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Sunday, June 8, 2008 

Secret Internet Marketing Tactic Lets You Dominate The Search Engines

If you want to get a LOT more Internet traffic than you are now, without having to do a lot of complicated key word and SEO tricks, then this article will show you how.

Listen to this:

The key to getting a lot of traffic to your website...is audio.


Because search engines are now starting to pick up what is called ID3 tags.

What are ID3 tags?

Well, you know how when you put a CD in your CD Rom, or if you have a car CD player, and you put it in there and you see the little title of what youre putting in there flash across?

Thats an ID3 tag. Theres code embedded in the actual mp3 file, and also when people download digital files onto an iPod.

This allows people to sort their music by title, artist and other criteria.

And, when you have an mp3 file up on your website, the search engines start picking it up that information like they do HTML text.

So, imagine if you have twenty or thirty audio recordings on your site, and youve got millions of people searching for whatever it is you sell.

By using audio, in addition to your regular web page content you have now, you have an extra "layer" of content being picked up by the search engines at the same time.

And by having those ID3 tags, and the keywords within, its going to be easier to dominate your market because the websites cant search the actual audio portion.

All they can go by is whats on the ID3 tags on your files. This is the strategy I do with my own websites with phenomenal results. And it will work for you, too.

The whole key to this is to simply get that audio content up there on your site with the ID3 tags and then let the search engines do the rest.

Michael Senoff is a sought-after Internet marketer, interviewer and business coach with more than 50,000 students on four continents. For a limited time he is giving away free over 120 hours of in-depth audio interviews with some of the richest and most successful marketers, copywriters and business experts in the world at his famous website http://hardtofindseminars.com.