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Wednesday, May 21, 2008 

Getting Traffic to Your Squeeze Page- Part 3, Articles and What Happens Next?

I have written articles about writing articles in the past, but not about what you do with them, once they're written. OK, so let's go into that now...

After you've finished your article, you need to re-write it, paragraph by paragraph. So, you'll look at paragraph one in article one and think about what it says. Write a paragraph that means the same thing with different words. Here's an example:

Why do people say that list building is the most important thing an Internet Marketer needs to do? Well, without a list, there's not much money to be made. You have to train your list to realize that you're someone who can be trusted to recommend quality products to them, products that work and that you've tried yourself. When they know that, they'll be more likely to buy things from you.
OK, now, let's rewrite that whole paragraph:

If you don't have a list, you won't succeed in Internet Marketing. That's it. You need to build a group of people who like your messages. They have to trust you. And, they have to know that you've already tried whatever you want to sell them and think it's great!
Doesn't the second paragraph say pretty much the same thing as the first? The words are different, but the concept is the same: Internet marketers won't succeed without building trust with a list. Now, take the next paragraph and do the same thing. Rewrite it completely. Then, move to the third paragraph and so on. If you use vertical tiling of your windows, you'll be able to look at all three versions at the same time. Then, when you've finished, do it again. Rewrite the whole article again.

Why is that important?

Easy. Search engines hate duplicate or "dupe" content. Don't put the same article on your site or blog that you distribute. It's just tons of duplicate content flooding the Web. Search engines want the best search possible for their clients. If they put up a whole page of one article, people won't like it. So, only one site gets credit for each article, and it won't necessarily be you. You want the link in your resource box to be pointing back to your list building page, giving it help with page rank, all the time.

Rewriting your article twice is a good way to get around the dupe content issue. Put one article version on your blog or website, give one version to Ezine Articles or another high-traffic site and let the third version go to a distribution site, like iSnare. That way, you'll be sure to get the maximum benefit from writing and rewriting just one article.

Any article you have in distribution, though the search engines may not count it, will still provide free traffic to your list building page. That's why it's important to do it this way. You'll get credit for the article on your site. Credit for a link back from the high-traffic article directory, and maybe one back from the distributed article or more. It takes a bit for the search engines to filter out the duplicate stuff. Plus, you can turn your three articles into many, many more by mixing paragraphs from the three versions.

However, there will be a threshold. You can only mix and match so much. One way to find your dupe content ratio is by going to DupeCop.com. Be sure that any article you use for distribution is at least 35% different from other articles you've submitted, and you'll have more links pointing back to your site.

The whole idea is to get maximum mileage out of your idea. Some people have trouble coming up with them, and rewriting is a good way to have new material with the same idea. It's much easier than coming up with a whole new idea and starting all over again. Make your articles as useful as they can possibly be.

In our next article in this series, we'll discuss podcasting. Stay tuned!

Tellman Knudson, CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., is a master list builder and well-known for his first project, List Crusade. Tellman teaches you his system for explosive list building at MyFirstList.com. Tellman also teaches how to drive free traffic to your squeeze page to make the system complete.