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Friday, May 23, 2008 

Agel Marketing Tips - Build Your Agel Business Fast, Even If You're On A Budget

When marketing your Agel business, it can get very expensive. Whether you're buying samples, leads, brochures, DVDs, or other marketing materials, at some point, you'll begin to spend more money than you're making. You'll spend hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars, and only bring in maybe one person. That's not how it's suppose to be. So, what I'm going to do is share with you how to build you're Agel business fast, even if you're on a tight budget.

Agel Marketing Tips #1: The internet, without question, is a powerful tool. It will take an average person sponsoring maybe 1 or 2 people a month and boom that to 13, maybe 14 people a week. Can this happen to you? You betcha! One way to achieve those type of results is through video marketing (Example: YouTube.com). It's simple. And free to use. You can drive tons of traffic to your site. And even better, you can start adding people into your business, just as soon as you have your video up and running.

Let me break down how this works for you. Remember how it felt when you saw the "top dog" of your Agel business up on stage. He demonstrated leadership. And people put all of their trust in him. It seemed like he was attracting people to him. Well, this is how video marketing will work for you and your business. People will see your videos and automatically be drown in to you.

And from time to time, you'll be able to attract some "heavy hitters" into your Agel business. They will bring hundreds of people with them into your business. This will help build your Agel business fast, even if you're on a budget.

Agel Marketing Tips #2: Another free and cool way to build your Agel business fast, even if you're on a budget is to use blogs. You can pick up a blog for free at blogger.com. Blogs will definitely drive hundreds, maybe thousands of people to your site.

When you set up your blog, you should focus on a few things. First, you should include information that's beneficial to your ready. You could talk about how the benefits of your product will help them. Or you could focus on the business side of Agel. This will help people make a decision based on what they want. This will allow you to attract people who are serious about growing a business.

Agel Marketing Tips #3: If you've added at least 1 person into your Agel business, you know the struggle it takes to get your downline growing their Agel business. Well, with the tools I've showed you today, you can show your downline what to do and how to do it. This will eliminate the struggle it takes to grow your business. You can show your new distributors how to get started, and this will give them a chance to start adding people into their Agel business the very first week.

Use these tools and techniques to grow your Agel business fast, even if you're on a budget. These marketing tips will have you growing your Agel business, starting today.

For more information and other secrets on growing your Agel business on a budget, visit:
