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Wednesday, May 14, 2008 

Start To Advertise Your Business For Free With Article Marketing

Article writing and publishing is the best method to build quality incoming links to your site and to acquire a stream of free, targeted traffic. Article writing is one of those fail proof ways that you can earn a living online. Article writing is a really good way of generating targeted traffic to your web site. It is is one of the best techniques to use to obtain free search listings within Google, Yahoo! and other search engines.

Start by writing your first article and take that one article and...

* Post it on your blog.

* Submit it to ezinearticles.com or other ezines or free article directories with a link back to your squeeze page.

* Post the article on a forum for forum marketing.

Article marketing is not a waste of time for sure! Actually I think that it is the best marketing method for most of the websites. Not forgetting to mention that a good written article with the right keyword density, will bring tons of targeted traffic to a site.

Article marketing has to be the easiest and simplest way there is that also has the greatest potential power. And do not forget, this a free method of online marketing compared to the costly pay per click method.

By submitting the article to these sites you are adopting their search engine ranking, meaning that you can get listed on the first page of the results in a matter of days. This is something that could take months if you tried to optimize a website for search engines.

Start today by submitting your articles to http://www.articlesfresh.co.uk