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Tuesday, May 13, 2008 

Seven No No's To Article Marketing

Today, having your articles available for other ezine publishers and webmasters is one of the strategies in building a massive amount of pre-qualified visitors to your website.

In order to have your articles picked up and massively distributed by others, there are seven no nos not to make.


Have your article proofed by others. Also, you might want to be sure that you have clearly defined paragraphs. Nothing is worse than a massive amount of text with 20 run-on sentences.

Readers often 'scan' your article, and no longer read articles in depth. Then you want snack size bites of information that can be easily digested also known as "info-snacking."

Use your same voice throughout the entire article. If you are writing in the first person (I, me) or the second person (you, we, us) or the third person (they, them, he, she) dont deviate, stay in one voice for the entire article. Not keeping the same voice can make a reader shy away; it can make the article unprofessional and hard to read. This looks unprofessional and be frustrating to the reader.


If you are that good and know you are, there is no reason to fill the body of the article with razzmatazz, gratuitous links to your site or flagrant self-promotion. Readers are smart and will see right through you.

Its better to only sell or pitch your company in the RESOURCE BOX below the body of the article. According to some research I've done the resource box often gets a 3% click through rate. Take advantage of that and not sell in the body of the article.


For a minute put yourself in the shoes of the reader's and ask "What does this article offer me?" Research what your reader wants by doing surveys with your own audience or give keyword search engine research a shot to find what people are really searching for.


Use creativity and imagination throughout the article. This will allow readers to enjoy what you have to say much more. Plant your feet and dig in on a narrow topic. Define it, explain it and relate to it. Add your own secret or expertise that you have relating to the topic. Be original in your topic, remaining on a narrow focus but in a way that is unique.


Headlines are often the initial reason why someone might read your article. Don't be boring. Somewhat entertain your audience, use your imagination. If you have a dull headline or a boring introduction to the article readers will most likely move on to something else. Keep it simple and make it brief. Use keyword research tools to optimize your article title.


Make your articles informative but also entertaining. This allows the reader to be fully interested and really enjoy it. For instance, take an instructional article on fixing the toilet. Saturday morning is here, we all know that this is something that has to be done not a question of if you want to. While getting ready to start this project you will think of at least seven different things you could be doing and now you are very annoyed. Step by step articles are good for instructional purposes but a little flare never hurt. If the person fixing the toilet can find some humor in it then it makes for a much better and maybe smoother project.


The RESOURCE BOX is your pay-off for giving your article up for free, but don't abuse the welcome mat by including an overwhelming amount of website addresses. Stick with one website URL or two at the most and your article may find a higher distribution rate. A strategy is to have a domain name registered for every affiliate program that you pitch and include the domain name that rewrites or refreshes to your affiliate link. This is looks and is much more professional.

The key to successful article marketing is using the most appropriate keywords. To learn more about how to do Keyword Research, please go to http://www.squidoo.com/instantauthoritysites/. Besides using the right keywords for your online success, eventually you'd like to be able to set up authority sites that can dominate your niche. Learn more about How To Set Up High PR Instant Authority Sites Fast And Easy here.