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Thursday, May 15, 2008 

What Is Free Internet Advertising And Where Do You Find It?

One of the first things you are faced with when you start your own business at home is how are you going to promote it. If you have a website then you need to get visitors to it. Depending on your budget, you may not have a lot of money when you first start out. In this article we want to talk about free Internet advertising that you can use to get traffic for your new business website.

The first thing to understand about marketing on the Internet is that if you do not have to have money to drive traffic to your website you're going to have to make up for that by investing time. This is one of the great things about the Internet, however. Anybody regardless of their present income status can start their own business at home and make it profitable by doing just a few different types of free advertising methods.

When we talk about getting traffic to a website we're talking about a visitor and a potential paying customer. Once they are on your site they can make a purchase therefore earning you a commission on that sale. So it only stands to reason that the more visitors that you have coming to your site the more opportunities you have to make a sale.

One effective method that has worked over the years and is continuing to work is known as article marketing. With article marketing you choose targeted keywords and write articles around those words. Your articles are published online after you submit them to various article directories.

The way that this can benefit you is when you write a quality article, at the end of the article you're allowed to create a bio box. This resource box is a short classified ad promoting yourself, your website and your new business. You're allowed to list your website address, and when people click on that they are taken to your website.

For article marketing to work you need to write a lot of articles and get those submitted to as many quality article directories as possible. If you don't have money to pay to use a submission service then you're going to have to manually enter those articles 1 at a time. This brings us back to what we talked about earlier, in terms of investing more time you do not have to have money to spend promoting.

Your goal with article marketing is to get your website address on as many potential pages as possible. This is known as getting a link back to your website or a back link. Another free Internet marketing method is to get back links. You need to get as many back links pointing back to your website is possible.

You can do this through free classified ads, forum marketing, blogging, social networking, and anything you can think of that allows you to get your website address on somebody else's website.

This summarizes free Internet advertising. You are going to have to be creative and you're going to be ambitious, but the more backlinks pointing to your site the more potential traffic you will have. The good news is when you start your own business at home the internet can help you promote it inexpensively.

William Hutchinson invites you to visit his affiliate marketing information website for the top affiliate marketing programs. If you need help to start your own business at home or help to grow your current business please visit his website here now: ----> http://www.hutchesaffiliatemarketing.com