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Tuesday, May 13, 2008 

Online Network Marketing - 5 Lies And Myths You Need To Know

Starting and maintaining a network marketing venture is not easy even if you are able to get 20 people in if you don't watch out they will be inactive. I am in network marketing so I am not here to discourage you against Networking but to warn you. There are few ideas floating around out there that could literally kill your business. I've identified 5 crucial myths that must be demystified if you really want to get the bottom of this business is all about and finally make it. Read This Article Carefully You may find a few false beliefs here that you've fallen victim to. Well it's not going to happen after you get through this information.

Myth #1: Success Will Come If You Just Call Enough People

They states it's a numbers game and if you just contact enough people you will be successful. In essence, this statement is true, but there is a HUGE error in it. Let me explain, true if you contact enough people you will find success, but let me tell you after calling well over 5,000 people and not having one person join your business it's not as easy as it sounds. First you have to have the MONEY to buy all those leads and TIME to call them. Most people and me included go through the school of hard knocks exausting all there money and time before finding any initial success. The fact of the matter you have to be real good at calling people to make money. Calling leads is NOT as duplicable as THEY say. What is duplicable is having a direct marketing system to do the selling for you. That's what works online.

Myth #2: Buying and Calling Leads Is The Only Way

When you first join a network marteting business you are going to need lead. Most of us ask our sponsor how to get your business growing and they inevitable answer by saying head over to X lead company get yourself some leads on monthly autoship and call them. You follow there advice and you do it. You Buy 500 leads a month for $200 a month and you start calling. Five months and $1000 down the road you've called your fair share of people and few if any have joined your business and you ask why it's not working. Then you go on to ask if this isn't working for me what happens when I do get a person in? Will they have to go through all that to find their first glimmer of success? You mind tells you yes. Then you ask how is this duplicable on a high level? The answer is it's NOT! The truth is if you generate your own leads for your own business those leads will be much more targeted and you will find you have a much higher conversion rate from lead to sale to sign up and that's what you want. Buying leads is NOT the only way to grow your MLM and it's by far NOT the easiest way. Keep reading and a whole new world leverage network marketing will be revealed to you.

Myth #3: You Can't Build A Network Marketing Business Using The Internet

Many think this way and say the internet is not personal enough to be used effectively in building a relationship with your prospect. This is false many that claim it can't be done simply don't know how to do it and they hadn't met anyone who had so in their eyes it wasn't possible. Well it is possible to grow a network marketing organization online and anyone that tells you it isn't probably has not done it or has not done it effectively. The Internet is a personal medium and true relationships can be built online and I know because I've now done it and I can show you how. Think about the issue of the internet and whether or not it's a personal medium like this. Do you keep in contact with friends and family via email? That's personal right? Well that means this online medium can and has been used to create personal relationships and business growth online.

Myth #4: Build It & Let It Run

When you're first introduced to leveraged residual income producing businesses the first thought that enters your mind is if I just get a couple people and they just get a couple people maybe this thing will work and maybe you'll be able to just sit back and watch it all happen as you income continues to grow .That's NOT how it works. The truth is most people never do anything or give up before they see success. You get people in and then they either just sit there or they quit.

You fight a never ending battle of out recruiting attrition to meet the status quo and that's not what you signed up for. The reasons for this happening vary wildly, but it can be boiled down to this: Either they were not taught the right things to do or they were not given the proper leverage for success.

There are ways to literally recruit a few people and have duplication and success take over, but it's going to take a lot of leverage to create such a situation and I'll explain what I mean by this in full detail as we continue.

Myth #5: Recruiting More People Is How You Make Money

Many people in the network marketing industry get laser vision on recruiting and for it they miss out on a huge amount of income. It happened to me. I got my list of leads and I called them and if they didn't join I moved on to the next lead. What a waste! By focusing on only recruiting people I was missing out on a lot of income. What I mean is I had generated a huge list people interested in starting a business that I paid for, but the only tool I offered them was my business. By marketing additional resources to your list of prospects you can create huge amounts of income quickly from this valuable resource you've paid in time and money to create other than just your main business. The truth is if you generate your own leads for your own business those leads will be much more targeted and you will find you have a much higher conversion rate from lead to sale to sign up and that's what you want. I will show you how to earn an income in your network marketing efforts regardless of whether or not anyone every joins your business.

Success in Business & make money was my goal when I graduated College in the 90's thru my studies in business economics I looked for and studies business. I want to share with you why many business fail and how you can succeed. http://www.yourownsuccess123.com