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Friday, May 16, 2008 

Branding Your Own Name As An Internet Marketer

Many people get online with dreams of making vast sums of money only to hide behind an alias of some kind.

Lets explore the reasons why new people online do that and then I will give you a few reasons why I think you will be better off using your real identity.

Like many people when I first started playing with the idea of becoming an internet marketer, I joined a few internet marketing forums to learn more about the different ways people make profits online.

When I first joined forums I didn't have much confidence that the opinions I was expressing made sense. So I used a silly alias.

You know the type of silly nickname I mean "fast cat", "crazy butcher", "money maker" etc.

In hindsight all the posts that I made under an alias were a wasted opportunity, so let me give you three reasons you should always use your real name or your business name as you build your profile: -

The first reason is that most people in the community can pick a "newbie" from a mile away. So don't try and fake it because it will not be impressive. If you are real and honest about your level of experience other people in the forums will help you and your knowledge will grow quickly.

The second reason I would site as a good reason to use your real name is that two years down the track when you have your own products in the market place and you are an expert in a particular niche your footsteps online will look real and you can actually track and prove what you have learned.

The third and most important reason to be real is that the steps you take online are in cement not sand. In other words, everything you do online can be looked at with just a few searches.

The website that I feature at the bottom of this article is an example of how I brand my business name, you may wish to take a look at it.

Paul Ritchie Ingersole is the C.E.O of Paul Ritchie Advertising from Sydney Australia.

Paul like to give away great FREE software to people who join his list to learn about online wealth creation.
