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Wednesday, May 21, 2008 

The Graciousness Of Internet Marketing Superstars

For the last two years, I've been the proud owner of a successful internet marketing website. Technically, it's an article directory, although I consider it much more than that.

But before I even built my website, I developed my USP in my mind.

What's a USP?

USP is an acronym of the model used to differentiate or distinguish yourself from your competitors:

U="Unique" S="Selling" P-"Proposition" (Unique Selling Proposition).

In other words, it's what makes my article directory different from the thousands of other article directories on the Internet.

So, what's my USP?

Interviews, quality articles and Internet Marketing experts.

I will only accept quality articles written by professional Internet Marketing experts. I have a "zero tolerance" policy for poorly written or garbage articles.

I simply will not feature garbage articles on my site.

So, how am I able to maintain such strict quality control?

Simple. I personally read every article that's submitted, before it's approved and released into the system.

Fortunately, my website attracts talented writers and experts, so I rarely have to reject anyone's articles.

I also feature interviews of the expert authors on my website. I interview internet marketing experts, as well as individuals who are on their way to becoming experts.

When I decided author interviews were going to be an important feature of my website, I also decided I was going to approach internet marketing superstars, regardless of how famous or successful they were. And that's exactly what I did.

So, how did I do?

Well, as you can imagine, I got shot down a lot! I got rejected over and over again by big name marketers.

Did all of those rejections discourage me at all?

No. In fact, it had the exact opposite effect. All of those rejections actually fueled my fire. I became even more determined to succeed. I wanted to show everyone who had rejected me that I intended to become a major player.

And then one day it happened. A big name marketer consented to an interview. And then another consented and another! And before I knew what was happening, I was on my way!

But something else happened too. Not only did a lot of big name Internet Marketing superstars consent to an interview, they also validated me and gave me sincere words of encouragement.

I'm talking about people like Shelley Lowery, Jim Daniels, John Carlton, Clayton Makepeace, Chris Knight, Harvey Segal and many others.

These individuals have definitely helped to accelerate my career, and for that, I am truly grateful!

I also noticed a distinct parallel about the people I interview. Almost without exception, the higher they are on the success ladder, the more gracious and kind they are. These individuals clearly haven't forgotten where they came from.

And that's a lesson in life, we'd all be wise to remember!

Dale King is the owner of GuruKnowledge.org - The Ultimate Internet Marketing Resource!

If you're tired of all the money-making hype, lies and scams...read this! http://guruknowledge.org/pages/The-Super-Affiliate-Handbook