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Wednesday, May 14, 2008 

3 Unique Ways To Make Money Using Health Articles With A Twist

Everybody knows the power of article marketing. It is an undispensable tool for any serious marketer or website owner. There simply is no better way to provide good content for users and also be rewarded with traffic, the life-blood of any enterprise on the internet. And marketing health articles is no exception.

That brings to mind the question, "What is the best subject to write on?" While not an easy answer, one of the most searched subjects on the internet is anything health-related. Health articles are in huge demand. There is an almost limitless need for health related information on the the internet.

If health is a great area to concentrate writing articles on, how do I maximize my efforts to drive traffic to my website?

After all, you have at least 2 purposes in writing an article; one is to provide good content, the other is to use that article as a vehicle to drive traffic to your own website.

The first answer is to provide a really high-quality article. It must be backed by research and written in an interesting, yet informative manner. Because of the quality of this article, it should be picked up by the Search Engines and is more likely to be read by surfers. Some refer to this as "Bum Marketing". A simple process that involves writing targeted articles and submitting them to the article directories. You then get to use the benefit of the increased traffic to monetize your site.

While this has been proven to be a very effective strategy, do you realize that there are at least two other ways that involve the use of a health article, but with a twist?

The second way involves the use of audios. How can audios be used? I thought this article is about articles, not audio. It is, but with a twist. The audio actually sends traffic to the article. The easiest way is to offer free simple health audios that involve your specific subject matter and then, provide a link to the article that you have on your website. A short health article will be okay as well, it doesn't have to be a long novel.

Finally, the third method focuses on using video. What does video have to do with articles? Another valid question. The shortest answer is to say YouTube. The idea is to take a simple medical video, post it on You Tube with a link back to your site. The video is viewed on YouTube (or any number of other video-centric sites) and the viewer will follow the link back to your site with the health article of your chosen subject on it. In theory, each could actually drive traffic to the other, by adding a link on your site article back to the health video that you have posted.

So, as you can see from this brief overview, there are at least 3 unique ways to use health articles, videos and audios, to drive traffic to your site. It can be one of the easiest strategies to employ. For those with limited-time, there are many content providers that will produce articles, videos and audios on a Private Label basis. A word of caution here. Only use health articles, audios and videos, that are produced by licensed medical individuals. This insures that only factual and accurate information is being used by your sites.

Learn more about health article marketing by visiting http://www.medicalcontentsolutions.com, a popular website that offers health article marketing tips, advice and resources to include information about health article marketing for both new and advanced marketers.