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Thursday, August 28, 2008 

How To Use SEO And The Free Click Formula To Generate Massive Traffic To Your Web Site

Many People feel that the road to making money online is the thru Google Adwords. Fortunately for those of us on a shoe string budget, pay-per-click or Google Adwords is not the only way. By linking to other web sites, using the free click formula to get high ranking on search engines, and keeping up with ever changing internet trends, you can get the web traffic that you want without paying for it.

Ethical S.E.O

A large number of people get the wrong idea about S.E.O or search engine optimization is about. But in reality Search Engine Optimization when done correctly and ethically can add value to an web site by using keywords in accordance with search engines guidelines that will an able the web site to get high ranking on search engines. While some people have given it a bad name by abusing the system and producing keyword stuffed articles that are not meant to benefit a reader. Because of this, people get the wrong idea about S.E.O or search engine optimization.

Traffic Thru Articles

When people think web site content, they think about S.E.O articles. S.E.O strategies can also be implemented in blogs, reports, and white papers. With these strategies you can tailor the approach to meet the needs of your readers. If your marketing to a young audience with news of the entertainment industry, you may want to stick with articles.

Traffic Thru Blogs

If you provide technical information to a professional audience, blogs are very helpful for constant updates so that you can keep your website fresh and increase your website traffic with repeated visitors over time.

Traffic Thru Linking and Link baiting

Website link baiting is practice that is gaining popularity every day. By staying alert and using a current event to get attention to your site you can attract links to your website. Some people use a current event based on something in the news that people are searching for. Other websites will link to you if you have something unique to say.

Traffic Thru Contrary Hooks, Resource Hooks and humor Hooks

You can also use contrary hooks to attract links to your website; by taking a contrary stance on a popular topic you give your readers a different point of view. There is also resource hook; a resource hook provides valuable information to your readers. Finally, the humor hook can captive your audience, we all seen something on the internet gain an huge amount of attention simply because it was funny. Being creative in your linking building experience will only make link building easier. These are some of the strategies you can use to get link to your website there are many more strategies you can use and all of them are worth learning about.

Reciprocating links

Other method of gaining links to your site includes reciprocating links. Reciprocating links is an agreement between with other websites owners or webmaster to post each others links, and content posting. By posting articles to articles other good content on someone elses' site, you are gaining an opportunity to link back to your own site.

If you have a huge budget that can handle the up and down of Google Adwords, go ahead give it a try, but remember that there are other ways to generate traffic to your web site, while creating a quality web site you can be proud of using The "Free Click Formula" found in Google Snatch.

Don't think that you have to use Google Adwords to generate web traffic. There are other great ways to increase internet traffic to your site using the free click formula. check out Google Snatch review at http://www.greatdeals-now.com