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Saturday, May 17, 2008 

Article Marketing - Article Marketing Tips for Newbies

Article marketing is one of the absolute basics of internet marketing. Having articles all over the internet is a marketing method which enables you to invest some time and effort right now and reap the benefits for years to come. This article will explore some of the advantages of article marketing and its subtleties in order to help internet marketers to use it to their best advantage.

Anyone who's been doing internet marketing for a while knows that writing articles is imperative to the success of one's online campaigns. Having articles in various article directories is a great way of providing links back to your site, thus building your site's popularity. When a page has many links back to it it helps to attain good positioning in the search engines. An article directory which has a high page rank is the best place to submit articles to as this helps to boost your page's rank.

Bear in mind that people take articles they enjoy and publish them in their ezines and on their websites, further providing you, the author, with more back links and publicity.

When you have articles of your own posted in article directories you can slowly establish your name as an expert in your niche. People will be more apt to trust your recommendations.

Although it may be tempting to write a bunch of articles in one day and submit them to a few directories, exercise caution with this. Why is that? Because Google is quite sensitive about a sudden surge in traffic to a link. Although we would all love a sudden surge in traffic, it may cause Google to de-index your site in order to look in to the reason for the sudden popularity of your site. It's better to submit articles every couple of days.

In the process of article marketing, don't submit an article that is already on your own website. It may be considered duplicate content and you don't want that! Google would consider the site which is higher ranking to be the originator of the article (the article directory) and your site's page rank may suffer.

Don't submit PLR articles without making changes!! There is so much PLR available today (free and otherwise) and it is very tempting to just grab it and use it. Don't do it. The purpose of these articles is to provide you with a basis for an article. Read it and rewrite it in your own words. Duplicate articles could be rejected by the article directories and the directories may just decide to ban your account.

Try to use good keywords in your article's title and also in the beginning of the first paragraph. Sprinkle your chosen keyword all over the article as well.

Most article directories allow you to use hyperlinks. For sophisticated and efficient article marketing try to use anchor text that relates to the keywords you are targeting. This will help you attain a better position in the SERP's (search engine result pages). If you are targeting the word "gardening tips" make sure to hyperlink to your website from each mention of the term in your article. This will help your gardening site be higher in the search results for the term "gardening tips".

Try to remember that people will be reading your article. Make it readable for them and don't just concentrate on the density of your keywords. If people don't enjoy reading the article, they won't bother reaching the end of it, which is where you will lead them to your site from the ever-important resource box!

In summary, article marketing is a very important, even critical, element of internet marketing. Every internet marketer should be making the effort to become proficient in article marketing and learning how to write decent quality articles in as little time as possible. It will bring in terrific long term results.

Happy writing!

Dena Gottlieb is an Internet Marketer who can help you get started on your affiliate marketing career. For more information about getting your internet business off the ground go to http://beginners-make-money-on-internet.blogspot.com or http://www.denagottlieb.com/SqueezePage/