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Friday, May 16, 2008 

How To Find Topics for Article Marketing

If you do article marketing, or even if you're planning on including this in your arsenal, the most important word for you to memorize is...Quantity!

Notice, I didn't say quality. Quantity is the name of the game if you're using articles to drive traffic to either a normal web page or a squeeze page. Now, quality is an issue in one sense. You want to deliver meaningful content to your reader because he or she will decide to click through to your page based on your content. Also, your article is your first impression.

The reason you need to go from quantity instead of quality is because of the way the internet works.

Think about it: How are people going to find your article? Not by going to EzineArticles and sifting through all the articles. People are going to find your article through a search engine. So, the more articles you write, the more chances you have of being picked up on someone's search.

Article marketing is long tail marketing, par excellence.

Well, if the name of the game is quantity, then how do you find five or ten topics to write articles about every single day?

Some of my resources for topics include

  • previous articles on EzineArticles
  • the fifty or so internet marketing blogs I subscribe to
  • Internet marketing forums
  • and, Google searches about specific issues.

I write five to ten articles per day religiously. The way I do it is this.

Before I go to bed, I sit at the computer and make a list of ten headlines for articles to write the next day. If I need any inspiration, I go to the above named sources. But I don't go to bed until I have my ten headlines written down.

I lay my list by the computer so I can find it first thing tomorrow.

As I'm sleeping, I think my subconscious mind must be working on my articles for me-using the headlines as a guide-because ever since I started doing this, when I get up the next day, get my tea, and sit down at the computer, I notice that the articles seems to just flow out of me.

I basically sit down and write until I'm done.

To learn more about how to promote your website, download my free ebook: Five Steps to Web Profits!

Lee Cole is an successful internet marketer who can help you get your internet business up and running, and most importantly--profitable! To learn more, visit Lee's website!