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Monday, May 5, 2008 

Tips for Writing and Marketing Your Article

Article marketing and doing business on the internet is one of the most effective ways of spreading the word about your product or company. From selling affiliate products to advertising services as a tax consultant, writing and marketing informative articles is the absolute best way to increase both traffic to your site and, of course, your sales margin.

The following useful tips will help you be on your way to spreading the word about your business or product, and also give yourself a distinct edge over the numerous competition.

Consider Your Audience

Marketing your articles requires a bit of planning first, beginning with taking into consideration who your audience is and what type of voice or tone will appeal to them most. A casual, conversational voice is appropriate for websites targeting parents looking for childcare related products, while a more fact-oriented, business-like tone would be more effective for a site geared toward someone interested in purchasing stocks or investments.

Research and Fact Checking

Regardless of to whom you are trying to appeal, it's imperative to get your facts straight. Take the time to do the research needed to produce an article that keeps people interested, and also assured that what they're getting is information they can fully rely upon. This doesn't mean you have to spend the next week in the library poring through material to create one 500-word piece about your affiliate product, but it does mean you should back up your article with statistics or some type of study that proves what you're saying is truthful.

Stay Focused

Both the casual reader and the average fact seeker are looking for accurate content they can quickly ingest without weeding through useless ramblings having nothing to do with what brought them to the article in the first place. While some background information on the subject at hand is perfectly acceptable, and actually necessary, it's important to be concise with your articles, keeping everything related to what you're marketing.

Shorter paragraphs and subheadings or outlines will also make it easer for the reader to digest the content of your article, scanning it for the information they're looking for and, hopefully, leading them to your website.

Offer Something Useful

When marketing your article, there's a fine line between an informative piece and a sales pitch. Although you are in fact trying to drive traffic to your site and purchase your product or service that you know is the best, you want to do so in such a way that it doesn't actually sound like an infomercial.

If you're merely looking for a simple advertisement instead of providing useful information while increasing sales at the same time, save yourself the trouble and purchase a banner ad, which can be placed on a site with a link back to your own, rather than submitting articles that may end up being rejected by article directories for being too sales-oriented.

Keeping the word "article" in mind, rather than "advertisement," will also offer a bit of reassurance that your own articles will be accepted by whatever type of article marketing directory you choose.

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