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Thursday, June 19, 2008 

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

As a marketer, I have tried just about every type of marketing strategy available online (although I am guilty of keeping my ears out for innovative tips).

One key promotional tactic that I have used for over 5 years now would be - writing articles. I strongly encourage those with websites to try sitting down and pick a topic in their niche and write what they know about it.

You'll be amaze at how many times you will say to yourself boy that wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. And you are right. I'm also going to state for the record that using PLR articles in the right way can be beneficial as well.

But let's get back to writing good articles that get read. Here's a question for you: Why should you write articles? And if you are already writing articles on a regular basis, the question should be, why are you writing articles anyway?

Why Are You Writing Articles Anyway?

When you get down to basics, articles should be written to inform people that you have something of value to read. It doesn't matter if you send your article to 600 directories and publishers, what good is it if they all turn you down?

Think about it. For your article to get noticed, it has to be read, right? And for it to be read, it has to be good in the sense that it's interesting, valuable or gives a solution to a problem someone currently has.

The next step is realizing the purpose of your article which is very important. What do you want? Do you want leads? Are you trying to optimize your website? Do you want to brand your name or web page name?

These are things you need to consider before writing your article. It's nice to think you'll get hundreds of links back to your website but will it really happen if you're writing or content stinks?

And you want to take special precautions if you're looking to brand yourself because to do this, you'll need to come across as an expert in your field of work or niche. So, make sure you know what you're talking about.

What Do Search Engines and Publishers Have In Common?

And when you think about it, search engines are not so different from publishers. How? Well, they both are looking for good, quality content to show their readers.

Don't fool yourself. There's big competition out there. They do not lack content since alot of people write. What they at times lack is quality content.

How can you take advantage of this problem and beat your competition hands down? Write with the reader in mind.

Write with the goal of helping them solve a problem that you perhaps had. Yes, writing from your own experiences can show the reader they're not alone out there. You can also share ideas and tips from other experts you respect.

Remember, the more people that actually read your articles, the better chance of them seeing your resource box at the bottom which if written properly, will grab their attention enough to get them to your website.

That should be your goal. Then and only then can you win their trust and eventually sell them on whatever you are marketing. By doing this, you're articles accomplish their goal and you'll gain wide exposure as an expert author.

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