace that have owners that want to be number one - or even number one hundred and one. Top web sites have fresh, accurate and stimulating content. Poor quality will never cut it, never.

You write and/or submit high-quality, thought-provoking and informative yet entertaining articles. This is a miracle of modern Internet marketing! This is a powerful tool; it can save you thousands of dollars on pay-per-click advertising campaigns. If you can write effective, informative and accurate articles, then you can achieve first-page natural rankings from major search engines like Google, Yahoo and MSN. This article will yield secret knowledge to allow you to do just that.

If you find it impossible to write, that's OK. Not everyone can write. Not everyone can draw a beautiful picture either. Perhaps you need to hire an article writer. There are many excellent freelance writers available online for your benefit. Enough said.

So, you want the secret knowledge, don't you? Here they are: Five protected secrets for writing your own highly-effective, traffic-driving and pre-selling masterpieces.

(1) You have to learn to write naturally - like you would speak to a friend. You are going to have chances to capitalize on the reputation that you can develop with your online readers. Your readers will learn to think of you as a faceless neighbor if you follow a few more simple (and secret) writing rules.

(2) Be honest. Do not ever claim to be an expert in something that you are not. Write about what you know. Everyone is an expert at something. What are you an expert at? In the beginning, take what you know like the back of your hand and write it down. Later, when you become a more confident writer, you can develop your research skills to become a full-fledged researcher/writer if you choose. It's good to make the rule to never publish garbage though.

(3) Have confidence. You know what you know better than any else possibly can. You may not have a formal education. You may not be a world-class linguist. One of the beautiful components of the Internet is its capacity to accommodate the whole world simultaneously. What you know does matter! It matters to a lot of people searching for information in cyberspace. Write what you know down with honest class and let it make you money!

(4) Practice regularly. Face this fact: At first, especially if you have never written or haven't in a long time, it is going to be a bit difficult. Ask yourself what there is that is worth doing that you do not have to give of yourself in order to become efficient at. The answer is clear. You have to practice. You have to do it every chance that you get. If you want to become a powerful writer, then prepare for a lot of work. (Please don't shoot the messenger!)

(5) Have fun. Realize that you are preparing a document that millions of people will possibly read. What do the masses want for? They want to enjoy their days. They want to be taught without condescension.They want to be valued for reading your work in the first place. You give them this value by following the above secrets - and you do it for the fun of it!

Get started. Go write something! Nobody can represent your knowledge, experiences, thoughts, ideas or fantasies better than you can. You are an expert! Sell yourself with articles and grow rich in finance and in spirit.

Alan M Roberts is a full time freelance writer and web developer. He is always available for consultation through his web site at http://www.10-4Life.com Visit him there often and find reasons to live!

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