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Monday, May 26, 2008 

SEO Tactics 2008

The internet world is again changing very fast and that always means that you have to be looking at your online business on a very aggressive schedule. Gone are the days when you can set and forget tactics. The internet business requires that you constantly evolve with the major players to make a living. In real terms this means adjusting your site on weekly monthly basis to adapt to the new strategies within the internet world.

This involves dropping the out of date methods of internet marketing and working with systems like social bookmarking and other tactics that allow you to obtain a method of getting your new site indexed and starting to attract traffic. Many sites provide the social networking scripts it's a good idea to use one that has the Yahoo icon as this can be used to bring the Yahoo search engine spider to your site.

The method is fairly straight forward. You have a Yahoo account. You create and upload your site and then click on the Yahoo icon which allows you to add your new site to your Yahoo page. When you have added this new page to your Yahoo account you can then go ahead and ping Yahoo and this brings their spider to your site it will then start to index your pages. With clever use of social networking tools the idea to add your site to as many as the social networking sites and then ping the page you can find a whole swarm of new visitors being attracted in this manner.

It is also possible to use other methods to attract new web site visitors. In the old days it was possible to send out an article to about 180 sites and watch it slowly bring in links, this system has been cut short in recent times by the search engines getting more efficient at identifying duplicate content on a website. A lot of early methods were to grab content from article sites and then throw some keywords into a RSS feed generator put AdSense and Kontera text ads in to it and sit back and take the money.

These days if you wish to embark on this behaviour you will find that most articles lose the power after a very quick time. The search engines will eventually also be able to spot articles that have been through generators that change words throughout the document.The search engines need to survive and they will only survive providing that they present the ordinary customer with the best result possible so if you intend to create Adsense scraping sites you should see that eventually the income will drop as the low quality sites will be removed or de indexed.

There is still a good living to be made on AdSense you just have to put in the effort that is required and example of which is to generate your own content that is long tail keyword related and build a site that does offer the user an answer that a user was looking for with them keywords. To this end there is still a vast amount of niches to exploit but you have to work harder for your money.

This year has seen the launch of quite a few major products in generating automated streams of income - most people who take these up will fail because at the time it all seems a good idea however the second a launch takes place, the search engines take action to eliminate the advantage. The real deal is to make your own content, targeted to specific keywords and build links of quality that is closely related to your niche.

This year will see a lot of difference in the tactics of search engines and a greater amount of quality websites being indexed and a large amount of scraper sites biting the dust. Websites are a long hard tactical ever changing business but the bottom line is quality will show through in the end. If you are in it for the fast buck then look somewhere else.

2007 Andy Bolton 39 Liverpool

Social Networking