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Sunday, June 15, 2008 

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

On a lark, based upon a recommendation from a cohort, I checked into an unusual keyword phrase.; Consider Our SEO Services First. I was blown away at what I found. First I opened up Google and enter the phrase in quotes and it returned 24 sites. Not only that, but it appears that it has been requested 1,229 times a month as reported by Overture!

Whoa Baby! What is up with that?

So rather than rationalize the reasons, I created my own web page to fill that potential need. Hey! I even optimized it. You got it. The keyword phrase is in my filename, Title, H1 tag, content and even in the ALT text of the single image. I even sprinkled the phrase in my site description. I almost forgot, I created a couple of links too.

Now why would I do this? To prove a theory or bust one that Search Engine Optimization or SEO is extremely important to businesses. Even the Mom and Pop shops out there could benefit from a test like this.

We live in a very competitive world now so if you want a website that is going to earn you money then you need SEO. No you must utilize SEO in some form or fashion. If you do not then someone else is going to come along and pass you by.

I wanted to share this with everyone just to prove that you can turn a simple mundane keyword phrase into a potential avenue for profit. Think about the other non-performing web pages on your site like the About Us page. Most of these kinds of pages give a history of the company or persons. Well, this could be the last Sales pitch you have in front of the visitor.

One thing for sure, I will now have a different perspective for all of my web pages. We should not have web ages on our sites just because some other site has them. Be inventive think outside the box. Transform an obscure page and get it to the first page of Google! ;)

Copyright (c) 2007 Buddy Shearer

Buddy Shearer is not a sought-after Internet marketer but rather a regular guy trying to make a living. He can be found building up his business so visitors can Consider Our SEO Services First and other useful information.

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