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Sunday, June 8, 2008 

Articles For Content And Visibility

Articles, checking out my definition, are informative pieces of writing, usually relatively short, that conveys an idea or concept in a beneficial, appealing and/or entertaining manner. But what do you need articles for, you are an online marketer who wants to make as much profit as conceivable, right?!

It is perhaps stating the obvious, but you can ask just about any netrepreneur who have seen the secrets of generating repeat visitors to their website, and they will tell you it's all about content (that is CON-tent as in what is actually present inside, not con-TENT which implies something else utterly). As a consequence, what consumers like about a site is the stuff it has to offer them that has some substance about whatever subject they are intrigued by.

Articles are the meat of a majority of websites. They are what makes visitors stay on your sites and literally the stuff search engine spiders are looking for. Both these functions are equally imperative - without one of them, you simply won't have the other either. Having nice looking graphics and images can indeed be attractive to some visitors, but then again everyday surfers go elsewhere if your site is too slow to load. Another problem is that search engines prevalently find nothing to write home about in pictures, and don't score them as highly as article based websites.

Once your website has content, you're on the road to visibility. By offering your visitors something of value, you not only increase the chance that they'll come back, but similarly that they will tell friends about your site - this being an example of the much hyped up "viral marketing" maneuver. Similarly, search engines grant extra weight to websites with information as well as those that are frequently revisited.

At the end of the day there's no way around it: you can find millions of websites out there in cyberspace. You desire visibility to get visitors. And the more visitors you possess, the more sales you'll make.

Although it is clear that your website need to have text based content on it for matchless Seo, you must pay attention to the details of how you go about generating this content. There are good ways to do it and we have bad ways. A few ways may even give you results that take you further from your ambition. this has been an introductory article on the theme - in coming articles I intend to dig deeper into the art of utilizing articles as an online marketing procedure.

About the author:
Michael Hawkins is an experienced online article marketer. Read more of his articles on writing or take a look at his free article marketing guide now available, revealing the three simple steps to using articles as a promotion tool.