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Monday, May 26, 2008 

Secret is Out - How Google Ranks Websites

All the secrets and information is about to be unleashed. The mystery is over and the secrets are open to showing you how your website is ranked through Google

Links have always played a significance in determining sites value. Links pointing towards your site help evaluate the value of a document. The more links pointing towards something of significance is shown as a greater value. Though, search engines continue to add some additional standards to always keep ahead of the game.

In the precise years, the amount of incoming traffic or links have reached higher results, but a additional twist has been rather or not the incoming traffic is quality and benefit searchers. This kind of action was becoming very popular, with a lot of black hat seo tricks which made it harder for searchers to find what they were looking for. And the end result was poor quality for search engines.

Due to this kind of action, a trend of long lastly domain names and sites playing more of a factor in quality and links. Search engines have picked up on this idea, and are starting to track the age of a not only a domain, but always so what content the site holds. This factor is stop the idea of building a website one day, and the next day to have hundreds of links the next. Search Engines are looking for more natural link building instead of automatic computer generated links.

The idea of age with the mix of lasting good quality history of content and links are helping fight against the spam sites. Spam sites can be built in seconds with hundreds of links, and could be up and running fine one day and the next day they are completely gone. The less life or age of a site that has been up and running on the Internet is not very interesting to the search engines these days.

Search engines are monitoring how long the site has been up and running, the quality of good content, is it helping people information that they are looking for, and the process of adding valued links. Over time and as your website grows you will also want to continue building different titles for your links.

Over time search engines will frown upon the same old text in a link. The idea behind this is the fact that no no is actually adding or changing new titled links. For example, hotel rooms is repeated over and over, and is not changed over time this will decrease. Search engines are looking for the new and fresh content, so the idea of changing titles or link anchors is highly recommended through the years. Ideally, it's suggested to add keywords and keyword titles in your link anchors using some of the 5 -7 keywords. This helps keep clean, focused traffic and ranking.

So for the keyword hotel rooms we could add other keyword titles such as: * cheap hotels
* discount hotels
* hotel reservations
* hotel rates
* hotel deals

This helps keep things focused on hotels and hotel rooms while adding a great mix of different keyword titles. To be successful these days and at the top of search engines you must stop thinking today of instant links, link spam, and creating instant traffic and start thinking long term slow building process.

Major Roles are Still Niche of Keywords

The placing of keywords through out quality content is the best way to go. Picking the proper keywords to be placed on your pages, links, and tags are still a very vital play in your websites success. Again, freshness is mostly what search engines update so with this in mind continue to check and change keywords throughout your site. It has been suggested by several search engines that 5% to 7% keyword density per page. Also, don't get to many keywords per page, it's all about targeting and focus one or two similar keywords.

Continue to Update Regularly

The question here is when was that last time your site has been updated or changed? If the answer is over a month than you have your work cut of for you. The original idea again is long term process, so it's not making site with all this content from the start and just letting it sit and do nothing. It's slowly adding and building information over time.

The search engines are looking for a website that is fresh and that will stay fresh. So for example you update your site with 20 new pages at the beginning of every month, but don't touch until next month. This type of behavior is picked up by the search engines and may not be keep your site stable. Though, where a site is adding content on a weekly or daily and is keeping content steadily coming this could be seen by search engines as stable. Slow and steady wins over the search engines.

Experts have stated in the past that trying new keywords or updated content goes a lot farther than hit or miss changes to your website. Put yourself in a Internet user, do you continue to visit the page that never changes are you visiting the sites that update with news, information, and etc. Which one do you feel is more appealing to visitors and search engines? Though, the idea of updating and changing your old pages makes it fleshing to your visitors.

Now don't get us wrong and go changing all your old out dated website pages. While your website is drawing pretty good traffic and continues to increase that's a great sign that your doing the right thing. What's not broke don't fix it. Though, if you have notices this page or that page slow decreasing than it might be time to do some keyword adjusting or a fresh update.

Domain Age

This is a new and fresh idea that domain age is becoming more appealing to search engines. The idea is coming from long, quality, process of building a great site.

Search engines are looking and liking more and more consistency even in the domain name. With this suggest don't be completely afraid to change your websites domain name. Though note that this is a new factor that search engines are going to be looking for more. Also, look into special rates of long term domain registration, and this could save you some money as well. Lastly, note that changing hosting has no effort on any search engine ranking or anything.

Word Press Tip

Here are two easy and piratical ways of building quality links while using word press.

1.) Link to Me Text box plug in - this is a simple word press plug in which gives visitors the option to link to your website, this is a great way to get you more links and even higher ranking in the search engines.

2.) Setup Links Manager so that your blog roll links will change. That's right, this is a simple step to take in adding uniqueness to your blogs. Adding these two features on your word press blog will continue to build that process towards link building that the search engines are looking for.


CTR or click through rate, plays another aspect of what search engines record and add into the overall ranking of your website. To fully understand CTR is number of times visitors actually click through to your website. This type of information or the CTR helps determine how you come to visit the website. Meaning did the current visitor type in a keyword from a search engine and than click to your website, or was it from a link from another site, or etc. Also, CTR is always looking for new and fresh content and what is being visited the most.

Visitors Behavior, Traffic Record, and YourselfVisitors coming back around or not are always checked. Search engines are always checking how much time is spent on your website, where did your visitors come from, are your visitors clicking through sites or ads, and bookmarking your site. Along with what popular searches or keywords are your visitors typing in to come to your website.

Traffic is recorded telling search engines which websites and pages are drawing your visitors.

But yourself also plays a key role in determining how successful your website will be towards the search engines. For examples, does the site information match up to the information that you added on the domain registration? The geographic of our site could help your focus target.

Have you ever had or checked into making sure your IP host address is safe and not being shared with any slammers. That's right, more more slammers are coming along and if they happen to be on your IP host address this could penalize your site as well.

Looking professional is a must in aspects of spelling, grammar, organization, and good solid code or CSS design are all a must for success.

What's Hot and What's Not

Search Engines are becoming smarter and smarter, and now even following what's hot and what's not in our culture, our searches, and etc. Such as, What's Hot right now is "American Idol" and yes still "Sanjaya", or it's now currently the NBA playoffs. Though these are only fads or trends in our culture. So if your website is dealing with spring or summer fads or treads, note that come winter your site could be a little slower. Yet, incorporating keywords that will add quality to your site, and are of trend or fad could add popularity and character to your website, but just don't over do it and keep them up to date with current trends.

AUTHOR: Romio Abboud

home based business opportunity