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Saturday, May 24, 2008 

How To Do Keyword Research

Doing proper keyword research is very important. It is your first vital step for building your online business.

What people are searching for? You can find out what people want on the internet by looking at the most commonly used keywords they type into the search engines

Why Do Keyword Research?

The reason for doing keyword research is that you can find out exactly what people are already searching for online.

Before you create a product, you should make sure that people are interested in your subject online. Otherwise, you can hardly sell your product as there will have no market on it. You don't want to spend all your hard work and money developing a product that no one is looking for!

I know it! I've be been there! I have done it! And I don't want to do it again!

Therefore we have to produce products, articles or blog posts that people are already looking for and interested in. Always start doing keyword research for ideas to find out what people are already interested in online.

How To Do Keyword Research?

To do your keyword research, you should look for "Long tail Search results". Let me explain the meaning of it. Long tail search results mean 3 or 4 keyword phrases that generate majority of the search results.

For example, "internet marketing" is a pretty competitive term. It is not easy to get high ranking for the term "internet marketing" for a website in search engines. That means you have to put a lot of efforts to optimize the phrase "internet marketing" for search engines. You have to get a lot of incoming links to your sites that use the words internet marketing. It is not that easy.

Why not choose long tail keyword phrases? These phrases are with less competition for search engine optimization. The phrase "internet niche marketing software" is a good example. It is much easier for a website to get a high ranking for this term "internet niche marketing software" in search engine than for the term "internet marketing".

Try to come up with 10, 20 or even 100 long tail keyword phrases related to internet marketing and optimize the site for those terms. You can definitely generate more traffic to your site by just focusing on less competitive terms.

Where To Find Long tail Keyword Phrases?

Here are a few places you can do your keyword research and find long tail word phrases for free.

SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool:


Wordtracker Free Keywords


Google AdWords Keyword Suggestion Tool


Remember to keep your keyword research in a document so you can refer back to it for product creation ideas, what to write for articles, what to write for your blog posts, and more.

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