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Tuesday, June 3, 2008 

Google SEO Link Building for Higher Search Engine Ranking

You may have asked the question, "How can I improve my site's ranking in Google?"

Well, here is the answer from the Google Webmaster Help Center:

"In general, webmasters can improve the rank of their sites by increasing the number of high-quality sites that link to their pages."

By using a systematic approach, you'll have sites linking to you in no time.

Lets call our approach "FARMing" for links and break it down in steps...

F for Find

In the Google search box, type in the keyword you want to improve your rank on and with the sites that show up on the top ten, find out who links to them by using the "link:" (without quotes) command before their URLs. Each of these sites can be your potential link partners. With this list of sites, you can take the next step

A for Analyze

Evaluate the quality of the sites you found in the previous step. See if their topic is similar to yours. Find out if their Alexa ranking suggests it can deliver traffic. If getting Page Rank from your link is important, look for sites that don't have too many competing outbound links. Scan their page for any keyword phrases you are targeting. If everything looks good, go to the next step

R for Request

Place their link on your link page first and then send a well-written email asking each webmaster if they would like to exchange links. It's easier to get a link from a site that already has a link page or provides a web form to fill in your website information.

M for Monitor

Once you get your links on other sites, you need to make sure they stay there. Some sites change owners, so every once in awhile check that the content is still similar to your own site. Other times sites shutdown and you need to remove those dead links from your own link page.

Having your links on high-quality sites are free and "permanent." Usually webmasters will leave your link alone after they have added it to their link page. You will continue to receive traffic from those links years later. Therefore, finding sites for a link exchange following the steps in the FARM approach is a good investment for your time and effort.

Copyright 2007 by Leroy Chan

Rank higher in Google using the seo software that automates finding high-quality link partners, sends them requests, generates link pages and monitors backlinks. Visit http://www.internetmarketingview.com/seo/seo-software/ for details.